Confessions of A Broken Heart
Spinning: "Gou Gou Shou" - Guo Mei Mei
Oh dear lord, I have sinned again. This time its so shittified la...Okie after like 4-5 months of hiatus, I was in the biz again. Oh shit oh shit. I know most of u r gonna b clueless bout this post but who-the-hell care.
I went for some kinda escapade. I dun xpect much. I dun hope for anything much either. If it works out it does in the end. I dunno. But this is rather sinful I guess. I dunno wad to sae. I dunno wad to do. Eric knows. I didnt breathe a single word but by looking at my body signs. He guessed it well. Oh god. Haha die die die...
Lets sae, Im in confusion right now. Dunno wad to do okie...Lord just undo this sin and maybe enlighten me soon? I hope...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 2/27/2006 12:23:00 AM |
Clubbing, Partying...Ugly n Uncensored Pics
Spinning: "What's Left Of Me" - Nick Lachey been awaiting this dae la for one whole week already liao...Okie, so got myself dressed up for this event la..Haha..dressed up? Come to think of it..its always the same outfit that I wear to sch..not dressed up. Long sleeve and jeans. Haha..
So wad am I talkin bout? I have been raving bout this for one whole week already. Went clubbing at MOS with Pris n Shari-Ann. Haha...Thats like the talk of the town. Paint the town red. Haha....
So met Pris at 6 at Orchard train station. Kewl...went to collect some Biotherm trial thingy. Dunno y suddenly one day I received this newsletter from Biotherm n Redken. Haha..weird la..cos I dun remember signing up any newsletter with this 2 brands. Moreover I dun use them except my mum. And I will always kapok her stuffs to use. Haha..Muz b addressred wrongly ba or sth like that. Come to think of it...I do have Biotherm products. Some travel products given to me by Sean. Haha..After collecting it, I realised that the stupid products also dun suit me cos its for some anti-wrinkle thingy. Haha..Hello and excuse me, I am like only 19 yrs old la. Where the fricking hell got wrinkles? Thinking of giving it to Dad or Mum see whether they wan to use or not. Haha...
Then brought Pris to Heeren to ask for opinions whether certain pladtic glasses suits me. Haha vain TatWee...but then I have always wanted one already. If I not wrong it cost 98bucks for the glasses. I dun nid great lenses since Im wearin this one at home and outside my hse area only. Moreover, the current specs has great n good lenses so no nid good ones. LoLx...Wanted to get green color. Dunno y..maybe bcos I fell in love with green suddenly. But this salesgirl she got me to try one specs all of a sudden. And i think it looks good too. Dunno leh...should I get simple classy black or should I get green? Hmmm...Hard to choose. Haha
After viewing, we headed to meet Shari-Ann...Woo~Hoo...had dinner at Long John and to MOS...we r like a bunch of idiots la...we didnt know that MOS opens only at 9pm and we r there like at 8pm. Haha...stupid right but then we humor ourselves by taking loads of pics. Haha...Fun, ugly, unglam and nice beautiful pics. So contradicting. See for urselves. You guys have reached the
UNCENSORED sections. This is the reel us.

Okie this is like so darn fricking ugly lahz...My eyes r like close...Erm bad photographer...Oops...Its Nat's bf (Kok Beng) bad skill haha...Kidding...Courtesy from
So the dance arena wasn't heated up till 12plus la. I was already kinda fed up not to mention losing my temper. Haha..not exactly but I just dun like the genre of music they r fucking playin la..At one point I was like if they can't get the party started Im so not gonna go there anymore la...Thats the exact words I said to Pris. But luckily, great RnB musics starts playing. Haha...But then anyway, dance until 2 plus was rather tired and legs achin and thirsty but the 2 girls just wanted to continue dancing la. OMG la...couldnt take it. Moreover, I know my mood aint that fantastic cos Im quite pissed with the fact that I have to repeat what Shari-Ann said to Pris and my throat is like so strained. I couldnt take it anymore that I asked Shari-Ann to either shut-up or changed back place with me. And furthermore, e 2 gals are always mingling among themselves. I feel so left-out. And lastly, they asked me to danced near the podium but wad the mother fucker la...the place is just so terribly squeezy that I couldnt even danced that I just couldnt take it and left. Haha...
