Boring Day...
Spinning: "Wan Mei De Yi Tian" - Sun Yan Zi
Didn't had much sleep last night but still am feeling a bit energetic today. Dunno y? Maybe my bod has finally gotten use to it. I am a freak. One of these days, Im bound to just fall ill...gravely sick. Not doin much now as the time ticked away. Only completed one survey from yesterday. Thats like really so pathetic. Maybe startin on our project first since that is more important la. Unmade calls can leave for the next batch students to do. Haha...evil me...

Spent quite alot yesterday. But well also caught "Pride and Prejudice" with my bro (time management problem again). Got free TIXssss!!!! A pretty great movie but the British slang and accent is too strong that it overpowers the film. Not an ideal movie choice if the dialogues dun ring a bell to you. Not to mention the chinese subtitles just abruptly disappeared as the characters finished speakin. Great movie as you can see from the poster. It just spells out what I simply feel bout the movie. Might be gettin the book so as just to read.
School really suxs right now considering the fact that I am just pretty much slacking my way at CRM. And today there are Japnese xchange students. A pretty fun sight cause they have been the topic of our day. One high sch boi even bowed at me when Iwas talkin to Janet as our eyes locked each other. Haha...and wadsup with Sabrina? She says that they see me like they see their 同志 (comrades or gay)? Argh dunno her la...but if comrades because I also have a pair of small eyes and if gay then whats the reason? Someone pls enlighten me ba. Haha...
Realised that the latest trend right now is "Before" and "After" makeover pics. Hmmm...should go and do one too for the fun of it. LoLx...Watched "Monster" last night too and realised that
Charlize Theron made a big sacrifice to be in this movie. She put on pounds to act and she looks swollen when she strips for this movie la. Let me post a "Before" and "After" look of herself ba. Look for yourself and dun be amazed....
[Sorry dunno y the stupid pics can't be posted up...shall do it when everything seems alright]
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/30/2005 10:39:00 AM |
Monday Blues...Jetlagged????
Spinning: "Luxurious" - Gwen Stefanie feat. Slim Thug
Okie, am just pretty much slacking at CRM la...either sleeping or watching VCDs...tryin to complete the Korean drama "Sad Love Story" but dunno whether can or not cos now only in my like 7th disc. Haha...Still have to complete watching "Emily Rose", "Ella Enchanted" and "Monster" all dvds version. Suxs man...So many stuffs to do but just so little time. Sch really suxs alot. Dun allow us to do anything but make us rot here and act busy.
Went to get a haircut...pretty much hate it cos Raymond just loves to cut the way he wants it. I still think its pretty long so from now onwards, I will not look for him anymore but Cynthia...Argh...Hate it man...But what's done is done so no point harping over it.
Sean as usual is still pissing me off alot la. Fucking irritating guy. Am just pretty much glad that he will be leavin Singapore for San Francisco. I decided to break every connections with him. And I dun even wanna meet nor see his fucking face. He just pisses me off for the last 3 days just as much as he thinks I am torturing him for the last 3 days. I just told him that, I won't be meetin him anymore and Im glad that he decides to leave earlier and there is no point tellin me when he is leavin cos I will just pop a bottle and celebrate. How mean can I be? But thats just me. Thats how I treat those that I dun like nor care.
Haix...tot that this week would be a pretty great week since I am only workin on Wed, Sat and Sun but then I just realised it aint wad I tot it would be la. I am still not gettin enough sleep. God help me. Just make my parents change their mind and up my allowance then I would quit this job for good. Anyway, I might not want to continue workin anymore when this Starbucks closes down maybe in early February. Just save enough money that can bring me to some neighbouring country to enjoy myself can liao. I will be more than satisfied. LoLx...No nid San Francisco. Bangkok or Hongkong or Taiwan would make a nice holiday spot. At elast, Thurs I know that I would be meetin Audrey and gang to watch Harry Potter so would be a blastin fun not to mention on Sun afternoon we r going blading and cycling. Whoa...time to get myself tan, shall wear that only tank top I have ba...Haha...Yea am just so anticipating for Sun to come. Zen and I would be blading...Yippeee....
