Spinning: "Yuan Wei" - Yang Cheng Ling
Surprisingly, I found out that I am such a forgiveable person...I have forgiven Shari-Ann but a part of me is still burning with rage. Or else I wouldnt have screamed at Pris and Shari-Ann at taka yesterday. Muahaha...okie...I guess my screw just came loose yesterday but its like who cares. At least I guess it helps to extinguish the rage and anger in me.
So yea..got a b'day present from a friend today. Not something I would really want to use but Im not gonna abolish the idea of not using it once. We shall see how ba. I also dunno. And guess wad I think we r gonna rebuild the friendship we once shared. Shockin' shit but well somehow someway we r gonna do it. By crude we r gonna do it. Seriously, dun really wanna or feel like losing this friend but like I once mentioned before, if its fate that things r like wad it is now, there's nothing i can do either but hopefully there will b a turning point. So lets see how ba...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 1/28/2006 05:54:00 PM |
Estatic? Pissed?
Spinning: "Ai Wo Hai Shi Ta" - David Tao
Okie, seriously today im in like a more hyper mood la. Reason being today would be my last dae of sch. Okie not literally last dae but the beginning of my 11days block leave. Okie, now the time of boarding the plane and leave this frustrated country is near. I can just gladly leave in peace for 5days. I nid it badly since last Oct. Argh just cant wait...seriously...
Okie, been reading Damien's blog all these while. It makes me realised that my blog seems pretty plain without pics anymore. Thus I decided to whipped out my digi cam and snap a few fotos. Not too many neither r they too little too. LoLx...Haha...at least thats all I can leave to share before I fly la...

~Simultaneous Pics Look So Happy Right Cos No Sch Tmr~

Group Foto Minus Janet
Pissing dae too...I mean whats the fucking wrong with Shariann la. I mean come on la...we r like friends since when liao. Dun just give me that kinda heck care kind of attitude la. When u feel like it then u call and dun feel like then dun call la. Thats where your fucking prob lies okie. Seriously, I aint going clubbing on 10th Feb...U can enjoy it with the other gals. Take it as a girls night out for urself and them. Aint gonna mix with Nat and Inez since I dun talk to her and neither do I know her that well respectively. If seriously, calling or rather acknowledging ur friend is tough then so be it. Next time see each other in sch, we dun have to call each other la okie. Just fricking jolly well do wadeva u r doin n ignore me okie. Dun hafta be like telling CaiYun n gang that TatWee is dere okie. Im fricking just gonna ignore u like how I did todae. Even when Rach told me that u r at the corner. Im not gonna see u like a friend provided u do provide the due respect for a friend. If u see me just at least b polite to sae hi. Frickin attitude sia u...Dun even bother to talk me bout going to MOS. U chose to become like this again on Mon at McDonald and today. Furthermore, because of that time u really make me too piss to even want to go. It will disgust me to actually go dere la. And even if it means I wouldnt be able to create a big bang on my birthday I dun think I would be too sad bout it at least I know I still have some other people and Pris too. Haix....
Am just so glad to have accomplished the Giordano report writing. I mean come on...Its all the hard work that Erica, Rachel and I have put in. Aint easy earning that 400bucks but I do noe what I wanna get when I receive the money. Muahaha...jus cant wait...
Now am gonna bum around at home till I fly. Just gonna lay in bed and watch "Memoirs Of A Geisha". Still hafta wait for Eric's msg for tomorrow's plan or else the most I will just sleep all the way till work. Sleep is also all I nid now. Plenty of rest n sleep. Haha
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 1/25/2006 09:10:00 PM |
Sucky Dae...Irritating Fickle-Minded Gal
Spinning: "Forever Love" - Wang Lee Hong
Okie...today is a real tiring dae...I dunno y...Couldn't even managed to sleep in the first half of the day...I mean come on the deadline for the Giordano report thingy is tomorrow. And wad the fuck...We have not like finish the tabulations. They r just plentiful but by wadeva means...have to get it one by tomorrow. Haix...Do I really and actually nid the cash? Hmmm...Dad just up my allowance and I will stopped all these jobs from coming to me liao...Haha
Long dae...had to help out TPRD for attendance taking and thus cannot sleep. I feel so deprived of my sleep. I dunno y...It feels like my sleeping time is being robbed in sch. Its forever this case because we have one sucky and lousy supervisor. Argh...no use complaining here. Not like she fucking hell knows wad is my blog. Haha....
Okie...now I want to rant...Shariann...U just make my dae worst as each day past by la. Sae wanna go shopping on Monday then stood me up and tell me to go on Today instead and again u stood me up.
mailto:#$@%@$#^ man I cannot stand this kind of jibberish rubbish from u man. So fickle minded. Just go out with Bryce la. Go and watch a movie with him la. Make me bring my tutorials for u and dun collect it from me. Shall never do this kind sai kang job for u anymore. Find Bryce to help u la....Even robbed my Fri with Pris from me. Now have to let me go out later. Lose all my mood to go out on Fri liao. So dun come and ask me bout Fri unless I ask u guys...Argh.....