In the end, they came out to find me and they wanted to dance somemore while I wanted to leave. But in the end, I relented and partied away with them. Danced all the way till ard 430am with them. The music was really superb towards the end but then I really couldnt take it anymore. My legs r killing me..Aching like mad. Couldnt walk la...But I did had fun. Seriously, I did. 3 ppls r just not so bad. Haha...And Shari-Ann is like askin me whether we should party again at Happy. Hahaha...this time sure got no guys hitting on her but on me one lor. Coz its a gay club la...OMG la...and wad if Im being drugged by one of those macho mary and I left Shari-Ann alone or the vice versa version that she lost me to the pool of guys? Wad am I supposed to do? Haha...Either way we shall figure out an answer for that. Muahaha...
On the way took NR7 back home. My thoughts n feelings cannot b described la. I am so happy coz my legs finally can get some rest. Haha..But the worst thing is my eyes hurt like shit. Dunno was it the contacts that r killin my eyes or wad-so-eva la. I aint using softlens from Bausch and Lomb or noether am I using Renu. After all those controversial blinding issues that these products could coasue. Who would dare to use? Anyway back to topic. I removed my contacts n changed them into my specs and guess wad. My right eye starts to hurt like some stone thingy is stuck inside. Streaks of tears starts flowing down like a loose tap la. Not to mention that legs of mine are killing me that I had to walk like some cripple to hitch a bus back home. Oh fucked.
Contemplating to get my twin brother to drive me back home unlicensed but decided not to. Dunno whether he steady or not later rammed the car. Jialat I also will get into trouble. Double trouble with parents and also police sia. But lucky that I never coz my mummy called at 6am to ask whether I on way home or not. Haha..I know she cares alot for me that she did not sleep. Only after I came home ba. I dunno since my only motive was to bathe and sleep immediately. Haha...But am grateful coz this time she never nagged when I said i going clubbing. Maybe because I tone down alot liao ba. This is the first time since the yr started that I went clubbing. Haha...minus the exception of pubbing.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 2/26/2006 11:17:00 PM |
Movie Night Out
Spinning: "Crash" - Gwen Stefani
Okie, went out for movie with Kee Meng, Erica n Janet. Initially wanted to watch Final Destination 3 but then it was like almost sold out. Left with the one last row from the front. Oh way r we gonna watch a movie like that. Even if we do I doubt we would be able to watch a single thing la. LoLx...
So we settled for Casanova instead. Okie, firstly I didnt know that there r more theatres upstairs. Okie, I feel so stupid la but its a small one. Small but cosy cos its really so home-filled kind of feeling la...On the other hand, the movie is fantastic la. I mean its not that bad. Its kinda nice and darn hilarious. Except for the fact that we watched this movie quite some time after its theatrical release. Haha...

Another more satisfying for this trip was that I got to satisfy my own crave for creamy stuffs. We had dinner at pasta mania. Haha..had creamy chicken spagetthi with loads of cheese. Just suddenly had this kinda craving. Still have yet to have my KFC n BK. Haha..dunno y but just have this cravings...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 2/23/2006 10:56:00 PM |
Spinning: "Sorry" Madonna
Important notice for eveyone who visits my blog:
SERIOUSLY DON'T smoke anymore...
Dun bug me with this irritating question anymore!!!
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 2/22/2006 12:50:00 PM |
Spinning: "No Worries" - Simon Webbe
Worked on Fri..boring but fun coz its like the first time since I last saw Eric after a long hiatus in work. And I have come to a decision to quit already. Tender resignation. nothing much to sae. Not much of fond memories or bad memories but some ppl will b missed la. Haha I wun saee who la. Haha...
After that went to Hongkong Cafe near my place one to have a drink. It has sought of become our fav. hangout place after work. Not like the stuffs there r cheap but its still a great place to hang out. Haha..saw Zhen Yang n gang so they just chatted n crap la. Its always this case cos we always go to that place to do stuffs like that. And considerin the fact that all of us r of diff age grps and can still hang out well. Okie la..they wun try to exclude me out one la..LoLx...thats wad they always do. Haha..
On that dae itself. Shari-Ann msg me to tell me that she feels like goin clubbing. Me too. I also wanna go so its still tentatively on Fri. Can't simply wait for it la. Haha..I mean I do miss clubbing and hanging out with my friends. Like I said simply miss n adore them. And pondering whether should we ask Zhen Yang. Haha...Dunno la..shall let Shariann make the decision lor...Haha...