Today on my way to sch, something funny happen to me la. I was on the train on my way to sch. There is this guy (whom I think girls might think he is cute la) in his mid-20s wearin a blazer on his way to work. He suddenly stood up from his squating position la. Guess wad he did. He smiled at me la. My god la...he is playing all those hide and seek games like that. Hands are everywhere up the air and he still could smile at me. Not once but many times lor...I dunno wad to do la..Want to laugh also cannot because he is a very shy guy. Then the way he does is so damn damn funny la. Like a child-like kid playing games with a big kor kor haha...So i just looked away dun care la. Then he suddenly cupped his hand to his face and start lookin at me like tryin to find me as if Im buried under all these hands. So darn funny la I tell u. When we both wanted to alight at City Hall, he starts to run out like he is a shy boi running away from seein a stranger. My god la, I so paiseh for him also la. Then he quickly run up the stairs. He then stopped and look at me. Haha...that whole incident and scene is so darn hilarious la. Try to piture and imagine it by puttin urself in my shoes. Haha...
Okie goin to continue to rot and make a few calls la to pretend I am busy...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/29/2005 02:45:00 PM |
Fucked Up Week...
Spinning: "StickWitU" - Pussycat Dolls
ok seriously I am going bonkers...I dun understand people and their emotions. Worst of all, I am fighting my own inner demons. Argh...
I seem to be alive becos something is holding on to me tightly not willing to let me go just yet. Like I said...this whole wk would b another crazy wk for me. And its true la...Had to juggle with work, sch and driving lessons. And its badly affecting my health in terms of the number of hours that I get to sleep. Its so bad and pathetic now considering the fact that my dark rings are gettin visible now as the days go by. Nothing can save my face anymore la. Worst is more and more pimples are just trying their ways to sprout on my face. This is so agitating and agonising.
This week met up with Ted and his friends also of course with Uncle Eric la.
Ted told me alot of stuffs which are meant to be confidential but I told it to someone else. Though its wrong and bad but because that stupid someone accused me for dropping hints and stuffs. Sometimes I just wanna give up and not hang out with them la. I promised to stand by Ted's side as well as this person's side but Im just torn between these 2 people la. What am I supposed to do? Argued with that person over this FUCKED up stuffs. I dun wanna be involved with them anymore. I shall just sit here and ask and do nothing. Neither do I wanna go out with them. I think I like my life now. At least I know that I need some time to be alone now. I nid some rest. Where is the rest? I just fucking bust up alot of people this whole entire week like Kaylen, Eric and Sean. I dun even give them any face la. Life just pretty much suxs...I wanna quit working...But if I do I might not have enough money to buy wadeva I like la. Considerin the fact that I received measley allowance from my parents. Stupid stupid stupid....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/24/2005 09:18:00 AM |
Finale Wrapped Up For This Week
Spinning: "We'll Be Burning" - Sean Paul
Okie its a finale wrap up for the week!!!!
I tell you...I have never enjoyed myself for one whole week thinking that my life is pretty boring u know. Now I just found loads of stuffs to do and loads of friends to go out with. The best thing that ever happened to me was that I finally got to recharged my batteries. Its more likeback in the past where I have no work, no driving lessons and just head home to sleep and rot. LoLx...
Friday: Well I left at 1130am SHARP. And I headed str8 to Meritus to find Uncle Ted but darn he's still sleeping la. Didn't had the heart to press the bell to wake him up (but anyway I couldn't cos he put up the privacy sign). So i decided to call him and msg Uncle Eric to tell him that I shall be waiting for him outside. Then suddenly Uncle Ted msg me to ask me to call the hotel room and not the phone since his pre-paid card store value is used up. So waited for Uncle Ted to washed up and stuffs before we headed down to Spaggedies for lunch. My treat since I dun get to see him often and he can always pay me back the next time or when Im at Hongkong. Haha....So accompany him for the rest of the day talking bout some "stupid" person. Since our common topic is always on some "stupid" person. LoLx...So well its pretty great bonding I must sae consider the fact that I dun usually get to see him at all. And guessed wad...he's coming down on the 23rd this month again. Haha...well if have the time, shall go out with them again. This time his friend would also be here so it will be one group of us going out but for a short while I guessed. So after that I left Ted with Uncle Eric as he came back from camp. And I went to obtain my PDL...This time the fricking que is so damn short and within 30mins I got it already. And now I hafta go back Orchard to wait for Bryan. Stupid right. I waited for him for almost 3hrs la. Then he tell me venue changed to Suntec. Wad The FXXX...But well he's sick and he still force himself to come. Awww but stupid la...I told him no nid to come out the next time if he's sick. Just has to inform me can already.