And bout clubbing on the 10th I also dunno whether I wanna go or not...since my dear darling Pris not going...Argh...aint gonna be left alone with a bunch of people that I seldom talk to like Nat and Inez...It will feel pretty weird with them ard so definitely it will be a big No-No for me. Not going anymore....unless Pris changed her mind. Haha...
Can't believe it...tomorrow is my last dae of sch before I prepare to go for my block leave. Woo~Hoo....I am like counting down the days before I bought my flight to Bangkok. Time sure pass fast for this stopover. I dunno its like the 6th week now and guess wad...I will miss all my friends that I have made during TEP. I mean afterall, I have already like bonded with the 4 girls from CRM. I also dunno how life will be like when classical starts. I know I will never see them again just like I have never seen any of them before TEP began. Hahaha...so gonna do all the catching up and stuffs before time runs out. Had confessions today and well we had opur agenda planned out too. What we r gonna do for the upcoming weeks....Haha...just let me list it out for u guys to see....
4th Feb: JB trip with Erica and Cheryl
12th Feb: Roller Blading @ East Coast with Erica and Rachel tentatively since we r coaxing Cheryl and Rach's BF
19th Feb: MacRitchie HSBC Treetop Walk with Erica, Janet and Rach and Cheryl and More...
26th Feb: Tanning and Picnic @ Sentosa with Erica and Rachel and maybe Cheryl...Woo~Hoo tanning..thats what I nid now....
And Pris u still owe me my trip to sentosa to sun tann. I wanna tann myself la...So we shall do it when I come back from Bangkok okie...Dunno whether I wanna quit my job at Starbucks. Am contemplating bout it. Thurs will be asking Eric to print out the resignation letter. Dun really feel like working anymore. I know Shariann wouldnt quit so Im not even planning to inform her when Im quitting since she is like pretty much attached to Bear. I give up on her long ago just like Eric did. Haha...I know once I quit, Eric and I will never be that close anymore. This is how the world works and how friendship works too. Thats the only thing that hinders me to quit. I dun wanna lose a very dear friend like him but sometimes enuff is enuff...U just wouldnt be able to understand my feelings right now. Argh but at least at least there's someone to cheer me up now. So its pretty much alright lor....
Oh I forgot to add that if i was to quit my job...I might actually join dragonboat back. It wouldnt be with sch but outside club. I think with Singapore Paddlers. A friend intro that to me so yeah...am still considering. Would definitely reached an answer when Im back from Bangkok. Sch's team training is just too tough and time-consuming and the one outside sounds good. My next resolution would be learning swimming after drivin. Just so gonna keep myself busy so as not to get pissed off by fickle-minded and absent-minded gals...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 1/24/2006 01:13:00 AM |
Weekly Report
Spinning: "Fa Ru Xue" - Jay Zhou Jie Lun
Havent been updating bout life lately...Have been pretty busy. Okie I also dunno busy with wad. But wadeva it has gotta do with sch la. Havent been working too much neither have I been drivin too much either.
Maybe its because its the open hse week thats y. I mean after the photoshoot I just fell sick. Real sick. And lethargic. I dunno la...Then worst is, Erm I also dunno. I got no duties for Open Hse la. Its so cruel to be left alone inb the room but I decided to just helped out my friends. Standing at the booth shouting and promoting or else do tour guiding. Haha...renderin my service to whoever needs it.
This whole entire week was pretty crazy. Those who never contacted me b4 suddenly all started contacting me. Its weird...I dunno y but I just dun like it. Like Shariann would have put it. Wads is in the past can never fit into the present. I dun like the fact that once someone disappeared from my life and never bother to keep in contact with me. Dun just come out to me and scare the shit out of me la.
Been hearin alot of people's probs. But y is it that I dun have any probs? Okie except the fact that I still got that kind of face that attracts the wrong gender. Ya heard alot of it alot of time liao. Haha..I sae I might just pierced my ear and Rach, Janet and Erica all sae it will even attract more of the wrong people. Haha...Oh shittified man...then wad am I supposed to do? I cant pierce my ear now. Its rather torturing cos I wanna try and if I dun like it I can always take it out right. But I might just perceived and go ahead to pierce. Moreover, darling Priscilla gonna give me a earring too so I dun have to waste money to get. Haha...Thats like so sweet of her la cos she has no use for it. So I might just go piercing when I come back from BKK. Am anticipating for my long trip. Im just gonna shopped till I dropped dead la. Thats for sure. Haha...Luv u to tons...Though Im not able to hear your probs or to hang out with u but we shall definitely do so after movie next wk yea. I shall treat u to one. And then we shall go for sun tanning when im back from BKK too okie. Shariann join us also too alrite. We shall not work on one of the wkends yea...