And I just found out intuition is actually accurate. I dunno la. Though A is one of my best friend (identity hidden) but someone actually dislike me alot (someone I happen to know also). Okie, I know that youth is the power but come on la. A wun ditch u one lor. U should know it one lor. A wun like someone like me one. Trust me. We r just gd friends thats all. I dunno la. Dun wish to lose A as a friend but then I dun wan to be labelled as a third party. I found out alot of stuffs from A. U dun like me because we might be close and I try to understand that distance maybe a factor that causes a lack of security. Argh...I also dunno wad to do. Am lost. Should I get into a relationship for the sake of solving it? A fake relationship? I know u encourage alot but then its not as easy as said and y should I get into a relationship. Its more like being forced then it happened naturally. If u wan me to get into a relationship badly then find someone for me then. {Talkin rubbish cos he dunno my blog at all} Im so lost cos I really treat u like a friend la. And these is wad u do to me la. Moreover, I know why u always try to shun me whenever we chat online. U dun wan to talk to me is fine with me. I really dun care now. As long as u dun think too much can liao. Thats all I wanna sae n think.
Here's the test quiz that Shari-Ann asked me to do. There it goes:
| You scored as Journalism. You are an aspiring journalist, and you should major in journalism! Like me, you are passionate about writing and expressing yourself, and you want the world to understand your beliefs through writing.
Journalism | | 92% | Mathematics | | 83% | Philosophy | | 83% | Art | | 83% | English | | 83% | Dance | | 67% | Engineering | | 67% | Linguistics | | 67% | Theater | | 58% | Anthropology | | 50% | Sociology | | 42% | Biology | | 33% | Psychology | | 33% | Chemistry | | 25% |
What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3) created with |
Okie, its pretty true coz thats wad I really wanna do la. I also want to work at some publishing company. I think its pretty cool. Fancy my work being published and gettin to meet stars. Blink Blink. Haha..all the flashes. Muahaha...But i have doubt with my language n my writing skills. Muahaha..Shall work hard on it.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 2/19/2006 02:34:00 PM |
V'Day n Birthday
Spinning: "Single" - Natasha Bedingfield / "Happy Birthday" - Dunno Who haha
Okie, I know I have been procrastinating bout blogging down wadeva happened. Okie Im sorry la...I know the tone in your voice was like pissed off by me cos I made u wait online for so long then I tell u I wan to go n sleep. Dun wan to blog thus u couldnt get the pics also. LoLx...Sorry Pris n Shariann. Haha... But like I said I should b the exclusive one to have all these pics first. Muahahaha...But anyway right, I can provide u a reason y u guys cannot click on the pics or save it. Haha..its gonna be lame...Its COPYRIGHT dumbo (It's only for viewing pleasure)...I just wun admit Im a computer idiot. So if u want the pics just ask me.
Shariann wanted to compete with me on who can make collate the pics faster. Dear Princess, I took like 10mins to finish everything la. Do u still want to compete with me again? I just found out that my comp has another program that works real fast la. Still can write caption but I lazy n stupid considering the fact that I might nid to go Orchard to meet my NYP friends. So no way u can call me a computer idiot..Only I can call myself computer idiot okie. No chance for u at all...
Okie so lets blog bout the past issues: Haha I know I am slow so bear with it b4 I start with the new ones haha...
Valentine's Day: Dread this day. Love is in the air. Oh wadeva la...Never spent it with anyone before but decided to do it with Pris and Shariann. It will sound pretty cliche to those single ones but come on, nothing so special except receiving flowers here n there. LoLx..Just merely like Xmas xchanging gifts thats all. D-U-H...But anyway, had dinner with them at Sakae even though I was like cravin for FISH n CO "chips" or "Seafood Platter" but since they r only having Valentine's dishes and the prices r like ridiculous we decided to skip that n head down for Sakae. Its pretty alrite also coz its quite some time since I last ate sushi. The last was with Erica n Rachel. Haha...har Bok sch to go J8 to eat leavin Janet at sch. Haha...So as usual, always had the usual la..Then we xchange gifts. Okie full of surprises. Surprises? Yea u betcha loads of surprises!!!! Hah...Walk ard Orchard after that. One nid to think of wad to get for someone and the other pondering whether to go n get her flowers from someone who like her. LoLx..Okie y is it that it seems to me that these 2 gals r always being well loved? And to me they r being pampered by love. Arghh...told u love is in the air...Cliche to singletons like myself.