To make matter worst, he said his friends from US would also be coming down, gonna ask me out so as to intro them to me also...O shit la...I am putting myself into deep trouble next wk. Ted would be here on the 23rd-24th. His friend 23rd-25th. Bryan's friend 25th onwards and Sean is also next week but dunno which dae. I am feeling exhausted right now...Y Y Y? Y did all of them plan to come down next wk. Save me, I feel that I am drowning la....I am workin 4 days next week. I have driving lessons on Thurs. I can forsee I might not have enough rest and sleep. O Shit.....
Sat: Okie went back to sch....pretty much so sian la...because of the parents tour coming. Stupid but okie la...I nid to pay the hours also ma...So okie la...Down there slack like hell la....Wait for the parents group to tour waited so long that I started watching Princess Diaries 2 vcd. Pretty funny though not completed yet. But its nice its nice. LoLx....Didnt even bother to do report. But watching halfway while waiting for them I nearly dozed off cos Im so tired. Its a normal sch day u know. Argh...then Janet and I assigned to speak to them also screwed up a lil here n there. LoLx...I think something got up to our nerves. LoLx...Later went home, supposed to meet Novie for dinner cos she nids so companionship I guessed but I was too lazy to go anywhere la...I just slept all the way till 8plus...Out of the blue was chattin to Kenny online then suddenly he tell me he dun feel likemugging anymore then we headed to East Coast to blade. Okie I admit its been a long time since I last blade but I am too impress with myself too...I actually still do noe how to blade...Haha...I KNOW HOW TO BLADE. Fell twice only which is consider not bad. I wanna go blading again. It has become my fav sports now. LoLx...So chatted with Kenny bout some stuffs...some life experiences and blah blah blah...Pretty great. Then headed back to my place to watch Batman Returns...Not a bad show really. Hafta remember to return it back before the 3 days sad la...But its a good movie.
I wanna go BLADING again...anyone interested? Lets go blading again...Shariann r u considerin this? LoLx....
Okie hafta ciao now since gotta prepare to go work soon....
Ok forgot to add something. After reading someone's blog, it actually make me realised alot of stuffs....I dun really have any feelings for this particular person anymore. Though we shared alot of great times and bad times. But too bad we just grew and changed and I am so much more disgusted by U....I am feeling so good now that I think I am so much better off without U.....Well at least Uncle Eric knows wad I am talkin bout...Im so much better off...Thanks Lord....
O and btw, Happy Birthday Dear Pal Eugene...Haven gotten ur present yet but will soon start hunting the week after nxt...LoLx...sorry
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/20/2005 11:54:00 AM |
Bad Day...Bad Luck
Spinning: "Confessions Of A Broken Heart (Daughter To Father)
Bear is so irritating la...finally am enjoying myself from working too much and too hardm she kept msging me to ask me whether I can work tmr or not. Its pretty annoying considering the fact that I have been helping out for quite some time already. Can't she just spare me for this entire week. Weird....
Have been pretty down on luck too. Bought 2 Mr X and I lost both of them. The worst is I got one yesterday when I met Priscilla and I lost it during a heavy rain today. Fucked. Should I get another one again? I just wasted 6 bucks la...Its really so annoying to keep losing it when I really wan it at the same time. Its sickening....Should I get one more? Someone just tell me whether I should get it again or not. Haix....if I gettin it I know what I must do already to ensure it wun dropped...