Okie la...I also dunno wad else to blog already since Im like ants running on a hot pot cos I have not done my tabulations which is due tomorrow when I meet Erica and Rachel. Argh...so I will just go and do it now...
And just to sae..finally in dunno how many million yrs later, I finally went out with friends to watch a movie. And this is the first time...Im gonna emphasized first time in my life that poly friends are willing to catch a movie which is rare la. Okie maybe the poeplke I hang out with in poly dun do that. Either they have curfews or else they r poor. Not that Im rich or wadeva but pls u r like 19 and pls get a life la. So im pretty much glad that these new friends I made thru TEP...Rachel, Erica and Janet plus sweet Cheryl they are easy going and yea would do stuffs that I like. Haha so Im glad. Might go trekkin at MacRitchie and also blading soon with them. Prob Janet and Erica ba. LoLx...the mroe adventurous kind. Haha....Okie back to the movie. Caught The Heirloom.

Yea sacry my foot. It suxs to the core la. It still claim to be the top grossing horror movie in Taiwan. Oh fucked it. Not a single ghosts appeared. Okie it would be alright if its not scary but I ended up laughing close to the end of the movie la. I just couldnt control my laughter. I think I just freaked the entire cinema-goers...haha...maybe I was possess or wad la. I mean I dun pay 8 bucks to watch a horror movie but end up laughing like mad because I dun understand wad the freakin hell this movie was showin and playing. Oh fucked it man. Never watch Taiwan Movie again. This is my blog rally speech. Haha...so friends forget bout The Heirloom, save ur money for something good yea.
Haix...life suxs man...I badly need a rest. Am just glad to b going to Bangkok at this period...Till now I haven paid my parents back for the air tixs. Haha..evil me but I promise to do so. Moreover guess wad. Haha...I only owe my dental account 100bucks only. I tot I owed quite alot but turn out I was wrong. Haha...can go shopping spree now. I just am so in the mood for that before chinese new yr la. I just bought the new Levi's Engineered Jeans and I realised alot of guys also bought that cos I tell u it feels so great la. Its comfortable and can match alot of Tees too. I just so adore it la. And I will definitely get another jeans too but dunno from where. So Shariann shall we go on a shopping spree on Fri. Haha...I not workin and neither am I schooling and we can always go out till real late at night to shop. Haha...Lets make a date okie.
Also dunno y, I have this feeling to go drinking all the time. Haix...dunno is it because of Shariann's influence...I mean she keep telling me bout clubbing then her friends except me psychoing her to go clubbing and drinking. I think its more like a cycle of psychological effect that has gotten hold of me. I so badly wanna go out drinking before I leave for BKK. I wanna have my usual Long island Tea and a beer after that. A nice cold beer. Haha...Shariann where r u when I nid u for my night life. LOLx....Contact me yea and I shall think bout the clubbing at MOS on 10th Feb and the Mambo Night on 15th Feb. I so gonna make myself drunk on the 15th cos its my birthday. Dunno whether anyone will remember but I will so make myself drunk if we r going. I will just be high on that dae la. LoLx....All those got hearts one pls msg me to wish me happy birthday okie.
One last thing to share...my dreams of driving is getting nearer. Yeah baby...I passed my Advance Theory in one try. Isnt that great. I didnt really had that much time to finish reading but am really glad to have pass. Right now, I had better polish up my driving skills and hopefully when I take my test at the end of March...I can pass. Hopefully everything will goes well and smoothly...The I can start driving liao...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 1/22/2006 12:53:00 AM |
MOX out
Spinning: "Bu Zhuo Ni De Peng You" - S.H.E
Okie babies...I have been missing out of action for quite some time already...been sick and laziness has gotten the best out of me. I just am too lazy to blog la...Aint gonna just pack my stuffs and vacant this blog again. NO way NO way...
So, have been going out lately....I dunno y but Orchard seem to be the only nice place to hang ard. Hate that place now cos Im sick of that place. Worst is, I keep bumpin into those I should not have bumped into la. I wun mind if Im with the right company la but...hell NOT im not with the right company all the times.
As usual walked around Orchard and this time instead of buying any clothes, I chose to buy some face products. Spent ard 70 bucks for a face scrub and face wash from Lab Series and Clinique. Definitely gonna get a hell outta from my mum la if sees this with me at my bathroom or when I bring them to Bangkok. She's stayin at the same room with me. OMG...thats like hell la...NO peace somemore...But I dun care...My face need to be nourish at times too. Haha...
