Am Back My Dears...
Spinning: "Someday (I Will Understand)" - Britney Spears
Phew, am so fucking tired....body aching....miz me long never heard anything juicy from me liao....Wad to do? I purposely want to make you guys wait one....I dun wan you guys to know anything bout me anymore....I feel that there is no privacy cos all these eyeful eyes are constantly watching at me. Especially YOU-KNOW-WHO-SHOULD-NOT-BE-NAME. Muahahahah....Voldermort....There i say it nd so wad am I gonna die or be scarred forever with a lightning strike like the fictious Harry Potter. *L-A-M-E*
Anyway, am really just so busy and tired....its bout exam time soon and well I really just couldn't find any time to blog lor....But am pretty happy from where I left from. You know caught a number of movies like Crashed and Sin City (OMG...u should watched Sin City lor....cannot watch R21 movie...people learn from me sneak in to watch la) its real good man but the butt really will be damn pain. Haha....alot of stuffs happen to me la....Well alot of nice stuffs I guess. My friend say want to groom me to become the next "Superstar" by saying wanting to bring me to go gym to buff up, put on a little more weight and to force me to LIFT WEIGHTS. OMG weights poor boney lift weights again. But my arms no longer thin thin muscles liao...Haha...Shih Ru, u come back I show u okie....
This month, I think I am quite a spend thrift lor....Bought so much stuffs and treatin people. Treat Nelson to Cafe Cartel that day. And haha and shopping therapy, I bought a nice Diesel n Nike Tees that cost me $80. Bought CDs for Nelson's birthday for like $50 plus lor. Piang...Just shoot me can anyone? I am so broke. Anyone nid "young fresh bois" for a one night full of fun and companionship. Strictly open only to Shih Ru n Shariann the 2 single ladies. I charged very cheap one only $100 a nite. Can last all day somemore....You know what I mean...can last all dae....To those eprverted ones u might just want to skip this part cos I am referrin to talking all note long. U think wad? Sex all nite long. Haha....Anyway, also met Julie's bf when he came back for a few days. So sweet of Julie, she got me an AX tee. Sweet right but that 38 girl not coming back. Haix....but well another collection of tees. LoLx....The bf also not so bad looking least both Weni n I think better looking in person than foto.
Regarding bout school works....this sem seems to be going on smoothly for me. Initially tot wouldn't do well for Biz Finance, surprisingly got a B overall acing in my project with a big fat A. We r the only darn group to achieve that. Thank you! Thank you! Where's all the imaginary applause? LoLx...So dun really nid to study so hard just to get a passing mark lor. EFMA also did no bad...acing in the first ICA and the project with another big fat juciy A. ICT also not so bad...the last project got a big fat A too. Muahahaha...just luv the groups Im wif. Thank you...without them we would not churn out an A. But anyway French first half got a B so it was well worth it but flunk at the second half. Muahahaha....who cares....But anyway, this sem hopefully will b able to do well and excel and no nid to resit any papers especially Biz Law which i only managed a just pass effort. So everybody pray for me yeah. Having exams next week.
Then last week fell ill. Exam time fall sick which is pretty bad actually. Today, I think that I am also falling sick. My body dun feel good. Haix...dunno wad to say. Muahahaha....dunno wads wrong...maybe too stress or lack of sleep. Or maybe i guessed I ate someting wrong today...(KFC AMK) anything wrong must go back to settle wif them....Wow court case? Phew...ya rite...the most just go c doc and take MC...yipee....So sick as I continue to write this entry. Dun wanna disappoint my loyal fans....LoLx....
Anyway...yea shariann am lookin forward to aug 14 yeah....for u and ur great news. Haha...your never-ending Zhen Qing TV serial. Now moving the set to Esplanade and Indochine liao ah....NOt bad...bigger production cost but there might be sparks flying ard too. its pretty good. Awaiting to see how its gonna be like.
Later dudes...
*Anyway Happy Birthday to all the July Babies Yeah:
1) Sean
2) Mummy
3) Yaz
4) Weni
Haf a fun, fab and blasting day!
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 7/26/2005 05:30:00 PM |
July...Wad an incredible Month
Spinning: "Yu Guo Tian Qing"/"Xiang Jian Ni" - Wu Ying Liang Ping
Hmmm....this whole week doesn't feel great at all. Also dunno y. Lately, been finding Shari-Ann for quite a number of days to talk. To pass time I guessed. Nothing to do at homeeither. Its so boring to go sch now. Not to mention, another 3 more weeks exam liao. Fuck fast lor.....
