Fotos for the First Time
Spinning: "One Wish" - Ray J
Okie I hate sch life right now. Okie maybe under Esther Ho's supervision everything practically suxs la...And worsta...BW - Project is always giving us major problems la. Fucked it man...feel that my life is pretty screwed up. Hate it hate it hate it. I nid to grasp for air sometimes la. It pretty much sixs or else I will sink deeper and deeper.
TodAY was pretty much like so chaotic la. Started work on some of the soft copy stuffs. Esther Ho's is such a darn arse...I mean her expectation is so high and like too much la. We r jus students and who the frickin hell does she think we r la. We r not superman nor wonderwoman la....And besides doin our stuffs we r like helpin a friend in nid la...Go all the way to DMSM to help them do their contact list. Okie, we r supposed to handle our 9 stopovers only but since Aishah they all do not have time to do so we helped la. Running around sch the whole entire dae snappin fotos of all the TEP students la. Tough work alrite. Dun think its easy....The 2 legs are so darn tired and suan la...In the end still managed to finish a whole big portion la. How I wish Erica is like back from Indonesia liao...I am gonna crashed anytime. I nid my long wkend break....!!!!! Well am all startin to gear up for tmr. Dunno wad to wear only but at the mean time enjoy the pics I have taken with my grp mates after all those running ard...Look how shagged we r but still able to pose for a nice fun lookin pic. LoLx....

Me, Janet and Rachel (from clockwise) foolin ard with our Digi Cam and Havin fun!!!! (Where's Erica n Cheryl???)
My pic for the contact list...(Eww..some ghostly figure)
So after sch met up with Shariann n Kyndi. Went shoppin la and went super ballistic when I know that Zara has sales. Argh going mellow and crazy for it la. So shopped ard taka branch but didnt like it so proceed to Liat's tower one. Worst la that place. Its like fish market la. I mean come on la...I wanna get some shirts for formal presentation but in the end bought nothing. Took wrong size and by the time go back to find the right size all gone. Oh fucked up man...I luv the shirts down there la...I mean quite reasonably cheap and nice. Haha..Okie and there r frickin loads of lets use the term metrosexul guys....Aint gonna sae so much cos I dun think I nid to create another chaotic messy scene with Pris n Shariann or with Kat who might be robed in to join in this rally. So u guys should know wad kinda things I might wanna sae...So free thinking right now....aNd off to bed I go...Long day ahead....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 12/29/2005 11:06:00 PM |
Last Xmas Of The Yr
Spinning: "Last Christmas" - Darren Hayes
Okie...time for a Xmas party wrap up. It has been one long weekend break for me but I truely did enjoy myself la...
Got loads of stuffs. Nid to clear the air cos some bloody moroon is so darn bloody idiot la...
Okie so lets begin with the eve of Xmas...Cheerios...Haha...
Woke up darn fricking early la...I mean come on the Xmas spirit mus have gotten into me somehow but I dunno la. Just woke up early and not doing anything. Imagine la I woke up at 9am leh...Maybe bcos I slept quite early the dae b4. Okie seriously, I tot they will be airing "Home Alone" on a Christmasy dae la. Oh come on...someone ought to have been like me for once right. Come on fess' up...Mediacorp always air movies that are like erm backdated or rather outdated. As long as it is a Xmas movie or rather with some Xmas settings n backgrounds, they will not fail to air it. Oh come come Singapore Broadcasting Station is so lousy. Can't they just show movies that are recent. Ask many times have they shown Vertical Limit. Answer me, how many fricking times. Yes we know the fucking plot already so stopped airing it. Just for once. Make sure it doesnt appear in front of my face again will u....Now to the boring part of wad happen to me for the dae...I just practically slack at home. Well ok was on a mission to put on some weight during this festive season. Shall elaborate on my diet plan....
Lunch: A Packet of Chicken Twisties
A Big Curry Puff
A Jumbo Blueberry Muffin
An Almond Butter Cake
And slack all the way watching Uptown Girls and cant remember wad other VCD la...old liao...thus cannot blame. After that dinner and there I go dozing all the way till it was time to go and watch King Kong. King Kong is well like not so bad..a bit long but also erm a bit ridiculous la. I mean how can a stupid ship carry King Kong who weighs like a thousand million pounds. Its rather ridiculous. Stupid and there he is at the big city. Stupid...