Today is a really really fricking boring and sleepy day at CRM la...finished calling yesterday with the help of Erica n Janet. Then today, got really nothing to do la...Its so darn boring la...I have never experienced such boredorm before. And its really gettin into my nerves. My feng shui not good...wan to sleep also must push my chair all the way to Cheryl's place there. And its so uncomfortable la...cannot rest my head on the table as it is not allowed so haf to just slouched it all the way down to my laps...So fricking uncomfortable that my neck became very strain...Haix....
At least one thing for sure I know is that tmr I will leave at 1130 SHARP and find Uncle Ted to accompany him. Haha...See wad a nice guy I am...Haha...To forsake my hours to accompany him la...I am really a saint....And maybe tmr treat him to eat at Spaggeddies...Well it shall be on me since I hardly see him also...And its 1-1 meal so it should b alrite la...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/17/2005 12:28:00 PM |
Spinning: "Here We Go Again" - Trina feat. Kelly Rowland
Life pretty much suxs...Tried to upload the fotos that we took on Sat but failed to do so...Pretty weird dunno y cannot upload to my blog...
Well heard that some annoying bitch is acting like a B.I.T.C.H and S.L.U.T at sch but i seriously dun give a damn at all after all we aint the same sch anymore mah and she don't make any impact in my life at all...
Took 3 hrs flexi-leave on Fri...So I can meet Uncle Ted and accompany him before he flies back to Hongkong. He workin as air steward and since his sweetheart couldn't accompany him so I thought I would be nice to accompany him then. So after sch must pia down to Meritus Mandarin to accompany him and well probably talk to him ba...After that go and take my PDL...This time must take already...
The worst thing now is that I might not be able to go for driving lessons on Saturday cos I nid to come back on Saturday to work at CRM...or rather come here just to sleep only because there is a prents tour group guide. But at least the consolation prize is that I booked another date on Tuesday night and I can no nid take flexi leave for Friday and I still have full 10 hours...Haha...and CRM still owe me 1.5hrs more so I can also leave early probably on Monday. Haha...So good right...
And worst thing is Sean coming soon liao...He stll at San Francisco but my heart is telling me not to meet him la...I dunno man...but forget it la...I wanna go and make calls to complete my surveys liao...another 39 more and I will be done and freed from calling all those stupid customers....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/16/2005 09:17:00 AM |
Spinning: "Check On It" - Beyonce feat. Slim Thug
Update for 11-13 November:
Weeee...its been a crazy week...led a crazy life too....
I just realised that I didn't had dinner at home for the whole entire week...imagine how ironic it can be...O my GOD la...first time lor never had dinner at all...and that felt shitty cos my maid always have a tendency to cook great food whenever I not at home one...Not to mention eating out everyday burns a big hole in my wallet la...
But anyway finally for once in the whole entire week that I finally got to breathe freely and not feeling constraint by work or driving lessons..
Sat was such a disastrous day for me la...woke up early in hope to get my PDL so I could go out to learn driving but then I was fricking late for 10mins la...GOD is so unfair...that is the onl thing running in my head. Whenever I am facing a so-called crisis, GOD was never there to help me. The feeling jus sucks la...Memories starts pouring when I nid a can to head for work...I didnt managed to get one after waiting so long...Same thing happen on that day. The worst has yet to come. I got back the same instructor. Fucked man...that instructor is so impatient and always make me do these and that la...that I stall my car so damn many fricking times la. This is the first time that I stall my car la...The worst is haven even 1615 I left liao...I just got out of the car after he chopped and sign my driving passport la...It fricking suxs to learnd riving at Singapore la...Helped ah...But i do wanna learn how to drive so it would be very convenient for me to go home and go somewhere too. Haix...
Then after that went to meet Kat and usual Miss Shariann is late la...LoLx...well mayb part of it was also my fault so i dunno la...LoLx...Then we r like so fickle minded dunno where to eat la...Wanted to eat Sakae but dunno eat at Marina Square or City Link one. Then saw Ryan (Mouse) suay haha...Pity him sia cos Siwen playing him and toying his feelings. She dun like him but dun wan to tell him. So sad la...Haix yo...Then went MS to eat and saw Ryan but this time lucky he never see us la..or else really saded man...Have the urged to tell him why Siwen dun like him but couldnt bear to say it to him. Enjoyed myself on Saturday...Had fun eating at Sakae la...
