Spinning: "Ai Xiao De Yan Jing" - Vivian Hsu Ruo Xuan
Okie, haven finished or barely even started my Biz Law...so shit sia...fuck la...y always have all these fucking tests. Will get to it soon. As in literally SOON if you understand what I mean. Am so damn full...had steamboat and teppanyaki at home for dinner. As usual...its quite sumptious n delicious. Gotta think of the fact that my hardly even do all these. Its prob like once in every 2 months but hell who cares? I enjoyed the dinner so much.
Before dinner, met up with a friend. My god...words can't describe wad I feel right now. Muahahaha....think I am going bonkers anytime soon. Okie dunno wad to write. Loads to sae but can't seem to pen down anything here. Haix....wonderful dae but now must go back study...Sian sia...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 5/29/2005 07:10:00 PM |
No mood...No mood...
Spinning: "Never Be The Same Again" Mel C feat. Lisa "Left-Eye" Lope
Haix, so unnaturally of me to stay home on a Sat night. LoLx....But wad to do I am so not in the mood to go out. Because someone cancel the night to go out with me. The after that no mood to go liao. Alot started pouring in to ask me go pubbing n clubbing but well just no mood lor. Sorry ah...Gene n Louis. And to Neo for askin me out for a movie I think. Couldn't remember a single thing on who ask me out to where. LoLx...kinda no mood and well am broke too. LoLx...bought too much things this month liao. Not to mention hafta study for my Biz Law test on this following Monday. Really suxs big time.
Biz Finance test yesterday was a real big time sucker. Didn't know what formula to apply so I guessed pretty much am gonna flunk that fucking test. But who cares, Im not the only one. Haha....The most just pass up stupid tutorials to that oldie can liao. Fuck off sia...
Met Pris yesterday. My bestest gal Pal...wads wrong with u? Stressed with sch ah...face got pretty scarred because of pimples. Dun keep poking n squeezin those zits la....Anyway though u put on a bit weight. U still look as beautiful as usual n pls minus the powder or rather put less of it. U looked a modern Geisha. LoLx...
So sick of sch now. Still hafta do project on Monday. The last at the moment before sch closes n we getta enjoy the 2weeks break. Haix....Still under simple confusion when it comes to love. Sumtimes how I wished I could remain single. Someone claim to like me now...but right now...I am not in the MOOD FOR LOVE. Dun ask y...Due to confusion. Let me sort things out first. Maybe am not prepared to have one right now. I fucking dunno. Haix....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 5/28/2005 09:16:00 PM |
Umbilical Cord is So Tight
Spinning: "Broken" - Seether feat. Amy Lee / "Goin' Crazy" - Natalie
Been quite some time since I last blogged. Haix...so confused. Well first thing first, itch seems to subside but it still itch real bad at times. A blog is an internet diary but after reading a classmate's blog. It seems to ponder to me that this blog will never b pvt, there's no way u r gonna voiced out ur displeasure of someone and to write some emotional/pvt stuffs. But well who cares, not like most of them know the existence of my blog anyway.
Been caught in a love triangle. I supposed I am...argh...dunno wad to do. Read the email yesterday. Haix...think I hurt the person...how deep did I hurt this person I have absolute no idea but just that the email was rather saddening. Haix...wad am I supposed to do I mean its no choice. Complicated stuffs...aint gonna scribble much here. Too pvt. Just take it I like someone and I gotta be honest with myself. Shouldn't be in a state of confusion. Argh. Feeling real succky...someone talk to me. How I wished someone understand what I am going and talkin bout. Argh Argh Argh....
Cold war ended which is quite cool though still dun talk much to my parents. It will just get worst if more talkings are involved. Dad asked bout how I fare for my driving test. Wanted me to go to the next level by learning how to drive now. Quite ccool. Tot of talking bout that with him but since my Dad asked me bout it so its kinda settled. Not so soon but soon after I do wadeva is needed during the wkends. Am pretty much tired and stressed out by love thingy and sch. School really suxs...This is the 6th weeks and yearning for my 2weeks break so much. Haix...gonna plan something to do though. Ought to. Haix... But one thing to be glad is that my shoes no longer hug to my feet anymore. Clever me to pull my socks a bit higher though I never like the idea especially since I am wearing ankle socks but for the sake of my feets I gotta do that.
Skipped French class today. Was really pretty tired and wad can I say. Defiant. First time I decided to just skipped something to go home and sleep and to study for tomorrow's stupid Biz Finance test. Oldie said must passed or else have to hand up tutorial works. Aint gonna do that lor..that would further tightened the invisible umbilical cord ard me. Pretty much stressed out with life. Its to the max really. Wanna escaped reality but where can I run to? Get myself drunk again? Down my sorrows with such child's play?