25th: Xmas...Xmas...Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle all the Way....Haha..outside not covering with pure white snow. Hmmm...I want a winter wonderland. How I wish my koi pond outside turn into ice. How I wish for a white christmas la...Woke up pretty early too. Y is it that everybody in my family thinks that I am going out for work? Hmmm...Why? Tell me why? Can't I just rest? I wan to enjoy myself...but blah blah blah...there they go yakkin...Okie first thing first, went to weigh myself...Wow my plan erm "WORKS". I am weighing only like 61kg. Wad the Mother Fuckin hell is wrong with me. At least Pris n I agree that once we lose weight its very difficult for us to put on weight. Fuck...Erm excuse my language la cos I really wanna put on weight. Hint: Get Me Weight Gainer La for my birthday. LoLx....So met up with Pris to go shoppin and sight-seeing haha...Orchard...The deadly place...something was like just so wrong with us that day. She wanna change her top after I commented on how ugly it was and I wanted to have a hair cut la...We wanted all these so badly but in the end she got to change out by buyin a top and me failed to do so...Haix..Worst is like I saw alot NYPians la...Erm not like i wanna bump into them but well no choice la..Had to cos everyone just crowd to Orchard since there is no Disneyland...Wanted to eat Coffee Bean so badly but in the end we just ended up shoppin here n there and settle for Fish n Co. Well not dat bad...imagine me cravin for their fishes. I mean I luv Fish n Co so how can I missed it for anything when someone actually agrees to dine there. Its quite ex for most to afford so yea I jus took the opportunity. Yum Yum...Later Shariann met us up and we proceeded to Tanjong Pagar for a drink.
Okie..Ms Shariann...I gonna hate u in this post...U r a bloody idiot ass. I am not drunk. I never was drunk or high la. At least Im glad that Pris knows that fully well. All ur blabberings r shit man. And how could u do this to me. Your best friend u know. How could u ask Pris to finsh my drink. U think I dunno. Mine became like so little. Wad standing outside and have some guys hookin me up. Rubbish la u...Shariann...anythin jus ask me la...I will definitely tell u one la...But stop all those rubbish thinkings la...Anyway ordered the usual...Long Island Tea....okie was like trash talkin all the way with them la. Like pullin Bear n Leela to MOX and make them drunk then pull them to Happy and see wad they will do....Muahahaha...But dunno y that dae the drink was like xtremely strong la. Hmm...but then it was pretty shiok cos of all the places I have tried n been to had very little alcoholic content la. It suxs suxs suxs...but its shoick to see the place again. To feel the place again. I just so lovvveeee the place la. It was pretty crowded which was pretty unusual given the fact that it was like only 10. So okie well headed to Happy after that but decided against it since they are charging cover charge. Didnt see a point since students normally enter free. Maybe it coincides with Xmas day with all the hoo hoo ha ha stuffs la. So persuade them to just leave the place and go home to rest and save money. I mean can always club on the eve of New Yr rite!!!! But wad is worst n puzzling is that that 2 silly gals actually thinks Bryan is fucking cute? I just dun see which part of him is cute. Wan to puke sia...Lucky I dunno him that well or else just kill me. Kill ME!!!!
Okie I know it will be weird if I add this but I just dun care. So on Tues, went back sch and told Janet n Cheryl bout wad happen la. Okie, they say I have a crooked face thats y very easy to attract same sex guys. Okie so what there are 2 guys checking me when we r goin to MOX or 1 stupid fella smiling at me when we are at Whynot? Erm s long s I do nothing can liao...So stupid silly gals stop hallucinating....
Okie so here's wad I got for Xmas......
From Pris: Quiksilver Pencil Case...Luv itttt!!!!
From Shariann: Billabong Pencil Case...Put Junks inside haha...Kewl
From Yaz and Myself: Fux Delux Crumpler Bag...Fantastic gift I Ever got for Myself
From Auntie: Casio Watch...Love the Orangyyy Stiching...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 12/27/2005 02:49:00 PM |
Spinning: "Ru Guo Xiang Ai" - Bei Shang Lian Ge OST
Okie, its pre-XMAS...Haha am finally breathing a sigh of relieve...Well haf been busy with sch for the past last 2 days...Well had some stuffs to do in ch...I mean like finally...Get a Life Man...