Had the worst xperience in my life...This is near to death experience. I dun care, Im gonna argue my way to this. Cos i think this is a terrifyin and horrible experience. Im the target of some twins trans "thai ladies". Oh fucked man...I dun think there's anything wrong but dun be too expressive la. Its disgusting I think. I mean there should be a limit. Some kinda limit. Someone pls draw the line. Argh...hate it...It just give me the creeps man. Im not being prejudice against them but I just dun feel comfortable at all. I know that I was the target of a few people. Dunno whether Pris realised that or not but I know some people from Tangs and Energie (Heeren) kept looking and smiling at me la. I dunno...some kind of mutual attraction to them I guess. Muahaha...but who cares...Im jus out to enjoy myself. And the least I could do is smile back at them politely. The worst case scenario would be at MOx itself.
Hell didnt know that alot of ppl I know r there la. Okie, I know what u guys are thinking but just shut that tot for a few mins. Dun even bother thinking of it yea okie. I just managed to sae hi to them thats all and converse with them. Seriously, thats all what happen though there was this guy who came up to chat up with me. An ang moh guy. Haha....BUT let me emphasize nothing happen la. Tot Im supposed to go clubbing with Ms Shariann but who knew she ended being drunk. Oh Fuck it man, the drunkard state of her is totally crazy. But I think she act one lor...Cos I mean she is still pretty sober but at the same time crazy. She claims to not know what she is doing but can actually shout to call Bryce. Hmm..come to think of it when a guy makes a girl go crazy in the wrong way, it proves that he aint such a nice guy. I dunno whether Shariann is in a denial mode or wad la...I mean urm come on la...she calim not to remember she ask me to call and said that I was the one who want to call. Erm..which stupid fella would do that la...But well wads past is the past...I aint gonna rake everything up now so I shall just leave it all in the past.
But pls bear in mind Ms Shariann, u owe me big time alrite...I had to clear up the mess (cleanin up the cab) after I dropped u. And next time dun drink too much if u cant hold your liqour well yeas...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 1/15/2006 08:49:00 PM |
Sick...Am sick right now...
Yea baby…I know some of u have waited very long already for me to post some stuffs…Me too have waited for quite some time to start blogging…Can’t blame a sick guy…he’s jus too weak to move his little boney fingers…Muahaha….
Am glad Ms Shari-ann (for once I got the spelling right) change shift with me at work. I though still not feeling that well decided to come to work. Nonetheless, Im kinda like the workaholic kind….Those who employ me should be happy cos I always work work and work. LoLx….Since I know there wouldn’t be that much of a crowd, I decided to bring my notebook along to work. So I can work on my Sharin slides…though I haven finish with my speech yet but at least something is done to with the slides…Yipppeeee…..
Am still feeling a bit sick. Though no signs of fever but on occasion, I feel cold and not just cold but bloody cold la. Its like winter to me everywhere. U wouldn’t understand that feeling. I think it has something to do with my tonsils problem baby…I think its best that I removed it cos its affecting my daily life la…Havin sore throat everyday. Waking up in the middle of the night. In fact I woke up at 5plus in the morning to change into something thicker and longer because of the coldness. And to add to my record I ate 5 panadols in a day. I slept for a maximum of 16hrs for Friday ignoring calls from Sin Yee, Weni and Starbucks MP. Dunno y but I still pick up Ms Shari-Ann’s call. LoLx…Weird…Weird… Something is definitely so wrong wif me la but I dunno wad to do. See a doc on Fri..Left sch halfway…doc dun seem to believe me thinking I skipped sc but wadeva who cares cos I have gotten my MC. That’s all I care…dunno can claim back from Starbucks or not cos I never work ma…Haha…Evil me…Muahahaha…..
Maybe its also due to the fact that after sch I never go home and rest and went out to meet Pris (Tues), Eric (Wed), Kaylen (Thurs) that’s y due to insufficient rest…All kind of stupid diseases are able to break my immune system. But nonetheless I did have fun yea…Except for the times at school la cos sch really suxs…The photoshoot is really taxing given this kind of stupid weather. I just dun understand y it keeps on raining non-stop. Arghh…fuck it…Cannot go out and the weather is so darn cold..Worst still cannot go home…Haha….
So let me talk bout Thurs event now: Yep met up wit Kaylen. Was super angry with him la but for some reasons I dunno y I forgave that stupid guy and decided to meet him. So I made my way to Bugis and was made to wait for him till 720 lyke that, Idiot guy…But guess who I saw…Tony…Erm okokie…nothing happy to see him cos he is going back to Dubai to work but I saw him buyin Calvin Klien’s undies…Haha…and I so wanted to get my hands on them la. I mean its pretty cool to wear Calvin…at least tats wad I tot but I didn’t get it la…4 pairs for 40 bucks quite reasonable…LoLx….Then I chatted with him for a while then went inside Muji with him and I saw Randall Ong. OMMFG (oh my mother fucking god)…haha this is the 2nd time I have seen him outside of sch for the 2nd time la…Y is it that I always bump into him. Lucky he never see me la…Im like so glad la…Tryin my best to avoid him but at the same time “stalking” (look properly with an exclamation marks okie) him. I wanted to whether he cam alone or with u know his partner cos its rumored that he is PLU…So Im like super curious but in the end I gave up cos I didn’t wanna continue the stalked…Muahaha…When Kaylen’s here, I saw Angelia and Angel la…Fucking embarrassed la but I took it lightly and just said hi to them. Didn’t expect to bump into them..Cos they never were my cliques la…So went Breeks to eat. Kaylen’s treat. The sandwich tasted disgustin…maybe it was the beef that was not nice. I dunno la..but just dun like it. Shall never eat that again. So shopped ard bugis street lookin at those nice clothes but have no money to buy. Haha…so sad la…cos I lready spent a bomb and thinking of whether to get the undies. Muahaha….Took loads of photos of Kaylen…shall post it up one day and even a video to make him take his tupid hands off his face so I can take a nice pic….That guy so damn act cute one la…Poser….