So long never eat liao and was so craving for it. It was like I was in heaven la...After that went to MOX to haf a drink. Haha so long never drink liao then was a bit craving for some alcoholic stuffs...It was so shiok to be drinking my usual Long Island just taste so great la...Luv it alot...Haha...MOX has now turn from a str8 pubto a gay pub since its located at the gay area (Tanjong Pagar Gay Sin City). At first we were the only living souls then start pouring in a group of 5 gay guy...Suddenly one shocking "LADY" in Baby Blue dress came in. OMG...its a HE-MADONNA la...with 2 fricking blonde pony tail and glittery dress. OMG all 3 of r stunned la...Mortified and traumatised by he-she...LoLx...I start grabbin Kat's hand when she stood at our table and stare and look at us...before proceeding to the next table to eye on the hunky specs guy. Oh man...I could never imagine that to ever happen la...He-She aint a transverstite and thats so much worst la...neither pretty nor erm handsome????!!!! To sum it all up...she's gross and there's not words to explain anything bout' her la...Then out pop one erm German guys. Erm I still cant fig. out how gorgeous and handsome he is. Or neither is he cute!!! But y r the 2 gals with me so obsessed with him. They even wanna take pics with him!!!!
Hmmm...funny....But i so damn adore MOX la...cos they really have a great ambience and great drinks. I wanna go there to drink again....

*Pictures courtesy of Ms Shariann*
Well on way home saw Mr Noah...Kinda weird la but there's nothing much to talk about it liao lor...LoLx...
Sunday: Hmmm...wad haf I been doing on this day...Work and work thats it...Nothing more to sae...Pretty qing song to work la but then at he same time it can be quite sick to continue workin at the same environment all the time. I understand how Uncle Eric feels...he 3 yrs plus liao and I leh only 3 months...Haha...Can't stand workin there anymore liao la...I wanna quit as soon as I haf saved up my money to travel. one can stop me from going anywhere....
Anyway happy birthday to Honey (9/11/05) and Novie (11/11/05)!!!!!!
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/14/2005 10:16:00 AM |
Spinning: "Stand Up For Love" - Destiny's Child
I confirm already I wun wanna work next wk. Maybe just one day or sth like that. I shall just give excuses like I hafta work on my report for DBS and also I have late night driving lessons. Haha...c I am just so clever. I nid my well deserved rest. Go home straight after sch or maybe driving and its pretty interesting and fun to be driving la. All those sharp bends are like so cool la. LoLx..
Been so tired and sleepy lately...not enuff of sleep. For the past 2 days have been sleeping at CRM tired....dunno wad to do.
Am anticipating for Sean to come back from US actually. Well have to spend some time with him. Not to mention I asked him to get me some stuffs back from the states. And i am expected to pay him back I guessed. LoLx...hopefully he will be willing to subsidised certain stuffs. Asked him to get me some Loreal Men facial stuffs which cant be found here like dark eye rings and moisturizer for me to try. Carmex which is actually a lip balm but is also use as a substitute as pimple cream. Got 5 of that since I am keepin 2 for myself and the other 3 to some friends. And not to mention, will coax him to catch Rent the broadway show with me when he is here. I so wanna watch la though its a bit pricy. sad...
The tot of going to work at Starbucks really bores me to death la...I tell u I really cant stand workin anymore w/o Uncle Eric at Starbucks. Haix...Y at this time go for reservist la...So sad la...make my life even more sad workin with Auntie Jane and some attached manager. Hate it but well I should be lookin for next wk since I wouldnt be workin but probably only on Sun ba. I just only wanna work 1 day only. Haha..let Bear go and plan the schedule until siao ba...
Am also anticipating for Sakae Sushi Buffet dinner at Sat la...quick la I am dying to actually eat something nice lor...want to soft shell crab...Kat and Shariann I am dying to eat ah...quick ah...set liao ah dun last min tell me we r not going ah...after that lets go out shopping la...So long never buy clothes and shop liao...But dunno wad to buy sian la...