Wed: Went to meet Pris and Shariann after sch...nice Shariann waited for me at YCK so we can go city hall to meet Pris...We went for some so-called light shopping...We were like just shoppin ard Marina Square and well miss princess keeps complaining that she is tired la. But since she is tired she still insist to tag along with us. Hmmm dunno y...Tot she was like an energizer bunny...Never Say Die one even if she was to go sun-tanning on that dae...Erm dunno her la...Then ard 8plus proceed to DXO but to find out they r havin a DND for dunno and like who cares company...And worst is that their stupid policy is like girls enter at 10pm and guys at 11pm..Erm so wad if we decided to go to DXO wad am I gonna do for the 1hr? Get tormented by some stupid fools like that would ever happen la...LoLx....So we walked over to Boat Quay...Well miss princesss wans to drink so we hafta accompany her. Harry's Bar was not good enuff for her so we walked all the way to MS. Okie MS is like so fricking shitified. Like a ghost street. Literally GHOST STREET....Its not even frickin crowded la...Moreover it stinks to be at that place. We decided to head to Cheeky Monkey. Cheeky my ass many Ah Guas and erm worst stupid music playin in the background. And the people who enters are like pre-ang-moh and malay teens. It just spoils everything. Worst is the drinks. Fuck...wad kinda of vodka r they servin us man...!!! It tastes shitified la...Will never ever step foot into MS again not to mention Cheeky Monkey. I think M.O.S looks better la cos the queue was so long and I think it will be more happening...I think that Ms Shariann would luv to go but I aint sure how I feel yet. Whehter I wanna go is still a big question mark
???? See how big is it!!!!
Thurs: Conducted briefin to all the sub-admins. Worst today have to collect Festive goods. Shitified...So shagged and so much to do. Haix...Tried callin my aunt see whether she wanna collect her cake so she can send me home at the same time. Muahaha but my auntie say she will collect it from my place instead. So hafta lugged the stupid stuffs back home myself. It sucks okie...I mean carryin so much stuffs home alone la. The train at city hall is so darn packed. I really couldnt even board in la. Not to mention u guys have seen how big is my crumpler bag liao la. Its like Im going to run away from home like that la. LoLx...but i adore my bag except it hurts my shoulders. Thats the only complaint cos of all the weights...So decided to take a bus back home. Bus journey is so darn long n slow la. Only got to go home after 1 hr time. It suxs suxs suxs....Haix...But okie la at least I gotta do my personal selling successfully...
Fri: Busiest day of the whole entire week. First time out of the whole entire week I wore Berms and T-Shirt. Feel so relaxed la. I know today will be a busy day thats y I wore something light. Okie people sae they like my tee though I tot it was okie only. Flew all the way from Perth la but I tot it was really okie only. Haha...Then Apple sae I wear like that look sporty and like my look like that. Erm okie first time someone sae I look sporty la. But I aint cos I am a homeboy. Muahaha....Had to scout for guys and girls. Pretty and photogenic one la...Scout the whol sch for candidates...Had a hard time gettin a few to join especially the P team...They really suxs la...But well some went successfully. Like Eugene Pang agreeing without hesitation. Haha...So darn tired even close to goin back home then complete everything. Shitty one lor...Tues or Wed where the shoot will take place, we have to even accompany them...all the sun and all the work. Imagine wad we have to do. Shit might even haf to join in for some of the shoots. Haix...Admin team so busy one. Suxs suxs suxs.....Help mi la..
Feelin so shitified too...Xmas like no plans like that but actually I never confirm with any of them cos I very lazy haha...Still ponderin whether wan to go MOS. I am coerced to go but I dunno yet. Shariann...bearsae one day lets go and drink. Then I tell her make plans lor wkend la...then she also tell Leela bout it. So be prepared ah...I dunno where she wanna go but hopefully she forgets la. She sae next month go drink. Haix....So u b prepared ah. Lets go MOX...Haha..
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 12/24/2005 11:44:00 AM |
Borin 1st Day
Spinning: "Honey" - Stefanie Sun Yan Zi
Okie, first dae at new stopover, TEP Admin...Dunno wad to do. And a bit slack la cos really dunno wad to do la...
Moreover, they wan us to reach by 820 which is a bit ridiculous la cos I will neber be able to reach that early one lor...everyone all or rather should know cos I stay East and its so impossible la...Argh...Dun like my life
Worst everyday go there like blur blur cos I also not sure wad kinda task must be done. Stupid la but I like my pretty slackin life cos CRM really make me suffer like mad liao...Make my eye bags all pop out. Haha so I like the slackin life for once...
Kat tofday ask me whether wanna go clubbin on Xmas with Rina they all...not sure yet cos I feel its a bit weird when I dun really know Rina and their friends that well...Moreover, she say she dun mind goin clubbin on the New Yr Eve...Wa I think she also now a clubber queen liao lor...All Shariann's fault make her hook up on it...Poor lil Kat...
After sch, initially wanted to go change the pencil case but then Eric called to ask me to accompany Ted so instead I went to the Starbucks at my place and sat thru the entire time accompanyin him...So bored so sad...dunno how to xpress in words but I chose to remain silent most of the time makin him talk which is pretty weird since he is also tired from all the flyin...Haix...dunno wad to do also..He even called my hp early in the morning just to wake some stupid piggy fellow la..wad the hell la...My god Ted to me as a friend is just a perfect role model la...Haix so sad tmr must work...and well I think I better go to bed now...ciao...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 12/20/2005 12:37:00 AM |
Spinning: "My Beep" - Black Eyed Peas feat. Justin Timberlake
Yippeeee...have been going out for like the past 2 days like so enjoying myself la...Not worrying that next wk would b a hectic week moreover tomorrow haf work in the morning la...O shit la....