Friday: feeling super sick..everything seem to be a lost for me. I dunno Y did I go sch. I suspect was the cheesecake that made me sick. I tot was some kind of mild food poisoning but nonetheless I struggle to attend sch. Couldn’t tahan the sch’s air-con temp la..Feelin very cold wherever I go. No appetite also. Still have to coordinate the photoshoot which is like draggin and draggin our time la. So much things to do but so little time. Have sharing on mon and ICA role play on Fri. Shittified la…After I delegate most of the stuffs I just went back to the room and started doin most of the reports so as to lighten my team mates work. Man it was hell la…Bump into the CPU and now my leg look a bit swollen and blueblack. Plus Plus it actually leave a bloody mark la. See how a CPU can be quite hazardous. Sch is really so niao la...dun spend more money to get things work up and place properly. Idiotic…Im gonna write that in the summary report if I remember. LoLx…So I proceeded to see a doc and waited for 2hrs for my turn. Stupid long que…And home I go and slept till 12 midnight...Dun understand wad the fuckin hell is wrong with Bear…she knows I am sick but she can still call me to pester me. Fucked..I didn’t even bother to answer her call la. Just because I came back to take my shoes doesn’t make me well…its just nearby…Dunno wad did Wandi say cos today when I come work he dunno tell me Bear dunno that I came back…Must be he sae one or one of the big mouth Jane or Michelle…But I just dun give a bloody damn bout it…Considerin of quittin soon…Next wk I shall have an answer just u wait guys…And since Jason has left and Eric will get an answer next wk…my fate will be in Eric’s hands…if he quits I will also quit too…So Shari-Ann if u wanna quit with me too better do it soon….
Sat: Dragged myself off bed to go SIR to extend my passport. I am going to Bangkok during Chinese New Yr for those of u who dunno bout it. Haha…I am goin there for like 5days 4 nights. I am so gonna enjoy myself la. Though I cannot go clubbin there. Heard from my friends its pretty cheap to club there but since my mummy and auntie will be there I have to b a good boi moreover no one to bring me to club l…No friends I wouldn’t go…Haha….I am so gonna spend a bomb there. I shall come back penniless but with bags and bags of stuffs,,,Clothings, food stuffs and etc for myself and friends….Some ask me buy Lacoste Polo which I will be getting for myself..food stuffs, t shirts and handbags…Hmmm….girls r just girls…so typical of them…Hahaha….Best thing is I just nid to pay for my own air tixs and accommodation my mummy will pay since she is going…tats a big ripped-off la…Hahaha….And my auntie also sae she might give me ang-pow so I can spend at there…Hmmm I sense my Lacoste Polo callin me somewhere….Somewhere near yet so far…..Haha…Okie back to SIR thingy…bloody idiot…it was so crowded when I stepped foot there la. Cannot imagine how people can tahan to que so long la. And bloody idiot they ask me to change photo and extend. Lucky I brought my photos but decided to take one anyway since my queue is like 100plus more to go. But I never expected it to take so long that I miss my que. I got a wedding solemnization to attend at 130. Shit. I went back to the counter and I said I miss my queue cos I takin fotos and she issue me another que no. This time round I have to wait for 200 over numbers to be called out before I get my chance n turn. Shit right…how shittified can it be. But well being the brainy me…I went up to one of the counter and told them I miss my que cos of the photo takin she decided to help me do it. Thanks god. Muacks muacks hugs hugs to her….Dunno ur name but I appreciate it and rushed off to meet Weni. The weddin solemnization didn’t start start punctually as stated and there was a lot of worshippin. I was already feelin hungry and I can sense I am havin gastric. But I still persist on…Glad for Agnes and Jun Xiong…after 4 yrs they decided to get hitched. Good for u guys…Congrats…Though never see them for like 2 yrs…But im still glad for them…still have to attend their weddin dinner today…Dunno whether I can make it but I shall see my body condition ba. Met Pris after that. Was doin some shoppin with her. She bought her stuffs and we linger a bit before proceedin to Bugis to get my undies…Haha…I decided to buy even after my mummy advised me not to. She say hers dun even cost 10bucks for one. But guys r vain too so I decided to go against her. I collected super lot of info from other girls and they say theirs is really a few dollars for one. Haha let me try once and I tell u I will learn my lesson once. Just let me be happy for once. I must sae most of my Chi New Yr stuffs r done. I nid one more bottom only. I got new undies, t shirt and shoes liao. Tmr goin shoppin wif my mum to get a jeans and after that I will psycho her to buy me another top or shoes. Adidas shoes…I wan u and that’s definite.
