Woo...New Day
Spinning: "Don't Lie" - Black Eyed Peas
So So darn tired today. Not training in-store but still feel so tired. Dunno y also. Darn fucking damn big cockroach at my room that I cant sleep at my own cosy room. Fuck rite. Tried to kill that damn cockroach but it ran until where I have no idea. Fuck Fuck Fuck...Today my maid didn't even see a dead cockroach when sweeping the floor. Dunno where I should sleep today again. Take refuge at my brother's room or my own room? Haix...
Went back Broadrick todae with Novie. Changed so much...Erm or rather a lil' bit except most of the teachers all left liao la. LoLx...Had Julie's O Level cert stamped n stuffs then went to eat malay food. Pretty nice to be eating something nice for a change. N its cheap also la. Thats the main reason. LoLx...Glad some of the stall owners still recognised me la. Great right. Haha
Most of the teachers down there whom have taught us remember us la. Which is good except for a few. Probably they are too old liao or I changed so much. All say I lost so much weight. I think partially a good thing. But Novie had to add stuffs to spice it up. LoLx...but then they did say I look good. Which honestly I tell u is great to hear la. Haha...But they say must try to put on a lil bit more weight cos still a bit too thin liao. Mrs Anne Tan, Ms Boey, Ms Mastura, Mr Rahmad etc...Am struggling to put on weight la but how to lor...Not that I dun wan but cannot. Haha...the only place I will grow is my tummy thats all. Haha...The bouncy tummy.
Finally, had my haircut at Heatwave. Not a bad place actually to cut hair. Quite professional and they make u feel at ease. Keep talking to me especially the one cutting my hair. Raymond. Keep yaking n yaking...LoLx...Tell em load of stuffs wad I should actually do. Like I should keep long fringe and keep my hair long at the back. Should also colour my hair cos black like not vibrant then keep long fringe can cover the length of my forehead. Then leave my hair long at the back can cover my long neck. Then tell me styling very easy also. Showed me how and asked me to try this clay product. In the end he tell me wad he wanna do with my hair, I everything almost all object, tell him I wan to cut my fringe short but must still haf fringed, cut side burn off but he say he trimmed it short for me I also okie la. Then tell me now the spikey spikey look in now like the Channel U Superstars one la. Help me do something like theirs cos they always do their hair and for I-Weekly also. Cutting not so bad, service not so bad but they seem to haf spelling problem. LoLx...spell my name n address wrongly. Not to mention, its cheap also. Only $21 to cut better than ah hem the usual person I would head to to haf a haircut. LoLx...
But anyway, Raymond also say that I dun look like Singaporean. Haha...he say my Chinese so perfect doesnt sound like I am local at all. Lately, alot of odd odd people telling me I dun look like I am from Singapore. That day go training, Abel said y do I speak with a slang and tot I was from some Europe country or America. Make my dae man. Haha...so easy happy guy. LoLx....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 8/24/2005 09:47:00 PM |
Bastard Dad...Cheeby Male Chauvinist
Spinning: "Shake It Off" - Mariah Carey feat. Jermaine Dupri
Fucking Bastard...Dad is really a FUCKING BASTARD...Now i can truely understand why Dad are ranked the lowest compared to mums in the world. Fuck him, screw him....just because Im born with a fucking silver spoon doesnt make me rich. On the physical appearance wise, yeah I may look rich but I am fucking poor. Screw that Bastard.
Just because he pays for everything in this damn home...it makes him so great. He fucking thinks that everyone cannot oppose him. Screw him la...cheeby man...He's a real male chauvinist. Just because he pays the newspaper, he has the rite to take it to work with him and only bring back ard 11plus pm. Absurd rite. Just because he bought the TV and DVD player, he has the rights to watch them first. Wadeva he wans to do he must do it. FUCK rite. Wad kind of Dad is that.
In this house, The Dad is always first. And as spouse and childrens they are secondary stuffs. Fuck him...We are only stuffs. We were never humans.