Went for driving in the afternoon...haha it was pretty smooth for the day...and guess instructor sae Im pretty good as a driver....Haha he make my day la...but when he tell me that I chose not to respond cos Im like erm blank la dunno wad to sae also la...What am I suppose to answer...tell me...should I go like that..."Yea of course I know...Im born a of course Im good la...LoLx..." But well am glad that driving today went smoothly la except that I must remember to look far and also to move back to the left lanes la...Mus remember....
After that went to meet Jie long never see her liao...So it was nice to see her again...But she was pretty quiet for the whole dae...Yea becos she went to watch King Kong last night...Crazy girl obviously sure not enuff sleep one lor...Still wan to meet me...can always postpone to next wk one lor...Haix yo...So we shopped ard Bugis...This Shariann ah...tell me the pink panther shop beside M:Industrie but turn out its not la..had a tough time finding la...Irritating and worst...I think Shariann's taste really suxs to the max la...First was that ugly pencil case then she wants that pink panther t-shirt...omg la that t shirt is like for so ah-ma la...My god la..Shariann pls hor can u upgrade ur taste or not...U really have no taste la...I see the pink panther one nearly wan to puke sia...Yikes then tot could shop for her clubbin bag...saw one but dun like the fake leather part...looks so plastic la...Ewww then couldnt find anything nice for Shariann....Haix so sad couldnt even find soemthing nice for Eugene's bday present la...Haix...Worst is that there are like alot of people la...And its so sickening to squeeze ard...
Have been tryin to find plastic glasses for so long liao...saw some on offer for 98 bucks...tried some on but Jie Hui dun think they look good on me...Maybe must get other people like Shariann to go with me...Maybe she might appreciate wad looks nice wad doesnt...muahahaha...So shariann one day okie lets go n take a look and only when I have money first...Haha...
After that went off to orchard to meet Aishah, Janet and Erica...Okie, didnt join them for dinner cos I was with Jie Hui. So was like pretty much hanging out with them...Fun is the only word to describe the dae. Okie la I mean we just talk craps. Its pretty much diff to hang out in sch and outside ma. Moreover, who knows we wont get to see each other when classical starts liao right....So its a good time to start pei yang gan qing lor...Haha...Planning to meet another time so hopefully it might work out. Also planning to go JB with Cheryl bringing us ard. Dunno wad we r gonna do there but hopefully well just shop, eat and movie ba. Its definitely cheap down there so would b fun i guess....Haha...
Got Pris present liao...Guess? wallet so one Xmas present settled..cant think of wad to get for Shariann see how la...still got money then buy or else heck her prezzie la...LoLx...I really dun wanna crack my brain to think liao..Muahahaha...And Im like so darn tired now so blog another day la...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 12/18/2005 01:44:00 AM |
Spinning: "Gold Digger" - Kanye West feat. Jamie Foxx
Ok I know I am absent from blogging liao...Too much stuffs happen just too much...Am really very exhausted....I think its all because of that report thingy. Didnt had much sleep on Tuesday la cos they sae must submit on Wed but turn out its on Thurs...Crazy right... feeling so broke and not to mention, I am feeling a bit sick...Okie, today I neber go sch...haha...Cos I really too tired and must make use of my sickness to skip sch ma...Haha...I only got like a bad cough and sore throat...But managed to get MC la...Haha...First time I really have the tot of not going to sch and just take MC...I admit I am a good boi one la will neber do such stuffs one but then too much is too much liao...So finally I just gave in. I cannot take it liao la....
So much happening...suddenly I realised I asked too many people for Xmas presents liao. Now I hafta give them too. Shit I am so broke liao la...Shit people so stop askin me for urs liao. I still hafta get for Winston, Priscilla (Guess? Wallet), Shari-Ann(Pink Panther Blue T-Shirt) and Eugene (b'day present)...argh where got xtra money to spend liao? Oh man...can I owe some people's present first like Eugene cos I wanna get him the Abercrombie Polo Tee and waiting for Ted to go Alaska to get it for me. Haha...So at least I wun be so broke. And all those people who owe me money pls turn up and pay me back can. I so darn broke now la... 2 Xmas present liao. A Billabong pencil case...Sorry Shari-Ann but I really dun like it...Can give me the receipt I think I go and change to something nice la. pass me the receipt quick. I dun think I would grow to like it bad of me la but i really do appreciate your totfulness and taste. Ok stop, I sound quite sarcastic now. Muahaha...Maybe I can used it as my accessories pouch la...put all my toothpick, my perfume, deodorant i no nid to take my mum's puch cos it looks too erm...haha go n guess urself ba...LoLx...
