Spinning: "Because Of You" - Kelly Clarkson
Well loads of stuffs happened in the past few days. Okie aint gonna discuss much. Feel more like a free man now since one load is dropped suddenly.
Sad yea of course but well there's nothing to harp bout too. The road was never smooth and straight in the first place. It was just too rocky and I had to figure out how to play the game well and hold on tight but in the end it just came crumbling down real hard on me. Probably I was stupid and well it did showed me the real "U" who's been living in the shadow.
So had a hair cut on Monday. A new day must always start with something new and fresh too. Snipped away the past and am looking forward to what's install in the future. Greatful to haf loads of friends to support me. Dunno wad to sae but then well they did helped me in one way or another especially UNCLE Eric...gave me a helping ear...listening to me rant and rant non-stop that day la. Well whenever mood is down, shopping therapy would do the trick for me. Just went to shop and bought a shirt. Not too bad since alot liked it la. Not to mention I sawe this polo shirt at Zara now considering whether should I get it or not. Haix so much to buy la but so much needed to be save too.
Anyway, its only like the 2nd week at CRM and its killing me liao la...Its just so hectic and tiring and boring. Not to mention cannot sleep la since must watched our own back cos Ms Khoo and Sabrina Ng are 2 hunters on the hunt for preys la. Idiot sia....I think its a torture to be at CRM...lucky am able to choose the next stopover so most likely will choose a slack slack one so can sleep. Haha....
Wanna go shopping but who can I go with? Someone pls ask me out la o shop. I so wanna go and drink too. I want to drink. Its been so long since we last went out drinkin liao...Shariann pls pls pls ask me out...I am so bored and stressed la....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 10/26/2005 08:56:00 PM |
I Need To Detached n Breakaway From This World
Spinning: "Boyfriend" - Ashlee Simpson
Its been a tiring week for me. Seriously. Haf been complaining that I have been slackin at sch. Turns out that I am so dumb and wrong la.
Only on my fourth day, my group haf started to work on the darn DBS report already. It pretty much suxs cos everything the leader which is me hafta do la. But thanks to Rachel who helped me along the way too by dividing the workload. Also to Erica, Janet and Cheryl for tryin to complete their surveys and helping me out in one way and another la.
It really suxs la...especially on Fri. Supposed to end at 530pm but I only end up leaving at 6pm. Fucked it because as the leader, I hafta complie the data and stuffs. SPSS just really aint user friendly...furthermore Ms Teh wanted it to be submitted by 515pm. Just havin real difficulties but surprising Jess and Dennis from M1 team waiting for me. Wad a darlings la....LOLxxx...Sch really suxs to the max right now...
I dunno...it seems to me doing TEP is a bad choice compared to studying. My routine now is so predictable la. Once I got home and after dinner I just fall asleep on my bed. And only to wake up ard 2-3plus in the morning to bathe la. Not to mention, wad's worst is that I slept with my contacts on. It became so bad that it came to a point where my vision was so blur la. The whole entire week was like that. Sch, eat and sleep and work.
Thurs was the worst day of the whole entire week. Couldn't meet a friend up cause of his work commitment and dinner with Daniel, Alex and his ex-agent at Cuppage Road. But I did met up with Pris and Ben and Cloe too. Chatted a bit bout the past and sch life la. Didnt talk much cos wasnt in such a good mood plus I was jus so darn tired la. Pissed off...was jus really so pissed off on that day la. Dunno wad to sae. Entire week was just so real bad cos I didnt managed to chat with him on the phone cos of sch and the rest of the day just turned foul. And today was just so bad that things really took a dip. I dunno wad to sae but I have been harping over the same issue over and over again. Just that no one knows what Im going thru except Eric which Im so proud to declare him as my good friend. But irritatingly he couldnt spend much time with me now. Anyway shall make sure I utilized my time with him now before he leaves for Hongkong.
So in love with the people at Starbucks now. So missed all those lil babes and hunks la. Been quite some time since I last saw them and suddenly they r startin a trend in hugging people liao. Dunno y but 2 babes actually hugged me whenever they see me and leave la. Weird weird but nice la. No to mention, another someone is so infatuated with me la. Kinda cool right and so honoured when this person actually said bye to me and not to rest of the people. So sad for them la and they r living in envy and jealousy. Muahaha....But thanks to that special someone who always thinks so highly of me.
Sorry to Shariann though that I didnt msged her back on Fri cos of work at sch la and work at Starbucks...Sorry babe....I really am just so busy to even touched my fone on that day. So sorry.
Happy birthday MX. U r 16 today and happy mugging at home n Starbucks for ur Os....