In his fucking little mind, he thinks that by providing to this fucking family is his duty thats all. Cheeby lah. He say spent alot on us. Fuck man wad did he spent? Cheeby. School fees! Measley $250 allowance that you haf to pay for all your additional transport fees, clothes, food, movies, books and sch stuffs. Screw that bastard la. He thinks he is so darn fucking great. Still dare say he scrimp and save alot for us. When did he buy us a single T-Shirt? When did he bring us out for dinner at a restaurant? Fuck him. Never lor...Still dare have the cheek to say he spent alot. Screw that bastard. Parents always and only know how to give excuses thats all. Thats wad they are good for. Fuck them la...Cheeby parents I have.
I wonder wad my grandparents actually taught him man. If they are here, how I wish they could really teach him a good lesson bout life. If he only cares bout himself, so be it. I dun wan to haf anything to do with that bastard. Right now, I just wanna move out. MOVE OUT. Be it my aunt's place or anywhere. Tot of only moving out by the time I complete uni studies, but now as long as I haf the money I will move out. Screw that bastard. Dun wanna haf anything to do with that bastard. Really screw that fucking shit.
Took back everything I bought for him since its pointless to actually leave it there for him to use right. Will never do that to my mum no matter how much how bad we argued cos I love her alot. Since young I hated that bastard. Never really look-up to him as a fatherly figure. Never once cos the hurt he incurred to me is more than the damn fatherly figure he possess. Im so glad I stick to my beliefs that since young I never like him. Anyway Im immune to wad everyone has to say n think bout it since b4 my grandmother's death they noe that I never like my Dad, no matter ho9w much my mum n grandma voice out. Screw that bastard. Wadeva he do is none of my biz. If he wan to tell others bout it so be it. Cos he never has a place in my heart in the first place. Screw that cheeby bastard.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 8/21/2005 06:10:00 PM |
Start Life Anew...Brand New Day
Spinning: "Nothing Hurts Like Love" - Daniel Bedingfield
Back from exams...finally I can breathe a sigh of RELIEF. Honestly, alot of stuffs happen, home, exams, friends and MONEY haha...
Exams pretty much sucks...should haf work harder instead but I was like playing harder. First of all exams really sucks. Its so much worst than last semester. Argh...kong ba haf to go back to take supp papers liao. First time taking supp paper, dunno what the feeling would actually be like. LoLx...like a small young child starting pre-school cant bear to leave the arms of mummy and daddy. Though I remember clearly its my mummy. LoLx...All the wonderful but mostly forgotten childhood memories. Dun really know wad to say but I feel that Financial Services, Marketing management and Biz Law...Hmmm..dunno wad to say but maybe partially I never put in much effort also la. LoLx...And another partial part is all that Eileen Ng's fault but wads more to talk about. She just has to settle everything herself now. Loads of complaining after that damn paper. And aprtially because of that matter with Damen. Dun think was resolved and that has been a hinderance to my studies. My entire brain was that issue and instead of absorbing what I am learning.
Im feeling very empty now. Supposed to start work soon. Why am I feeling so empty? Where are my friends? Friends where have u guys gone to? Mas and Sak my cliques in school...no news...LoLx...till TEP then do we meet. LoLx...Haix...so sad so sad...
ALot of bubbling questions up in my head. Dunno where to start from. Dunno where to end it either. Last fri went to drink with "someone special"...how to claim that the person is someone special when I know her for so damn long years. OMG man...and I am actually doing all these for you know who u are and for wadeva special reasons la. LoLx...and I still owe u a cheesecake yea...Come and ged from me when Im officially working dere since u stay so near too. Okie u know wad happen la so I dun wanna hear u askin me again okie. Oh FUCK man...wad is the drink Bloody Mary all about. Fucking shit liquor it sucks. Should haf listen to you and ordered something that we know of right. But i wanted to try something I haf never tried before. So Bloody Mary u r damn Bloody Disgusting. I think I am getting into a depression I guessed. Haix...why is it that this issue is not resolve yet when this friend has already answered me. Haix...Eski Bar was great. Tot could ged myself tipsy by drinking Long Island Tea but end up I was wrong. Its not strong enough but my cheeks were rosy. Almost got a ticking off from my Dad cos he ask me not to drink too much at such strage place since u might not know wad they might put in ur drink. Drug my drink? Oh pls I tot that only happens to wild girls? LoLx...But anyway we both got to know Andreas...erm a bit wierd n hysterical 23yrs old guy. Super hyper kid too but dunno wad he is blabbering about for the whole entire day. LoLx...and I think or rather we both think that he's interested with ahem...well dun be surprising since you have a playgirl look. LoLx...The way he look at you...erm gif me the creeps cos he wants n nids u badly as a gf...LoLx...and yea Eski bar is a great place with erm nice ambience. LoLx...come on guys let meet up again and start crapping and just haf fun yea...Haha
Attended a party right after my 2nd paper. Incredible rite. Should b home studying but I went instead. I dunno y. Didn't know anyone. Wad The Fuck wanted to left but if not for Damen I would haf already left. Its him who open that damn fucking door. He save me from the clutches of embarassment. Was already writing an sms to the host planning to leave and he brought my shyness away. I became so open and started crapping with the people that I dunno. Didnt know I could pull off like that but i really did. Clap for me ba. Went clubbing after that and promise to leave with Damen but ended up leaving with another friend. Big mistake big mistake. Fuck man...Fuck Fuck Fuck...I ended up destroying a friendship. Fuck Fuck Fuck....dunno wad to say dunno wad to elaborate bout. Haix..this is wad is bothering me so much. Tremendous impact. Fuck.