And in sch the other time, I gotta know from Rachel that her bf mistaken and tot that I was like holding her hands that day. Maybe from certain angle it seems like we r but hella NO la...oh pls..y would i mess with someone who is attached la? Its kinda psychotic la...On the same day itself, Jess also told me that Xing Hao tot I wanna woo her!!!! Okie its pretty absurd la okie I tell you...Not that cannot la but erm its absurd la...What if I wanna woo her then he come and talk to Jess la. If there's isnt this kind of perception he dun go and talk to the ex-gf!!!! So darn funny la I tell you. Absurb people in this world...Dun wanna talk bout it liao...wanna rest liao...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 12/16/2005 10:55:00 PM |
Boy Gone Crazy
Spinning: "Crazy" - Alanis Morissette
Okie, get this queasy feeling whenever I watched Korean just well brings me back to the past. Tears would start to surge and seriously, memories just starts to pour back.
Time would seem to stop at this certain time and point. Sept-Oct is the month. Yes thats the month. Okie its almost close to 2 months already but y am I still thinking about it. I have finally put an end to it already. I tried and I did my best. And I tot I succeeded. Is it because of these 2 people that create an influence on me on how happy they are together? Okie, I am resenting now. Life is pretty much so unfair but this is how life is. Y is it that I must work? It takes up most of my time back then. Was that part of the reason that such an ugly end happened? I really have no idea. I dun wanna work anymore but if I dun work, who's gonna support me? Not that I am living a lavish life but no one is providing me the life every child dreams of. I think I m one of the few special kids that do not get allowances for clothes, transport, entertainment etc that is like outside of sch. Now TEP is like killing me. I dun get to earn as much as before. Moreover, TEP makes me spend like almost 10bucks a day on food and snacks. I dun like it. I hate it. I dun like leadin this kind of "made for people to think" lavish life. I feel like I am just labelled as a rich kid by others but they dun even know how this whole entire household works. I have not even got the chance to actually travel out of Singapore to think bout the chronicles of my life like u did. Be it going to KL for a short time, at least it helps u to think bout what actually happen. I also nid my short trip. Im just going crazy thinking bout all these right now. Its late, its killing me. Being confine in this dark circle is really blinding me right now. I know I am happy by mself but the solitude is also killin me. I hate myself for thinking this way and acting this way. Well it would b nice if my xmas present this yr would be an angel to lift my sorrows. Haiz..but aint gonna think too much cos it might never happen. Have to be slapped on the face and wake up to reality the next morning. So just bloggin away to help myself. This is part of me that I dun wanna forget about. My true feelings...
But anyway, I finally got 3 kind souls who would get me Xmas presents. Haha...evil me but for now at least my wish list is shortened. Miss XXX is giving me a pencil box (time for a change since I have been using the current one since Sec School), Mr Yaz wanna sponsor 2/3 of the cost for my Crumpler Bag and Mr Winston also wanna sponsor me 100bucks for my Crumpler Bag. Haha...Should I get 2 Crumplers or should I just get one and used the rest of the money to get sth else? Haha...Tell me...give me some ideas folk...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 12/11/2005 03:30:00 AM |
Spinning: Ye Qu - Jay Zhou Jie Lun
Okie, yesterday's Zouk Party was a partial success la. Okie for some wadeva reasons only those who went will know and understand. I dun wanna elaborate too much on it either since Shariann doesn't wanna mention too much of it either. It was pretty sucky at the end but maybe I too couldnt care much less bout it since I am awfully tired. I am too shagged. Not enuff sleep and I still hafta care bout it. I think I dun even wanna think bout it but at least I did put in some effort to help in the u know wad....
Okie, seriously, I am just too tired to think of clubbing one la. But Im glad that I have all those friends whom I know of course. Cause they just kept me company all the way la. And of course I appreciate it la. And they r obviously, Kat, Pris, PeiFen, CaiYun, Hwe Ling n Shariann etc la..those I can click with one la or else I dun even bother bout the rest liao la...
Feels rather kinda weird to be in such a big club la. Second time being here but its just pretty weird la. The feeling I guess!!! And maybe some other bitches who think they r the clubbing queen acting like some notorious bitch la. Fucking bitches. Ok my attitude sucks la but when it comes to these kinda bitches I also dun give in one la. When Im feeling rather high I will just fucking scold them back if they scold me. I wun like give them face one la and one stupid clubber girl got it from me la...