My Birthday: Okie expected a few to msg me la. But they never did. Haha...its okie not that I really mind. Considering the fact my intuition seems pretty correct bout something. LoLx...Okie wadeva just leave it dere n dun talk bout it liao...Anyway, Im also guilty for havin these tots, wanting them to msg me but I dun even remember their freaking bday.Haha..So its fair n square. Worst, someone msg me to argue with me on my bday. But seriously, it didnt bother me that much Kaylen. Just fucked off... Now I might seem pretty petty but I really dun remember lor. Haha...Anyway, met up with the 2 cutest Princess Shari-Ann n Pris again. LoLx...Okie! U guys muz b wondering them again. But yeah they r my good friends ma. One know my deep darkest secret n the other coz she blur blur one then very good to b friends with also. Muacks...Love them to death. Just wish they r teddy bears so i can hug n squeeze them till they r grasping for air. Haha...Okie had dinner now at Fish n Co. Fantastic "Seafood Platter for 2". Just simply luv the squids. Its so creamy n bouncy. Boink! Boink! inside your mouth. Fabulous. Okie so after that, we chilled out at Balcony. Haha...well we wanted to try that very long ago liao. So there we r la. Wa la..and look at the pics we snap. Some kinda Paparazzi Frenzy we cause there. Havoc!!!! I mean I swear we r the first to take pics la and ppl start snapping too la. How slow can they be la. And the flashes r blinding coz by the wreckage of my cam. Haha...But who cares? Our motive was jus to have fun thats all. Haha...Ordered Long Island Tea again. No matter wad, I still think the one at MOX was the best of all the places I tried la. Shall let the pics talk to you. Imagine how fun it was for us.

And look ma n friends. My first Kissy Kissy that i got from a girl. Haha my 6 yrs of hard work. Though 7 tis yr. This is how much of hard work I finally got this kiss okie...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 2/18/2006 01:29:00 PM |
Long Hiatus
Spinning: "Yuan Lai Ni She Me Dou Bu Yao"/"Yong Gan" - A*Mei
Okie, I have not been blogging for the past few weeks already since I got back from BKK. And lately, its either somethings badly wrong with me or else Im just havin PMS. Mood swings. I get angry easily with people. Especially Shariann. I dunno y. Aint prejudiced against her but I dunno y either. I guess at times we could be loggerheads and we just dun see terms with one another ba. She dun like my pettiness and I dun like her attitude. But I muz come to term that she's a grown up now. She's no longer that bubbly girl anymore. This girl has really grown up alot. As in maturity wise I guess. But still I perceive her as someone who is naive.
Like I said alot have happened. I confess alot to Pris. Im glad she took it lightly and that she aint to over-reacting over certain stuffs. She's the first person I come out str8 to. I dunno in the long run how many and who I will confess everything. But seriously it kinda feels good too. At least she knows bout it. I can always turn to her for anything liao. Luv u babe. I have been living 19yrs of deception and its time to actually evaluate my life. Yep Yep.
Okie...tried Billy Bomber milkshake for the first time. Okie...its super fricking fantastic la. Nothing like McDonald's Milkshake. Luv it. Okie..dunno y everytime go out with Pris just makes us feel like sitting somewhere to munch or drink. Okie at least its good too. Afterall we get to talk alot on stuffs. Wadeva happened to us and stuffs. And I just found out that Tat ming has really change alot la. Not like the usual irritating pain in the ass guy anymore. Went out with him yesterday and a big drastic change which is good too. Haha...