Someone answer me? Nid to talk...really nid that. Has to settle the relationship thing. Sometimes I feel I should just stay single and things should be fine. Prob a typical young boi infatuation. Wouldn't last long. Gotta convinced myself that single is good. Single over rules everything.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 5/26/2005 10:16:00 PM |
Itchy..Itchy...But Had Fun
Spinning: "We Belong Together" - Mariah Carey
Argh..itchy...itchy whole bod start to itch. Dunno wads happening lor...Mutating...Dunno la...but really damn itchy lor...its the whole bod, butt la, body, everywhere single part of a guy. Sian...must be either the Red Wine? Long Island Tea? Something Cocaine? Cranberry Vodka? or the one piece of Chocolate at MOX...shit....So itchy lor. First time went to a pub and drank something so strong. Didn't go high but could feel that I was literally drunk. Muahahaha....lucky my friend was with me control me from getting high. Damn shouldn't have drink Long Island Tea cos too strong. Knew it was strong but still finished the whole glass. Die sia. Haha...kinda flirted with someone but ssshhhsss....dun ask dun tell...muahahaha. Haha had fun though but this kinda places quite sleazy type one lor....haha...Anyway after that left ard close to 2 and went to club. That is like even worst but my drunkardness kinda wore off....didn't really like dancing cos dunno how to dance mah...but that friend was feeling kinda low then i gotta pull him down the dance floor to dance. Haix...so he can forget bout the unpleasant issue. But anyway had a fun load of time if not for the itchiness....argh so itchy..if still not ok tomorrow planning to see doc liao. Argh so sad...tests liao this type of probs...barely could sleep wan to vomit also cannot vomit haix...feeling suxs sia...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 5/22/2005 03:59:00 PM |
Farkin Shit Shoes
Spinning: "When You Tell Me That You Love Me" - American Idol 4 Finalists
So farking tired lor...these few days also dunno wads wrong. So suay ah...one is in life or rather confusion in life. Aint gonna elaborate much on that. Muahaha kinda too personal liao. My friend called and email me all the time and I still have not replied see how busy and well confused I am...Muahahaha...Anyway, damn shoes that I bought. So farking pain lor...keep rubbing onto my feet lor...dunno should wear or not but damn painful. Size is right but the material fark sia....so painful...later going to a pub called Mox with a friend. Dun even know whether should wear that or not when it keeps rubbing...limping all the way lor wherever I am. Haix....so sian sia...So broke liao...muahaha...that day friend still ask me go eat Ding Tai Feng...chey nothing fantastic n special would rather go Crystal Jade or Spageddies eat lor. Haix...regret...Cold war or has the cold war ended with my parents today? Started talkin to my dad only. Should I asked bout the driving now? Since I passed the basic liao. Should I asked then I can straightaway book and go learn how to drive!!! Should I should I????? Haix sian ah...so many probs to think bout...so much to talk about. Guessed gonna do that later unless the pub thing is still on la. Nid someone to talk to....Hmphhh....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 5/21/2005 03:47:00 PM |
Spinning: "Baby I Love You" - Jennifer Lopez
Yipeee....today no sch...all classes cancelled lor biz law the lecturer sick no voice and market management lecturer on course. So slept late and wake up late. Anyway so boring nothing to do lor....except was talking on the phone with my friend for so damn long. Kinda angry lor...cos he said the wrong things lor but wad can I do also. Haix....he's my friend lor...but then went out with Eugene again. Muahahaha, bought the shoes that I want liao. Heart ache cos its $70 and its not that cheap lor but then I kinda like it. Eyeing for quite some time liao not to mention I wanna get another one more pair of PONY's shoes. This time abit cheaper. Muahahaha $40 or $50 only. Haix...dunno should get or not. Kinda fallen in love with that brand. Not many people have also ma...So its still okie. Muahahaha...Came back ard 7plus and had nothing to do and gotta work on the Biz Finance tutorial and its so tough like shit. Dun even know wad our group presenting on. But well who gives a damn la...can't be bothered with that have much more better stuffs to think bout. Anyway, guessed wad...received my Basic Theory Results....and I passed lor...but then still on cold war with damn parents. Don't even wanna talk to them lor...now can go and learn how to drive liao. But see how la...if have mood then talk to them or else just Fark off lor....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 5/18/2005 11:06:00 PM |
School Suxs....