Anyway...been mugging at home for these past 2 days. Weird rite...been hogging that wadeva inch I know big n huge plasma tv and that DVD player. I was watching Lovers In Paris. A Korean drama. Gif out my secret to you ba. I am a very emotional guy. Was crying yea because of the show and bcos of that issue la. Silly boi rite. Haha..wanna just take off now u know. Want to pack my bag and fly to a no man land. Erm not no man land but rather somewhere where no one I know and vice versa la. LoLx...Haix...so much haf happen.
Let me just relate something I have learnt from that show. Born with a silver spoon but haf someone like those born with a silver spoon ever haf any worries? Do they walk listlessly? No cos they always use money to solve every problems. For me I was doing all the opposite of a silver spoon man. I was walking listlessly and aimlessly. Can't see anything infront of me cos the picture is bleak. Scary. I guess no one has seen me like that before. Really scary. Went for dental appointment yesterday. Doc was talking to me but my mind was not dere. He was askin me a question and I actually never answered. And he answered my question intended for me himself. LoLx...Today went for a swim in hope to forget that issue...my mum was like talking to me I was like in no mood to answer cos I was also thinking bout that issue. Sian ah...
Tat Wee wake up.
Tmr, going for my work training. I believe it would be a perfect bright sunny day. Jia you Tat Wee and well start life anew and fresh. Forget all the unpleasant stuffs and jus haf fun and enjoy.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 8/16/2005 11:57:00 PM |
Spinning: "These Boots Are Made For Walking" - Jessica Simpson
Okie...tot of writing some stuffs down here to let others noe that it is still active. AND i am NOT DEAD but still ALIVE.
Been slacking. Though there's supposed to be 3 days of stupid study break. Been slacking. Haven even finished reading up. Gosh man...someone help me. So much to memorize for Biz Law and my EFMA is only like halfway done. Gosh....someone wake me up from my dreams. Anyone...just smack me.Argh....
Lately realised that Hallmark channel is quite interesting. Caught a few tv mini series like Gracie's Choice and The 5 People You Met In Heaven....and dunno the othe rshow called wad la....pretty awesome and interesting. Really...didnt know they actually sho great tv movies on such a low profile channel. Stupid, they should start advertising more la. All S cable fault...they could increase viewerships. Must protect myself...who knows i might be sued for slandering the company's name....LOLx....boring...aint doin anything...struggling to finished up my Biz Law reading materials up....Haix...
Anyway must get ready soon to leave for dinner with Kay...pretty exciting cos I am still taking my exams liely and looking forward to doing TEP. Muahaha...Later dudes...
And Shariann take care yea...dun forget out date on 14th Aug...can't wait...very excited...
And Shih Ru...pls come back soon...psycho ur KING to allow him to let u come here for a few days la.....
And Kat...all the best for exams too.....
And to everybody taking exams ya good luck though I dunno who u are....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 8/02/2005 04:59:00 PM |
*thinks im fat all e time
*strictly luv Meiji or Daisy Milk only!!
*can only tolerate short hair!!!!
*i'll shut up when im stressed up
*very klutzy
*very bitchy
*i always say things i shouldnt say and at the wrong time
*i love even number only
*i think alot..really..{and its scary}