Past weeks, got back some of my ICA results. Some did well some didn't la. So natural lor. But who fucking gives a damn. Now dun ve the mood to even bothe rbout it. Change alot liao hor. LoLx....feel dat I did quite well for EFMA n Financial Services and nid improvements for my Biz Finance and my Biz Law....Didn't really do wel; but still overall pass all la. LoLx....not to mention today got back Biz Finance project. Oldie today say that she gives alot groups 0 marks for dunno this section and that section all these. Initially, tot sure die one lor cos afterall I dun think we would do well int he first place. She say only 1 group get A and 2 or 3 groups get B n the rest all C. No confident in our work but guessed wad, we are the group which got A. Happy sia....I mean afterall my group put in alot of hardwork. Went to consult lecturers bout load of stuffs. So its a well deserve one though I dun really think that its a great project we did anyway. LoLx.....
So sian, I tell u....whole week do nothing. Come home, eat and sleep. Not to mention go sch, eat and sleep. Nowadays, there is long breaks in between. Dunno y also. Next week also. Everytime eat liao go n sleep then stomach will start to get bloated up. Then will ged fat also. Hate sch and hate the fucking timetable.
My dad ask mi when I holiday, ask me go n take my driving license. Tot it would be a good idea. Utilized the entire 2 months to learn and obtain my driving license. But then been thinking alot also. I wan to work to earn extra income like that I can buy stuffs that I want. Dunno leh. If start new sem, sure cannot work one lor since I wouldn't have holidays not to mention, everyday end sch at 6pm. How to work sia. So fucking irritated right now. Dunno wad should I do also. haix......
Dunno wad this month ------> July actually represents man. Its so wierd. Seems to me a month of people falling in love and get jilted at the same time. Stupid one lor...Why people are like so childish one lor. Like each other dun tell each other. So many people lor. All those I know...haix yo so fan and sian right. Not to mention, alot tell me their problems bout relationship. thing is that I dun understand. Never been into a relationship before, y everybody talking to me. And i seem to be some relationship guru or wadeva, seem to understand their problem quite well ah. LoLx....Maybe i got the playboy look or the Tao Hua look. Everybody I know....or rather ALL and I repeat ALL the girls. All kena say that I either like them or they like me. Or me and dunno who n who together and stead. Or this particular havin a crush on me. Or BFs and so-called bfS (WHICH THEY CALL THEMSELVES WHEN NOT OFFICIAL) all say I have a thing for their girl or that one dae theior gal may like me. Fuck u la...have some confidence wif ur girls la....they are not dun keep linking me to ur poor network of relationship. Not to mention, I aint and never was a 3rd party in any relationship though 2 couples claim I was. Fuck u wadeva u think wadeva u say. I cant stop u since thats ur brain and ur stinking mouth.
Guess tmr I going to dunno wad club with my friends ba........Nid to down my sorrows....But do I haf one in the first place? Hmmm.....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 7/08/2005 01:00:00 PM |
A Day Out
Spinning: "Bad Day"/"Free Yourself" - Daniel Powter/ Fantasia Barrino
Wee...went out with Shariann n Kat yesterday to Orchard. But met up with Shriann first cos we worried that we may not have enough time to shop if we are meeting Kat at 4.30. we went to Suntec, City Link and Marina Square. Pretty boring lor. I can sae these places are rather pretty boring. Nothing great to buy at all. NOTHING...GSS leh...come on all these shops be hyper enuff and flaunt all your great stuffs out and just fucking sell them at a cheap price can or not.
Though we never got anything, Shariann n I had strawberry and raspberry cheesecake from Secret Recipe. It was not so bad but I still think the Oreo Cheesecake is better and that Coffee Bean's Triple Decker Cheesecake is alot better than Secret Receipe's that 2 cheesecake we ate. They aint cheap but we did enjoyed the cakes. Actually going out with Shariann aint as bad as I tot...muahaha...cos it kinda feels so weird to be out with Shriann then dunno wad to do right. But god...u cannot imagine wads its like to be wif her. We just can't stop yanking n talking lor. Prob we know each other's friends at sch and stuffs so it pretty help clear a path and way for us ba. Am i right Shariann?
After that went to meet Kat liao....saw Weni n we joined them or they joined us. Dunno la...but we are together can liao la. Parted when we wanted to go Zara. Muahahaha....finally found the size I wan from there liao. Got myself a berms. wanted to get one for quite some time liao. Got the size I tried the day before. But am pretty glad that I got something. LoLx....wanted to get another long sleeve t-shirt one but they said its not nice. So I didn't get....Haix...but I tot it was pretty nice leh. Anyway, Shariann n I each got one stuffs from there. LoLx....continue to shop shop ard but there seems to be nothing to buy for my case but Shariann bought a tube top and I guessed its for the eyes of Ken. Hahaha....but I am so honoured to be the first guy to see her in tube top first liao. Hahaha...