Okay, dun wanna talk too much about that night anymore...we know u know can liao...LoLx...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 12/11/2005 12:20:00 AM |
2nd Last Week
Spinning: "Don't Bother" - Shakira
Ok yesterdaywas a pretty slacking day for me. Haha..cos yesterday everybody here was cleebrating the end of stopoer 1 at CRM-CC1 la...its so darn erm like no life here. Here is like so darn xtremely strict la...Hate my life here...Argh...
Never make any call yesterday since everyone were in a party mood so haha yea so am I. Mostly, I was like on the phone and celebrating la. Muahahah...
In fact, the food that they ordered weren't anything fantastic and we still hafta pay 5 bucks for it. Kinda like erm so erm not worth it. Haha..lucky no one here from CRM knows my blog add...But anyway, most of us would have agreed that the food weren't that much of being fantastic.
Worst time was like when we were playing games. It pretty much suxs. The games were not so bad but then my shirt got stained by orange juice la. Oh mean I had to wear the CRM T-Shirt for the whole entire day. But Im glad that Nicholas was willing to lend me one of his tee for me to change when I met him up at City Hall. Okie, that was a big relieve cos I didnt want anyone to caught me in my CRM T-Shirt which is like a big erm...Haha..I rather not talk bout it cos there's nothing much nice to comment on it. LoLx...
Still quite unsure whether I wanna go to Zouk tonight or not since I am like feeling so darn shagged and tired. I really cannot take it lor...My eyes wanna close right now but I cant since I am under the watchful eyes of Sabrina n Ms Khoo...Haix...
Anyway, dun really feel like blogging liao but good news to Shariann and Shih RU...I will post the whole CRM pics down here so u 2 can guess who is who that I am referrin in my blog haha...Check it out yea....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 12/09/2005 09:07:00 AM |
3rd Party Again...No No No all Rumors...
Spinning: "Beat of My heart" - Hilary Duff
U know what...OMG la something is definitely wrong liao la. I just realised alot of people think that Cheryl and I are like together. Oh wad the fuck...not that anything is wrong but come on la she is like attached.
Stop linking me and her. This matter was first brought to me when Pei Zhen ask me in front of her whether I like her and stuffs and r we together. When I said no and she is attached, she actually sae attached cannot like and woo her meh? Oh man..didnt tot much bout it back then...
And today, when go lunch with my group, David tot I was with Cheryl. All the hand and eye signals tells me he tot the same way too. Oh shit...This is getting deeper and deeper and when I confide this to Jess, she thinks the same way too because we are like real close la. But the fact that they know that its impossible because she is attached.
Oh many people in the world still thinks that we r together? Oh feeling so shitified la...Not that I dun like but it will cause alot of misery to her and me and of course her bf if rumors start to spread. Dun think I nid that to happen in my life again. This would be the 3rd time that people will accuse me of being a 3rd party....
So stop all these nonsense and lead a happy life ba......
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 12/08/2005 12:14:00 AM |
Reflections Of Myself....
Spinning: "Reflections" - Christina Aguilera
Finally, I think I am putting on a few pounds now. Been undergoing some drastic changes over like for the past 2 yrs...Incredible changes...
Remember that m highest weight peak level was like
80kg and my lowest would be
58kg...See the difference on how doing sit-ups could actually do justice to u. Haha...But of course with proper diet plans too la.....
I know I am thin right now but trust me, I am working real hard to put on a few more pounds. I am tryin my darn best now. I for now weigh at
63kg...that is like a gain of
5kg la...I will slowly pu on more weight la so u guys wait and see la. That would be next yr resolution to put on another like 5 more kg to weigh at
68kg. So peeps gotta help me put on weight. I have been eating alot and doing light moderation exercise like lifting the dumb bells and doing crunches la. Hopefully everything will pay off la. Haha....But sometimes, I just dun understand y people still say I look thin la...when I take photos, my face seems a bit rounder. Haix, come on face up to reality, this friend of urs is already tryin his best to put on more weight by end of next yr I shall achieve my resolution and put on more weight ba....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 12/07/2005 10:36:00 AM |
I Had A Bad Day
Spinning: "Dirty Little Secret" - The American Reject
Okie seriously, yesterday was like so suay la. My whole day is like so suay. Suay Suay Suay is the only word I can describe my day to be. Moreover, the entire day is like so tiring for me la...I am so totally shagged out to the xtreme...I slept when I stepped foot into CRM thinking that its lunch time when Cheryl woke me up. But it was only like our first break la. Long day ahead...
Okie after sch, sweet lil Shariann waited for me for the FIRST time to go back home together but I had to go Orchard to get soursop for Ted la since he say I must treat him and since he would be here today, I tot of gettin it for him and pass it to Eric la. But guess wad, Orchard no longer sells that soursop already. Oh couldnt get it for him la...Went window shopping, literally window shopping since have no time to buy anything nor try anything. I might be dropping by Orchard on Thurs after sch to take a look again. This time round sure alone liao cos Shariann goin with Kyndi and they end sch early la.