Spinning: "Hole In The Head" - Sugababes
F man...so damn sleepy. Throat feeling real sore and am feeling weak. Guessed Im gonna fall ill soon. Sick ah....throat is really damn dry and pain. Well couldn't do anything since I tried eating Pi Pa Gao liao last night. Haix...sian didn't had much sleep also...stupid car opposite my hse kept honking at ard 4am then my neighbour dog start barking non-stop. Like literally non-stop until like the real wee hours thatit finally stopped. Got really little rest and today is the worst day of sch. 3 breaks in between and sch only ends at 8pm. Suxs today there would be the ICT presentation. Sian ah....wore the khaki jeans with black Adidas sneakers. N well it turns out looking wierd. All the more it gives me a reason to get the PONY shoes. Muahaha....Who cares la...shall get it tomorow la since there is no sch tomorrow. Yippeee....time for celebration but guessed will help out my friend's Dad with some work la. Say wanna pay me but so paiseh, not nice like that so I volunteer out of free will no nid pay la. Since I'm free anyway can also lose the excess flab, the one that start to get attached to my body last night cos I slept early after eating. Muahahaha....But dunno can wake up or not...haix...9am must reached NUS but lucky stay very near him. Both of us Siglap area!!! and well since he's my good friend so shall obliged to help la. Then out we go to get the shoes at Suntec la. So careless today, chose not to eat Malay food cos of throat and sick of it. I still end up staining my t shirt because it came into contact with the damn dirty table and stained it. Brought extra T but dunno should I changed. Haix.....Sian ah...See how later la...Anyway, gonna slack now and listen to music and wait for the next lesson to start la. Siannnn.....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 5/18/2005 05:41:00 AM |
Long Damn Tired Day
Spinning: "Hold You Down" - Jennifer Lopez feat. Fat Joe
Long damn day today...didn't had anything much to do too. Had 5hrs long break. Thats the worst out of the whole week. Anyway, was waiting for my "friend" to call me but ended up I calling. Stupid right. Tell me everyday call me will disturb me sia when Im more than happy to chat lor. Argh...stupid "friend". Stayed back at sch during the long 5hrs break. Had to do some touched up on the ICT project. Finally, tomorrow is the presentation liao...So damn stressed but at the same quite happy also...cos finally all projects are complete except one that has to be handed up on June. Anyway...lala...who cares lor...f projects la now time to rest lor....
I think I really lazy pig sia...yesterday supposed to meet my friend to go and get the PONY shoes but then ai~yo he la...if go its like I purposely make him go since he cancelled his appointment with Toni & Guy!!! Suxs nvm wed then go n get. Whole day so damn tired. Reached home slept from 8pm-1.30am. Really pig sia...supposed to wake up to watch "Desperate Housewife" but ended up aking up only at 10.30pm then just decided to forgo and continue to sleep. Hahga...woke up only at 1.30am out of unwillingness to do my ICT speech. Talk on the phone with Eugene since he called me ard 11plus. Then talk to my brothers and found out that my mum crazily lied to me lor. Still have the cheek to ask me to ask my brother as he is her alibi to proved that when I called back home on Sun she was sleeping. Stupid la...she always does the same stupid thing lor. Anyway, 2nd day of cold war and I dun really give a damn. Need to go back to be pig liao...left lyke only 2 hrs plus before sch starts. Suxs suxs suxs...nid to be hug to sleep ah....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 5/17/2005 06:30:00 PM |
What Kind Of Friend Are You
You Are A Fun Friend |

You're the one who keeps your group laughing And you've always got an idea for something fun to do The party's not complete without you And you wouldn't miss it for the world |
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 5/17/2005 02:44:00 PM |
Spinning: "If You Don't Know Me By Now" - LaToya London
Did my ICT project till late at night thus woke up late to meet my team mates. Haha so guilty of that all the time. Really think I am is a big fat lazy pig lor. Reached her place around 2pm and did the project till 5pm. So sian lor...its like 5566 done and tomorrow gotta work on it with my other 2 team mates to work on it while the rest had other projects to do. Dun really mind cos I didn't do much work also. Muahaha...m guilty la I know but what can I do. *Evil* Left at 5 and went to meet my buddy, Eugene. That crazy "irritating" guy made me wait for him again when he say he wouldn't. Haix...but well lucky he bought that denim jacket. Gonna borrow it one day if I can go San Francisco. Muahaha...Am planning am planning no one can stop me not even my parents okay. Hate them anyway, they sucks. Muahaha cos I quarrelled with them yesterday. Had dinner at Sakae with Eugene. Consider "sumptious" la since it 1-1 meal for UOB cardmembers. So it was haha CHEAP!!!! Love the soft shell crab there but Spageddies located at Paragon one is nicer. It has cheesy flavor. N they have 1-1 meal probably will be treatin my aunt to it on Thurs ba. Muahaha....Anyway, went shoppin around but on