And to Mas, missed u loads. U have depart from the Starbucks family but make sure u still come back as promised to visit us as often as u can. Enjoy ur new work.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 10/23/2005 03:10:00 AM |
Summary of Today
Spinning: Stairway To Heaven OST
Well am just pretty much slacking at CRM la. Its so darn fucking boring that I am practically slacking all the way. Assigned as the leader of DBS group and not to mention was assigned to focus on Consumer Banking for DBS. Suxs la....hafta complete 130 surveys...
Been taking my own self-declared breaks all these while. There's really just nothing to do at CRM besides calling the customers la..So stupid la...has to do that for like the next entire 9 weeks la...Stupid Stupid Stupid...But my group mates: Rachel, Erica, Janet and Cheryl are like great la..Havin pretty much of a fun time gettin to know each other and some other people too.
Furthermore, doing TEP is so much worst than studying. Its so tiring. I think those who have been thru it will understand what Im going thru la...I couldnt even catched a wink. Not to mention I hafta be in sch by 8.30am and has to fight with time. I cant even b late for like a single min la. Fucked man...Life is so much ruined by it la...Imagine juggling work, work in sch and ______. Its just so uptight. Mood is also uptight too. Not to mention, I sleep immediately once I had my dinner at home. This is like so terrible la cos I would wake up in the wee morning to take my shower before I head back to sleep again. But then I would also be able to put on some weight which I so deserved to la.
Before sch starts, rumors been going on that I like MX and Joan la. So confusing. One I treat like sister another one also quite confused la. The latter is stuck with a 3 dimensional triangle relationship la. Dunno la...lets just take a step and see how things goes then. It might turn out to be good and it might not. Dunno la...So confusing but now I have their photo in my wallet liao. My 2 gr8 gal pals at work la. Beautiful ladies. Haha...
So sad...past midnight liao and was on the phone with Noah. He's still as busy as usual. Wads' new? Still never even say something to me la which he is supposed to do so....Stupid la but well can always go down Starbucks to find my new found friends and Eric. Missed them quite alot cos have not seen them for quite some time due to sch. I know alot misses me too. Haha...its true not self-declared...They claim themselves one la...like Samuel, Audrey, Joan, LuLu, Marilyn etc etc...Some r quite shocked to see me today la but well its nice to be back to them again. It just made me feel young again. Like I am 16 again. Haha....So wanting to see them again. Would be on hiatus leave form Starbucks till wkends. So sad but they just hafta wait to see me la....LoLx...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 10/19/2005 11:58:00 AM |
Joshua's Mail
Spinning: "Push The Button" - Sugababes
Joshua's Mail:
Yeah am back after a hiatus for like dunno how long la because of work and holidays.....
Or rather dun blame it on work and holiday but my laziness....
First day of school today...and it really suxs la...Super Duper Suxs la...Am siting here starrin at my comp screen at CRM doing nothing la for like e past 6hrs la....Some saint pls jus get me out of CRM la...
The lone guy standing tall among 4 girls. Work has not started for DBS so well slack is all I can do la...No more websites to surf and has to resort to updating my blog...So for the next few days I might just update it la...so bear with my slow and tardiness...My apologies
So well maybe just a slight update: Work is not fine. Work until like hell la...am really tired of work...Thats my honest feelings. Had to juggle work and _____ during the holidays really just got me all exhuasted. Nid something to boost me up. For the whole entire 2 months, it came to a point where I am living in a world of illusion. There's just no one to help support my load la...Not to mention someone is always not free and gone from my life la...I dunno la...Sometimes its just so sad to think bout it...
It just literally came to a point where I wanna detached myself from everyone here at Singapore. Packed up my bags and actually head to somewhere near to rest. Where no one knows me. Where everything is slow. Really la...I just wanna take wadeva I earn and spend it all at that one country. To literally enjoy myself for the time being. But sch has started and there is no way I could do so la...
So tired can someone just bring me out one day. Shower me with love...???
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 10/17/2005 02:06:00 PM |
Sick n Tired
Spinning: "Sick And Tired" - Anastacia
Busy! Busy! Busy! Thats wad my life is right now. Hanging by the moment...a bomb ticking away...every wasted seconds, it might just explode. I kept thinking to myself why do I work so hard? Why am I such a workaholic? Why am I so soft-hearted? Dun haf a mind of my own? I know I am one such person. But y am I always like that. I resent to wad people say to me la. I don't have a mind of my own. Thats y always get scolded by Noah. Pretty suxs la...not like I wan it to happen but thats just my personality I guess...I dunno. I feel so bad...I feel so sick and tired with work. I dunno wads up in my mind right now...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 10/04/2005 11:32:00 PM |
*thinks im fat all e time
*strictly luv Meiji or Daisy Milk only!!
*can only tolerate short hair!!!!
*i'll shut up when im stressed up
*very klutzy
*very bitchy
*i always say things i shouldnt say and at the wrong time
*i love even number only
*i think alot..really..{and its scary}