Sian sian sian...Friday got presentation for Sharing Session and have not even done the powerpoint yet la...Terrible sia but maybe after Feng Shui Talk ba...So now I shall go back to make more calls then...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/09/2005 09:03:00 AM |
Bad...Been A Bad Bad Boi
Spinning: "Hung Up" - Madonna
Okie...I have been bad...Firstly, I have not been blogging constantly la...Secondly, I have been smoking la...This is real bad la...Audrey's fault or rather myself for being too complusive to think straight. And furthermore, Audrey ask m to help her keep her ciggs, it makes me more tempted to take and smoke. Smoke away all the stress and boredom...At times, I just feel so empty, something and someone is jus missing from my life...And sometimes, I feel rather useless and that I tend to hurt someone when the intention was never there...
All the stress and lack of sleep really drives me to the wall. I cannot take it anymore la...This is just draining all my energy. I barely even have time to go out to shop or to meet my friends la. It just makes me wanna quit working and just fly to Hongkong but Uncle Eric have yet to go there and he has yet to help me settle some stuffs if I was to go to Hongkong. Though I could always turn towards Humphrey but is kinda wierd la...also dun really know Humphrey that well la...But he stays near New Territories where Uncle Eric and Ted stays so I aint so sure. Free lodging so cannot complain much....
Well at least, right now, CRM is pretty busy now. Was so busy doing previous batch DBS report and now startin a new set. Have to complete 130 surveys la within 3 weeks. And guess wad!!!! I have only managed to complete 34 surveys in only 1 week. Now am already in the 4th week and cant wait to just change TEP stopover cos its really too sian down here. Haix...But u know at least the team down here are damn real fun la. Managed to mix well the people down here. Like one big happy family. So darn cool la...TEP is fun to make new friends but it suxs in terms of timetable...
Anyway, guessed wad...I think I have yet to blog down yet. On the 2nd week of TEP, went down to DBS contact centre to have a first hand look. The ladies of the same batch told me that they think I am cute. Haha...can u imagine...feel so "violated" la cos they r using their naked eyes to inspect me from top to toe. Then on friday, had to wear formal, Apple commented that I look like a "frog turn to prince" and not like the show "prince turn to frog" or sth like that la....And just last wk, Audrey and Marilyn tot I looked hot with formal when I turned up like that for work. Pretty erm...I dunno so Diao la...I think they have stamps pasted on their eyes r sth like that. But is pretty nice to hear these kinda stuffs once in a blue moon la...LoLx...
Well, also of thing happen la. Didn't expect Ted to react so strongly to a msg I sent out. Oh man...I dun nid this la...Not that there is anything happening between us 2 anymore but I really got nothing muh to sae la. We shall see how things turn out lor. Not to mention, certain stuffs happen between Noah and I. Have yet to actually worked things out though we are trying to resolve it. Not to mention, his granny was diagnose with cancer. So its pretty much a bad time to talk bout some stuffs. Well and things between Bryan and I? A bit weird too la...Dunno much stuffs happening. I unno wad to sae and wad to do and I dun give a damn right now...just am really too tired of everything. And stupid Kaylen after disappearing too long wanted to meet up with me. Stupid la...
Well, went to watch midnight movie "Just Like Heaven" with Bryan. A pretty cool flick. More like a romantic comedy kind of movie. Sweet and simple. Now am actually waiting to watch more movies since my brother gave me free passes so I can watched any movie any time. but the tot of going alone really suxs la...But no choice I guessed unless I can find someone....
Another thing that pop out suddenly is my driving lesson. Saturday had my first one. Pretty interesting I must say. And pretty scary. Its just so tough to learn how to drive la. It just feels so weird and manual car r pretty tough to learn. When I lift my foot off the clutch I either accelerate even more or I will also leave my foot off the accelerator and the whole car will just stopped. Scary...not to mention today will also be going for my 2nd driving lesson. Am aticipating but had really little sleep dunno can concentrate on the road or not. Haix...
Man its so boring right now at CRM...feelin xtremely sleepy and not to mention I am cuttin my nails..Thats how a clean freak and vain I am. Bought a nial clipper just now and start snipping away...And La La La La...goin to start work now...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/07/2005 09:03:00 AM |