The next suay thing is, I saw someone I shouldn't have seen la. Really eyesore la I tell u. Its someone I know but no longer have any contacts with him anymore la. Im like so suay la, he still stopped in front of me with his friends at Topshop but I chose to ignore him and walked away la (so glad Shariann was upstairs looking at clothes to be able to witness such unfortunate event)...And when I told this to Eric, he reminded me that this is the 2nd time already. O so suay la...I cant believe Im so down with my luck la...
3rd thing so suay is that I had to rushed down to Suntec to get the cheque from Grace la. Okie I must rush because I have to rush for drvin lessons at 2040 la. Then when I was like walking up the overhead bridge, my stupid left side contact lense dropped out by itself. Fucked la...I was like so frantic and perspiring like a dog that got heat stroke. I couldn't find my contacts and moreover, I am like one side blind la...Worst is that, it will cost hundred plus to make one side. And I dun even know how to break this kind of wonderful news to my parents la. Confirm sure scold me like hell one lor...Then I decided to stopped lookin and go find Grace to take the cheque. After that, I was like contemplating whether to buy the soursop or to head back to find my contact lense. Im glad I went back cos in the end with some efforts, I found it. The great thing was that, alot of ppl who always pass by that bridge never stepped on my lense. Oh thank god. Im like so estatic la...and immediately changed out to specs in fear of losing them again.
Lastly, I was like so darn late la. Not to mention, I didnt pass my that driving module for right turn cos I was too tired to even concentrate on learning to drive la. Dunno how many times I tall the car. My fault but I will try to pass it by thurs but then the instructor also like so darn idiot one la. Talked so much then dun tell me where to turn that really wanted to shout at him to tell him for once to stopped talkin at the right time. Arghhh...But nevermind la...wad I wanna do is to leave the drivin sch ASAP so I can go home and sleep. LoLx...
*Okie at least something to cheer me up cos I got to go out and I saw Nicholas. Haha...but its a bit weird cos his friend also wanna see me so we actually had to stopped in order to let his friend see me. Pretty weird but anyway nice to see him. Haha...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 12/07/2005 10:09:00 AM |
Pissin Sunday
Spinning: "Don't Forget About Us" - Mariah Carey
Okie seriously speakin..Im totally bum and burnt out the whole of last week. Though I had a fair share of fun but I still feel that I did not had enuff sleep la...Dunno y...Why is it that there is only 24hrs? Why cant it be like 48hrs a day. Like that I can have 24hrs of sufficient rest and sleep. Hate TEP...seriously. Its so much worst than classical la...Must be here from 830 to 1800. F*** F*** F***.....
Okie, I skipped store meetin yesterday. Haha I am so proud of myself la. What's the point of havin a store meetin when only like wad 3 people bother to turn up which consist of Wendy, Shariann and Jarir. Stupid right. Instead, I went blading. Haha...Its so fun la I tell you. This time was pretty alright never fall down but fell when I try to help Mel and Zen. Haha...So darn funny la but so cool la. Tot initially could u know like tann myself la but bloody idiot. I never turn out to be like a roastin pig. Haix, mission failed but might be going to sentosa to tann myself with Zen they all. Gotta see how first. Its gonna be awesome to turn out lookin abit darker and bronze. Haha...Can't wait la. Tot of wanting to go tanning before going to Zouk one but well I absolutely have no fricking time la.
Can someone (hinting: Shariann) pls remind me that Uncle Eric not workin next week and ask me to check the manager on duty schedule next wk. I dun wanna work with an attachment manager aside for Sun since I will only do kiosk closing. o Shariann dun fight with me okie. And I think I should ask Uncle Eric to go Hongkong next wk to help me get some stuffs back right. Like tees maybe? Haha dunno la...
Yesterday's work really suxs la. Benjamin fucking suxs as a partner. He just simply do nothing yesterday and stand there like a f***ing wood person. F*** him la I tell u. Am just so angry yesterday la. Wad the F***And if today he is not gonna do anything I gonna feedback to Bear liao. I dun even F***ing give a dman no matter what Shariann told me how she praise Benjamin la. She only knows how to find fault in me la. Wad dun take initiative to complete a certain passport. Bitch ah she. F***kin bitch...remind her dunno how many times liao and she dare to sae I never take initiative. She just simply dun take initiative to remember and concern bout her partner's needs la. F*** her la. Anyway, my character at work also is the heck are kind of attitude so I dun bother to care at all la. I dun care...Lalala...