Now waiting for time to pass..it seems to be tickin away very slowly…No one here and my POS only has like 20plus bucks of sales. So sad but who cares…waitin for Eric to buy lunch and Shari-Ann to come take over me. Help I wan to get out of here ASAP. Argh…but anyway…feelin damn cold now and I wan to leave and stopped bloggin…Joshua out and see u in the next post….
Quittin fate loomin ard, so be prepared to see me less now and Shari-Ann I shall give u an answer next wk. Have fun workin yea…And Shih Ru when the hell r u getting ur arse back here. Miss u u know. Cant u feel my heart beatin vigorously for u. Come back soon okie…Miss u and luv u….Come to me…Muacks Muacks and hugsz hugsz to u my dear FRIEND.
*Note babes: My avid reader Ms Shari-Ann got the first glimpse of this post already. Luv U Baby….
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 1/08/2006 06:17:00 PM |
Shoppin Spreeeee
Spinning: "Counting Down The Days" - Natalie Imbruglia
Went shopping after sch yesterday. Hey a guy nids his rest too right. Or rather his leisure shopping time too. Muahahaha...So after sch went to Orchard. Meet Pris n Grace.
...Pris n I shopping...
Okie, Im actually quite glad that I decided to go. N guess wad!!!!!!!!!! I blew 180bucks yesterday on my shopping spree. Gosh..earlier I mention I couldnt find anything and the very next I blew so much. I felt spoilt suddenly. I felt a bit too Paris Hilton suddenly. Carryin Club 21 sales bag. Nothing special cos it was just from Mambo. LoLx...got myself a pair of Adidas shoes, a Mambo Tee and a Zara Long Sleeve Shirt. Haha, I just love all the stuffs I got for myself. And Im so prepared to just strut my stuffs on Chinese New Year. I will go out to continue shopped. I mean my mum gonna bring me buy bottom and maybe more tops. And moreover, I also eyein on another Adidas shoes. And its like 99bucks....
The Adidas Shoes
This is the only T-Shirt I bouht for CNY
One great thing is that I will strut my stuff on Sunday. Wearin my Zara shirt. And guessed wad it looks good with jeans. Even Pris agreed. Great cos I would be the center of attraction on that dae. Cant steal the limelight though so I will be good and tame. LoLx...Just rally enjoyed myself on that day. I guess it was because it was a pretty stressful time and day for me so I really nided it. Okie...same time also saw JiaYi...oh man..his 2 gfs are really talkative and I think they know some stuffs bout me cos he was like there he is Johua lor...and the 2 girls started yakkin to me like I was their best buds. Hmmppphhh...weird...LOLx...one comin to NYP some more haha...
Man there r just too many nice stuffs to get but no more money liao. Am so broke even Pris wanna shopped for CNY goodies. But haix no money. We shall just have to work hard n save more...Yeahh...enjoyed myself very much.
Also first time in dunno how many fricking yrs hat I finally gotten to had my Vanilla Milkshake. Okie, happen to chance upon it at Liat Tower's McDonald. Oh my god...how much I miss those times and days that they use to have it. I tell u it was my childhood fav. drink. But the quality of it doesnt seem that smooth and great anymore but nonetheless, its still cheap and afforadable n still nice la. I'm Lovin' It. Hahaha....
Met up wif Eric today. Today was a pretty busy dae for me cos helpin out with the photoshoot thingy. Worst is have to join in the shoot. It was fun though to help out since there were not enuff people. Muahaha...Because of meetin Eric, I had to postpone meetin up with Kaylen.
Though the day was pretty hectic. Meetin up with Eric did lighten up my day. Or rather brighten it up. Seems like a big load of stuffs was put down. Maybe things started to improve. We just talked bout som stuffs. He dun like the quiet me but he's hard to pls...when im noisy he says im noisy and when im quiet he says im quiet. I dunno wad to do also la...Muahahaha...Met him to accompany hom to shop for pants and shoes.
Dunno y but i still find the light brown ALDO shoes better n nicer lookin leh...But its up to u and what he thinks too la. I also dunno just here to provide some info only. Also bought my moisturizer from THE FACE SHOP. Dunno whether is it good but hopefully its not so bad la.
Anyway thanks for the dinner Eric. Sleepin now so lights out babes....