Yep..finally got my ear pierced. I knew that there would b some surprises. Okie..dun think it turn out ba. At least n I hope that wad Rach said is true too. Not that bad. Haha...Of course, I knew mum would object. She only got to found out today which is like bad. She started sayin pierce n neber tell her and that she gave birth to us and stuffs like that. Oh man. I would luv to be spared from all these but well I cant helped it. If I dun take any actions myself, I will not b able to reap anything from it. And I know I am becomin a bad boy now. Okie I defy and bend the rules alot in this hse. But like I said I am a grown up kid now. I dun try to defy anything or turn bad but its just rather for the experience. She knows that this day would definitely arrived one. My twin bro n I haf been practically talkin bout piercing for ages liao jus that we never stood firm with the decision. Okie let me recount wad r the rules I have bend:1) Clubbing2) Pubbing/Drinking3) Smoking4) Piercing 5) Maybe highlighting of u all can actually guess how strict my mum is by now. Everything all cannot do one. LoLx...Not saying she's a bad mother but I must say she's a really caring, loving and protective mum. How on earth r u able to find such mother. But she muz really be opened to alot of stuffs. I have alot of stuffs hiding from her and I dun even know when would be the appropriate time to confess. I wan to fly. She will definitely object. Argh...
Oh..went out for the first outing we planned quite some time back. Bladin at East Coast with Rach, Erica, Ze Kai n Kee Meng. Haha itz fun la. Considerin the fact long time never exposed to the sun liao. Pris also said I gettin fairer so its a good opportunity for me to get tann. Haha..And I think I am getting darker too. LoLx..Okie today Blading suxs la...I fell down so many thousand times la. I got cuts on my left palm and my right knee. hurts but I did enjoy myself real much. Would blade again. Will not say to NO just because I landed on my bum a million thousand times. LoLx... 
Evidence: But took it like 2 days after I fell so its kinda healing
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 2/12/2006 10:07:00 PM |
Spinning: "Bu Shi Ji Nian" - Wu Ke Qun pretty much suxs to know that Shariann is posted to some unknown company. Kinda like feeling suxky bout it. O Come on...wad kinda crap shit is that company all about since u cant find it from the net right. So have been askin friends bout their companies they worked for. LoLx...i too have matured friends haha...So I muz start thinking when I start classical liao.
And I know I said I didnt want to go out but was rather reluctant to leave home when Novie ask me to accompany her for dinner. So I went to HK cafe again. Okie countless time since I last went there with Eric. Come to think of it, the first n last time was both with Eric too. Haha...We chatted alot.
And yea I just realised Im pretty much still am lost. I dunno y. I gotta move on. But I feel like Im still being spunned ard in a black pool. Sucking me in. I have no life. No gravity n oxygen in this black pool. I dunno. I have so much things that I want and wish for. Im turning 19 soon. Lonesome yea..the bleakest part but wad can I do. Like I said friends come n go. Certain special someone do come n go too. But Im glad I still got hold to a few. Clubbing life may be united to one life right now but hey Im still growin up and socializing more will eventually split the unity of just going to one club. oo am lost too. Dunno wad Im talkin bout either. I just feel being constraint to a certain extent. No one knows. I am fighting real hard to break free. I dun like being restrain and I definitely dun like doing wad I dun like. I try to give back as much I receive it. I wan to fly. I just wanna fly. I just wanna finish everything here and leave my worries behind. Dun wanna look back at it anymore. I have set my path n the kinda life that I long for. Might just sponsor a child with Novie soon. So Im pretty much giving back what I get. Something I had wanted to do for quite some time already. I want to continue to study. I hope to fly when Im done with my military services. I wan to fly for a couple of yrs before I study again. Or the other way round and continue to study. My inner child is fighting real hard inside for me to break free. Alot of disapproval soon but no one can stop me now.
I know how tempting it can be when u start flying. How temptation can suck the soul out of u. But I hope that I would learn to control myself and fight it. if I can. Muahaha...Temptations...just like temptation islands...anything and everything can happen.
I want to be loved. But I dun feel it yet. LoLx...wad am I gonna do on my birthday? Should I land myself in a drunkard state? Or should I just let it go like those I had in the past. Do nothing n bum ard at home? Haha...never done anything special on my birthday really. No one to share the joy with. Haha not to mention valentine's day la. Stupid day for me I think. Cos Im still single. Someone save me from humanility and mortality. Someone pls tell me what can i do for a change cans? Eric will still b at HK on my birthday so no one to crap with or rather sit down n talk with. Will someone nice pls celebrate my birthday asides I know that family might do it for like the first time in dunno how many yrs. I think it stopped somewhere during mid-pri age. LoLx...Well the most I guess on my birthday u can catch me at Orchard or any part of the world walkin and being an idiot tellin myself Happy Birthday. Maybe I will go to one of the pub n haf a drink and going back home before midnite ba. Thats how I might celebrate it. Haha...Unless Unless Shariann joins me for some fun n laughter la...