Anyway, Shariann, I got your birthday present from Kat liao...If u wan u better come and take it from me lor today or else I wun bother to call and give u ah. Haha...And thanks for helpin me out yesterday. Appreciate it man. U r a one true friend la. Anyway, here is your first "B" card. Thanks for all the help u have given me. Muahaha...see u on Fri then. Am now anitcipating for Xmas...Shariann lets find a day to go out with Kat to shop for Xmas presents for ourselves. We ought to treat ourselves with something nice and afterall the yr is about to end liao. We gotta enjoy ourselves. Wad say u. Haha
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 12/05/2005 08:46:00 AM |
Spinning: "Yan Lei Cheng Shi" - Stefanie Sun Yan Zi
Okie..Im gonna sae this for the one last time for this whole week. I am sho shagged. Shagged is the only word that can describe how I really am feeling right now la...This whole week wad haf I been doing? I am just so drained out la...Not workin except only on wed and this is how tiring I can be...
Slept all the way to sch la. Only wake up at the stop before I nid to alight. Amazing yea...never knew I could do that...LoLx...
So was like draggin my feet to sch with my eyes barely open. I can seriously tell u I felt like i was sleepwalkin to sch and suddenly someone from the back tapped me. Guess who? Haha...Its Shariann's friend, Valerie. Okie, so long never see her liao so was pretty much astonished to see her la..So its good to see her again but this time her alone cos now she and shariann r so busy with classical la...

Finally, went to watched Harry Potter. Okie, now I can sae that I have caught it and Im proud I did that yesterday. The bad thing bout it was that, we had to sit on the 2nd row from the front. Its pretty straining watchin it so darn front la. Honestly speakin, I dun see whats all the hype and buzz all about Harry Potter when it was released la. Moreover, I dun quite understand why it got great and fantastic reviews. Seriously speakin, I dun really find it that interesting at all compare to the previous 3 la. The triwizard matches are like so short la...never maximise ity and some facts r missing and wrong. Wrong Wrong Wrong get it right Wrong Wrong Wrong. I would only give it like 2.5-3 stars out of 5 la. Moreover, the new actor who acts as Professor Dumbledore is alot worst than than the previous one. He is not natural, he talks so fast not like the previous one in a calm tone and and he seems more petrified than the previous one when he is supposed to be the most powerful one u know. So stupid la I tell u...
Today, just pretty much slack the whole way. Sleepin and slack. Made only like 3 calls with 1 completed survey. Super cool right. Got to know that I am posted to TEP Admin minus Cheryl with the whole entire DBS grp joining me. Pretty sad la...I mean afterall, Cheryl was the first person to talk to me when we r at the same grp...Gonna miss her for sure but we can still go out for lunch since we r all at the first level. So dun be sad gal....And rest well n get well soon. Yep and this is now like our 7th week and 2 more weeks to go will be headin for a new stopover. At least I know I wun be the topic for Sabrina Ng anymore. Today, Wei Ling told me that when we were havin our break Sabrina saw the paper and told Ms Khoo that Tat Wee at TEP Admin ah and starts laughing...erm wads her prob? Is there a prob with me being at TEP Admin? Argh...dunno wads wrong with her man...Dun care none of my biz...changed out to my jeans today for sharing session she also mus say. Haix yo so irritating la...Next Fri gonna have a stopover celebration. Havin pizzas and stuffs. cool right...But in formal moreover still hafta go to Zouk with Shariann. Haix...dun even know whether haf energy or not la to go to Zouk. I might just withdraw if I am too drained out. Haha...
Today, brought Grace to buy her Fujitsu notebook but guess wad la...the stupid IT fair dun allow is to do personal sellin la. So stupid la...But dunno why...I think GOD was like on my side la cos the daddy paid by NETS and the limit is only till $2000 so the transaction is not complete la. Then Im not gonna help her purchase at the IT fair liao and go Fusion to do it instead since Grace doesnt mind not gettin the thumbdrive. Haha...Yep gonna get a $2000 plus for personal selling liao...Wa hahaha so happy least I did put in effort. Muahahaha...So tired am gonna go n bathe and sleep see u happy people on monday then. Muacks muacks..
I think I mus also go for an eye check up eye sight like gettin worst n worst...Haix..Must be eye sight increased liao...feel like goin for laser haix...And guessed wad haha...someone from the streets saw me and sae that the way I wore look so metrosexual when I only wore T shirt and jeans stupid la..But I dun care...its jus another oh well compliment...Haha
And congrats to Agnes and Jun Xiong on your marriage. Waited too damn long liao and finally u 2 r gettin hitched. Awww...I will defintely make Jan 7 and 8 free for u guys to attend your wedding. See u guys...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 12/02/2005 09:09:00 PM |