Pics shall be updated again...jus too lazy right now
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 1/05/2006 12:05:00 AM |
Summary of Yr 2005
Spinning: "Ride It" - Geri Halliwell
Okie todae wanted to blog alot but look the time now. I shall try my best to blog as much as I can. Okie I have alot of things to buy la. I wanna complie wat happen last yr too. I dunno where to start. Haix...so much things to write but just so little time. Lucky I aint caught in a sticky messy situation like Shariann. Haha....
So see, I was like readin dunno wad mags at the library. It just so inspires me to re-decorate my room la. Okie, I shall dedicate my whole entire 2006 to re-decorate. I shall go to ikea to get some nice stuffs. Go to some zen(ny) shop to get some other kinda stuffs. I mean like u know the one at raffles city. They have pretty nice stuffs. I wan to buy something to put my keys. Something like valet parkin tray. I also wan to buy some jigsaw puzzles. I wan to decorate my room. Put up some pictures. Haha..or else paint my room too. But I think my parents will kill me la. Maybe can suggest since I will be the one payin for all those stuffs. I think I shall get rid of the stupid table in my room too. I mean it looks kinda suxky and so unglam. I wan to get photo frame to hang my photos. Or else do some paper mache board so I can hang all my photos. Oh man...better take some nice pics and have them washed out. So i can pinned them on my walls. Another way to decorate the stupid walls. LoLx...Helped me guys....
Okie...so here it goes...the hard cynical part: A lot has happened in the past year. I’ve stumbled, fallen flat on my face, cried, picked myself up, tripped again, crashed, fought, shed tears, bled blood and through it all - grown older, grown wiser.
I can’t say I like myself a lot more than I did. I can’t say that I’ve become a better person for sure. But what I can say, is that I tried my best to be a better person, a better son, a better brother, a better friend.
Some things changed for the worst. I became disillusioned with human beings. I became cynical and mistrustful. I got burnt, bitched, and backstabbed. It hurt. But it only made me stronger. And perhaps more stubborn towards what I believed in.
It was a year of ups and downs. A crazy roller coaster ride. Lots of big decisions had to be made. Priorities shifted. Battles lost, victories gained. Looking back, this year was quite something. But I have no regrets.
Life gives us battle marks. Each battle mark is tattooed on, a scar unique to only us - not anyone else. These scars may be ugly, but each one hides a story, an experience - and from within, we find a thing of fragile beauty.
I have no regrets.
Get it? Alot of stuffs happen in the past yr. I mean er...alot dunno wad happen to me except Eric. Okie I have picked myself up. I have learned to move on. I feel free. I feel alot better n lighter as time pass. I gotta know Eric even better. Which is good. I gotta do alot of stuffs. I become more independent too. Well at least this yr was not wasted and bum. Less TV and more work. More money too. Haha...And I know i am going to enjoy myself this yr. Its gonna be a laid back yr for me. To you all suckers, nothing can dragged me down again anymore. Hahaha....In ur face mofo...The whole last yr, gotta know alot of peeps and lose alot at the same time. No regrets. We had our fair share of fun and knowin of one another. This yr gonna be good. Gonna be a good boi this time round. Hehe....
Well okie, got loads of stuffs to get b4 Chi New Yr... I also am in a great loss. Dunno wad to do. Couldnt find anything to get in Singapore la. I mean nothing fits la. I dunno am in a super great lost. So much things I wanna get and do. But dunno wad to do sia. I want to get loads of clothes. Am gettin Eric to help me get a few Tees from Hongkong. I want to pass my driving. Yipppeee, Im only like left with Parallel and Vertical Parkin before I can book my drivin test dates. Yipppeeee....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 1/03/2006 02:26:00 AM |
Spinning: "Raindrops Will Fall" - Tamyra Gray
Happy New Yr Peeps or rather KIDS...{stealing Janet's line} lolx....
Okie had a blasting fun time at Ministry Of Sound. If not for the 2 "irritating" pest on their persistant to make me go to there. I tell you I would not have all those great fun that we gotta experience down there.
U have no idea how persistant they r la. They r just like housefly...weng weng weng ard my ears la. Calling and texting me every hr. Even just hung up the phone they start to msg me askin me to go. And insisting that I have to go or else they will never go. Shariann still tell Pris that she's gonna call and bug me until I relent and go. Bloody idiots right. Havin a tough time at sch with TEP-Admin liao...still wan to bug me bout this. But i'm glad that I also made up my mind bout going or else I would have miss all those fun.
I'm pretty much surprise by myself too. Cos I mean I never knew that I have the energy to club considerin the fact that I wok up at 10am to go for dental la. Then after that went for drivin. Okie I know I am progressing quite fast for driving cause I'm like left with 7 modules to pass. I forsee that within a few more lessons, I should be able to get {hopefully} by early March. I hoped. Okie, I mean I like my instructor yesterday la. I mean I never found someone who is like so enthuiastic to make sure i get the techniques right la. Erm and to make sure time dun just tick away for nothing. Even till the last min, bout to end liao he still try to make sure we do another last round to try out. Thanks Raymond. And he make me feel like "home" kept calling me Josh its supposed to b like that. Very patient or rather extremely patient la. Kwel...