Late liao..I dun wan to b bloggin on my tots anymore...Scary to be thinkin bout it now...LoLx...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 2/05/2006 01:53:00 AM |
Back from Bangkok
Spinning: "Beep" - Pussycat Dolls feat. Will.I.AM
Hello Boys n Gals...Im back from my well rested trip. Whooo...though i dun feel so recharged but i did afterall enjoyed myself. Alot of thinkings in this trip and alot of great fantastic food and well great shopping.
Okie first thing first. Its been like a 3 yrs hiatus since I stepped foot onto Bangkok. Okie, it has really changed alot and its not just alot..enormously lot. No words can express how much it has changed except for the stupid pollution. Still very bad...Alot of malls but one thing for sure is that the prices of clothings there has increase so much. I cannot really imagine that happening. Its just almost like Singapore so I only managed to buy a few shirts and tees and berms from some unknow brand. They still do look nice too. Well one day...probably one day any of u might see me wearing it. Haha...2 berms, 3 tees, 1 short-sleeve shirt, 2 long sleeves shirt, 1 jeans, 1 swimming trunks and 1 shoe bag. Haha...and yea my moisturizer from Loreal. Something new. I also learnt that u should never buy eye cream cos it will cause oil bubbles to be formed in ur eye bag area. And its horrible i tell u. Should only get gel type. So did not buy the Loreal Eye cream that I wanted. But Im glad to have purchased the jeans. Its from Energie though simple but real comfy and it costs me like 170bucks. I also not sure. Hafta wait for the bill to arrive then I muz pay my daddy. Haha...I think its slightly cheaper than in Singapore since they r havin sales there. Liked it so darn much la. But hopefully right I dun gained too much or lose too much weight or else I willl never be able to wear it again. Haha...then I will really kill myself.
Also got my first erm triangular swimming trunks. Okie dunno whether will i dare to wear it but I mus really start to ditch the old past conservative me liao. Add on I also bought shirts and tees that I know that my wardrobe do not have. Experimenting with colors that I never have or dare to wear. So pretty much anxious to wear n see the reactions. LoLx...Also bought quite a number of DVDs and they r really really cheap I tell u. I also bought Brokeback Mountain which I know that I will never have the chance to catch it since its rated R21 here. Oh fucked it. The most nominated movie for this yr Oscar and tell me. Y would I wan to miss it? Crazy Stupid of me if Im gonna missed it man. Since I have been raving bout the movie since like last yr.
But still some things r cheap: Example. Movies. Man they were showing Underworld: Evolution..And guess wad its only SG$4.20. Where in the fucking world will u be able to catch a movie for only $4.20? Fucked it. Its so darn cheap la. Haha..I so wanna go back to Bangkok la. Though its more expensive now but I do really wanna go there. And bout the movie. Its really good. Really gore. Really erotic n sensual plus sexy. Okie there r nudities. Kate exposing her tits. Haha..okie la..Not like it matters to a boi turning 19 who is sitting with his Aunt n her friend. LoLx...No embarassment. Haha...Im a grown-up matured boi liao. So u guys should go n checked out this movie. Remember to catch the first installment. Cos its still linked to the first yeah...I just like to be diff with other people so this is the other movie poster version.

B Movie Version Poster (Kewl! Right!)
So nw to the thinkin part: I have progressively grown alot. I dunno y but I still do think bout the past. True that its part n parcel of life but y cant I jus let go of the past n move on? I have tot alot on the plane home. I dunno y. Read too much romance or more like family oriented kind of books. I dunno. Maybe that conjours me I dunno. Yes, true I still cant let go of the person I let go on Oct. Not say cant let go but more like cannot forget the happy times. I can let go of the person but not of the happy moments. Crazy me. Though I dun really think too much of mus have someone but still sometimes it will strike me that I have been quite alone for quite some time. Stupid but believe it. I dunno la...Shall see wad fate has for me and wad kind of opportunities will come and how i am gonna seized it.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 2/04/2006 02:13:00 AM |