tight budget la...didn't buy anything though I sooo wanted. Haix but forget it. Saw this PONY shoes...man its so nice lor...feel lyke getting it tomorrow. Muahaha...A bit ex but its nice and I really think I need another pair. Thats the reason I'm gonna give to myself to convince myself that I really need a pair of shoes liao. Walk ard til so late and my aunt call. As expected...my mum talked to her la. Bingo lor...even wad I know she wanna talk and tell me bout. So long never had a heart to heart talk with her liao lor. Feel she is more understanding than my parents but well afterall she is still not my flesh and blood mother though I look up to her lyke my 2nd mummy. Haix...it feels so good to have someone understand u and talk until cry. So paiseh...cry on the train with my friend beside me. 18yrs old liao still cry. Haix....Encounter something irritating lor...this one stupid lao chee ko peh...trying to act young or wadeva die hair lyke youngster wear clothes lyke punkster like that....keep lookin at me at Muji at Bugis...F him sia...tell my friend he just passed it off saying no lor...then i try to test...take one file and pretend to look at the price look from the side he still starrin...f him sia...later walk off n saw him at another part of Bugis he stop n figure who i am and stare again...really wanna dig his damn f***ing eyes out sia. F him lor...Anyway the most interesting part is not on my outing but more on wad happened after I reached home.
I quarrelled with my damn parents lor...unreasonable always think they are always right people lor. Though argued la, I told them said if I working liao, I gonna go San Francisco or anywhere I want and like lor. No one gonna stop me even my mum. No matter how worried she's gonna be that can't stop me. My dad also said the same thing if I want to travel alone, it means that I am independent liao. Can take care of myself. And as long as they dun ve to fund a single thing. Maybe my words did made some impact...dunno la...cos I said even stay in Singapore I may just met with a car accident and die the next day dun ve to wait all the way to San Francisco. Anyway, now is the beginning of cold war and all these started by my mum la...because of one simple thing. Dunno her la...anyway cold war started not gonna say anything to them lor not to mention even meet them face to face or eyes to eyes lor.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 5/16/2005 01:22:00 AM |
What Are The Keys To Your Heart
The Keys to Your Heart |
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. |
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored. |
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change. |
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic. |
Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets. |
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. |
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. |
In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. |
What Are The Keys To Your Heart?
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 5/14/2005 02:55:00 PM |
Fun Day...
Spinning: "1 Thing (Remix)" - Amerie feat. Fabolous
Okie, new blog...yipee...haha...gotta changed the whole outlook but that damn blog seems to be havin some probs. Couldn't do a f***ing thing so just change to one simple one la. With a pic of the Holy Jesus. Don't ask me why I chose this ain't really a Christian and neither do I really believe in Jesus. Just kinda lyke the dark background and dark side of it so I chose it la. And mainly, it suitable for guys too. Lazy to browse thru the whole of Blogskin.com insearch of new ones. Muahaha...Lazy pig born to be one also. Haha...Just got home not too long ago. Crashed at my Gene's place after sun tanning at Sentosa. The sun tanning is good but dun seem to see any effect of any tan lines. That sucks but will be going back to Sentosa next week again. This time I will make sure I shall get tanned n to wear something inside the boardshorts. Paiseh, that the boardshort so loose inside olso never wear anything [but neva drop la so can't see a thing]. Muahaha...cheeky sia...Anyway, wanted to go clubbing with my friend after dinner at HarborFront but well ended up that we r so tired that we just crashed out at his place to watch some VCDs la. Had a great time but am so f***ing tired and shagged. Wanna catch some sleep but can't, promised to be out with my friend to Bugis and Marina. Am so guilty that I have not done my tutorial works and ICT project. Gotta start working on my work soon and to stop spending money cos I freakingly spent over $150 liao...bought jeans and a singlet for my friend [u know who u r (7th July)] during the pvt sales held at Isetan and got my friend to get me stuffs from Australia...in just a single day I spent that much. Must start to save or else sure end up bankrupt ah. Haix..anyway back to doin my work liao...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 5/14/2005 01:43:00 PM |
*thinks im fat all e time
*strictly luv Meiji or Daisy Milk only!!
*can only tolerate short hair!!!!
*i'll shut up when im stressed up
*very klutzy
*very bitchy
*i always say things i shouldnt say and at the wrong time
*i love even number only
*i think alot..really..{and its scary}