After that, went to haf dinner at Pasta Cafe. Stupid manager lor. He say we can't enter provided everybody was there lor. Wad a fucking management right. First time I heard such stuffs lor. Crazy sick arsehole. We are actually waiting for Desmond. Shriann's classmate to arrived after work. We were there from ard 6.45 like that la...and we waited until 7.15 like that but we are still waiting for him lor. People behind us were all allowed to enter and only us...waiting outside like idiots like that. Like the management dun wan to do our biz and we standing outside pleaing to enter. Fuck them la....Queue behind us started to grow...u cannot imagine. A small pasta cafe the queue so damn fricking long. Terrible sia....until I must say I am partially irritated by the services of the fricking management I decided to increase my noise volume by saying "We have been waiting here since 6.40" then Shariann instigate me to say louder since the manager or whoever he is is behind me only. And I actually repeat it louder and I think he found it amusing or wadeva or out of pity he let us in and ask us to order our food first. LoLx...this method works all the time I guess. LoLx....before that when he say table for 3 we didn't know whether he was referrin to us or the lady behind us. I can tell u she was also amused cos she was smiling n laughing to herself. A bit sort sort one la she...haha...
Ordered our stuffs and then finally Desmond arrived. Whew, we are all so hungry lor. But then am glad he came finally but we are so nice to eat only after his came. LoLx....then we started our feast. It was not bad but the fish and chip the fish is so damn fricking small and pathetic. I think Fish n Co one is so much better also. But it was not bad, not so bad....LoLx...enjoyed the sumptious dinner. least not Sakae anymore. Hahaha...
Thenw e took some fotos. Did brought my digi cam. LoLx...some turned out nice some dun la...Thats wad I think but cannot stand is that the lady and her 2 guy friends they kept looking out way and smiling and laughing. A bit erm irritating lor. Y can't she be immersed in the converstaion with her friends and stop starring at us. Its rather embarassing and I always broke into laughter when she and her friends keep looking at us when we r bout to take fotos lor...Siao one lor they all....Remind me to send u the pics alrite. Tend to be quite forgetful one...Then after dinner, seperate from Desmond. Shop shop a bit then we left for home with me meeting my friend for a while at Bishan. Haha...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 7/03/2005 04:07:00 PM |
Crazy, Idiot, Siao
Spinning: "No, No, No" (Part 2) -Destiny's CHild feat. Wyclef Jean
Had a hair cut today. Was pretty relieved cos I think I really couldn't stand long hair. Okie my defination of long may differ from others but I know what is the meaning of long and not long okie. Waited 1month 3 weeks before I had a hair cut so I guessed its pretty alrite ba. LoLx....
Reached there ard 2pm then tot if I was to pop down at 2, it would be quite bad and that if Cloe's mummy have other customers, I would have to wait so I went to Times to look at magazines lor. When it was 2.30pm I decided to go down. True enough, there was a customer and I waited for almost 1 hour before I had my hair cut. Waiting part was really so sian lor. Couldn't stand it. Not to mention my hair cut though is short....kinda like it but then I dun kinda like the part where she repeated that management raise 30% of the rent price so she has to raise too. Okie, I have heard that somewhere someday before but y must she repeat again. If I mind I wouldn't have come here to cut liao. LoLx....
But wad is pretty shocking is that she actually raise $10 on top of the normal $15 she collected from us student. Pretty steep rite the price. Anyway, had not much of a regret cos I told everybody that I just wanted to come here to cut for the last time to see how much she raise the price. Hahaha.....Guess I won't be going there again liao...I am gonna drag my brother away from there also liao. I would rather scout for another salon that is cheaper. I mean its kinda ridiculous to raise $10 at one time. If u wanna raise, you shouuld raise it slowly so your customers are mentally prepared u know. But anyway, aint going back after so many months of patronizing. Maybe could go back Ginrich or any other salons or just a barber shop ba. See how lor....
After that went to shop alone. So sian lor...had to wait for Winston who only came ard 7plus with Jia Yi....was so fricking tired, and my legs ache not to mention am hungry. LoLx....but anyway was able to cheng so can la...never complain much excepot we trade bags where I carried his bag n he carried mine. It was so darn heavy for my boney shoulders. LoLx...Never buy anything which was rather surprising lor. Imagine la...there is nothing to buy at GSS leh. Wad the fuck lor....went Zara...tried on a few stuffs but they dun have my size. Most are off-sizes lor....or they dun have 1 size smaller. Shit unlcuky. Sales stuffs are always like that. End the entire unfruitful day with a not so hyper bang.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 7/01/2005 02:53:00 PM |
*thinks im fat all e time
*strictly luv Meiji or Daisy Milk only!!
*can only tolerate short hair!!!!
*i'll shut up when im stressed up
*very klutzy
*very bitchy
*i always say things i shouldnt say and at the wrong time
*i love even number only
*i think alot..really..{and its scary}