So proceeded to MOS at 8pm la. Fucking darn long queue. Okie, I admit I was like erm no mood to go in liao cos of the bloody queue. I mean fucked it, how can the queue be so disorganised. Its so darn long la. We tried making rounds to see whether we could find anyone we know. But yea saw some ex-broadricians and some NYPians. Okie dunno a few of them but some r like bloody bitches la. Aint gonna name them but of course someone stayin near me acted like some bloody fuckin whore. Come to think of it she looks really like a whore la. But okie in the end Cai Yun's friend managed to locate her friends so we were able to cut all the way to the first line. Thats accordin to Shariann so I have no idea how many freakin queues were there. The queues were damn bloody long. I admit its the worst countdown party I have been to. Hello...who has ever heard of someone qctually had their countdown outside while queuing? Tell me who ever had such a boring countdown. Yikes hate it....But at the strike of 12...the sky was lit beautifully and the crowd of course were treated with beautiful fireworks. Though can't really see much but it was still pretty great actually. LoLx....but I can also remember that the first to wish me Happy New Yr was some guy stranger. LoLx...okie maybe its because out of my kindness that I gave a piece of tissue to his SWAETING PROFUSELY friend. LoLx...he said he was jealous that he didnt get one but to bad I ran out of tissue too. LOLxxx....In the end ard 1230 like that we were all let in.
Great relief cos I cant stand the stinking crowd. I mean all the profusely sweating make the atmosphere quite nauseous for alot. Moreover, we r dyin of thirst. And the heatness feels like I am just dehydrating slowly down there la. No more MOS if we r goin for some countdown or holiday events.
So off to party. We were like stickin to Cai Yun's friend la. Okie alot of fun stuffs happen while we queued outside la. Gotta know this guy Bryce who is like so interested in dunno whom la. Pretty confusing at first. But well its obvious that he and her were like sticking to each other la. Flirting? I dunno or were there some kind of mutual attractions between the 2 of them? I also dunno. Pls give us an aswer gal. Haha...I think Cai Yun and I would belike pretty interested to know since only u and Pris gotta xchange number with him. Dun think fate will bring u 2 totgether at sch since sch is also like so darn bloody big la.
Inside we were like stickin to only one genre of music. -----> tada "RnB" music. I mean they have the meanest and coolest music I have chance upon. Hello, its not like I will dance all the way thru the night one lor...But this one yea...it just got my blood bloiling and my vibes movin to the music. Just groovin to the music. Muahaha...I believe I did enjoyed myself. I was like practically dancing in my own world besides pullin Pris to dance with me and on occasion Cai Yun cos of someone. Im scared la. No one has ever been so passionate. Is that the right word to wanna dance with me so much. Moreover keeps initiatin to stick close to me. Okie, I know most of u dunno who i am talkin bout la. But those who knows me knows that I am quite protective towards my female friends one la. So if anybody down there r just actin like some bloody idiot gropin or being touchy, I will definitely switch place and start hard at them and hit them hard while dancin la. Wait think I'm strayin away from my topic.
Okie, I know I dun hve any u know that kind of vibes feelin for her la. So stopped all those nonsensical stuffs alrite. Dun push your luck Shariann, Cai Yun and Pris. U know I also have ur erm haha shaggified and ugly pics. I might just post them later haha...Its the new yr so must post some ugly brawl pics. LoLx...Anyway, yea I am gonna clarify here I just dun think its possible between the 2 of us. She' just aint so my type. And I dun think i lead her into thinkin that I wanna be with her not like some Missy who lead Bryce all the way. Dun tell me because u r tired or hagged cos its so obviou to the eyes of the beholder that u r obviously hitting and flirting and initiating. Muahaha...so off goes Shane. The golden boi....Muahahhaha....
Overally, I really had a great fun time. New Yr resolution would be to get my drivin license so if next time we go partyin can at least u know drive back home and drive my friends back. Also to put on weight. I wan to weigh at least 68kg. Am tryin real hard. Might just get wight gainer to help me too...Okie so enjoy the pics ba....
And I fgorgot to add...u gals bully me la..put your bags into my bag...and now my arms is still swollen and aching...argh...pain pain pain...Girls are vain put so much stuffs into their bags...never help girls carry their bag or else u will be like me..."Limping"
This is how shagged everybody r...Partied till 4am and goin home only at 630am (Clarke Quay MRT Station) (CY and Pris)

Triumphant return home...Though tired but we did enjoyed ourselves....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 1/01/2006 07:31:00 PM |