Blog Revamp
Spinning: "Free Loop" - Daniel Powter
Guess wad. Didnt feel like going out today but was like complaining to Erica on how bored I was. So stupid right. I think I reject 2-3 outings today. Haha...Cos I was rather feeling lethargic and I dun see any point to go out. Not that I stayed too long at Mox but just didnt wanna be like going out.
So guessed wad...I decide to do some amendments and revamp my blog. Since I have nothing better to do, and I happen to remember bout the article on creating your blog skin on papers some time ago. I decided to give it a try. Slowly amending the current skin that I was using. And wa la...the one that u guys r seeing is the final product of it. I made the tool bar visible, gave it colours and life. Haha...I also decided to use bright colors on black background primarily YELLOW. Used to be a fav colour to me but not now. Haha...Changed the stupid mechanism pic and used something artistic and decided to add loads of headings and columns to make my blog looks interesting. So proud of my own work la. COuldnt stop admiring it cos I put in loads n loads of effort and time on it that I missed out on Cinderella 2 on tv. Wad the hell...
So enjoy it ba....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 4/29/2006 03:03:00 PM |
Spinning: "Again and Again" - Jewel
Met up with Erica, Rach n ZK. Helloooo....Sad la...2 weeks gonna pass liao and we r no longer together liao...Back to Classical...So all of a sudden I decide to logged into Friendster and guess wad I saw? A testi!!!! Yipppeeee.....Haha how long since I last had a testi ah? Well and it still comes from one of the girls..Cheryl...where are my other testi(s) la Erica, Janet and Rach?????? 
Haha...Guess wad I took some time to actually think how to do the stupid print screen can. Lucky wad I learnt in Photoshop and Flash was put into great use la. Or else I would never have know how to do. This is a prove. Check out..Her face is plastered on the top of my testi. Sad la..know u guys for like 6months plus liao and I still get nothing. Wth...Haha...
Anyway guess wad I received this email from UOB la. Haha Im pretty much gettin the hang of Print Screen haha...Stooopid rite. This email catalogue is for UOB cardholders. Yes I am...And wad attracts me is the Raymond Weil presents True Religion. U know the jeans brand True Religion. But guess wad!!! Only exclusive for UOB Platinum and Lady's Cardmember. Wad the freakin hell la. So it means I cant go at all unless I borrow my Dad's Card. Wad the mother fucking hell. Arghh....Haha
Okie before I actually start reminiscing bout wad happened yesterday. I must take some time off to apologise to my cute gal friend who is like havin super load sof fun at States. Haha...though she mentioned that it is stressful due to her finals. But I still do think that she is enjoyin herself...celebrating her birthday this wkend. Sorry pretty babe I actually forgot ur bday but I have written a testi (cos she demanded it) and I also burnt 11mins on my cellfone to call u. So dun be angry liao or else u will have more que ban haha....In honor of ur magnanimous let me post ur beautiful pic ba so everybody will know who u r and no matter wad u haf to forgie me liao haha...(Evil Grin) 
Like Wad Melissa Would Have Said After Readin Ur Testi: Act Sexy
Okie, so back to yesterday...Had so much fun K-Boxing. Cos that stooopid girl abv decide to pack her bags and head for States thus all my K(ing) Kakis haf all left. Had a fun time. NMever had so much fun for so long already. So after that, had dinner at Koshin.Bo or wadeva it is call la. So stupid fuckin expensive la. Buffet style but who in the world can eat so much la. Haha...Though Im not the one payin but I just dun felt it was worth it. Food aint so fantastic either. Wadeva la...So after dinner walked with my brother all the way to Orchard to meet up with Pris and Shariann. I dunno y but maybe cos of ccertain argument right we r not as close as we think we r. Tryin to build that rapport again but see how things go lor. I will try to wash my hands clean like I said though Shariann hoped that I dun. Haha...I not sure either la. But i know one thing was that after the wake of that stupid buffet. I have to do loads of exercises. Cos my stomach was like 3-4 months bloated. Wadeva shit la...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 4/27/2006 05:08:00 PM |
Spinning: "My Lovely Sam-Soon" OST
To ease everybody and for them to know wad Korean Drama I had liked watched during the 2 weeks long break...Here they r....

| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 4/26/2006 05:04:00 PM |
Tuesday Blues
Spinning: "It's Your Duty" - Lene
Yep, it was a super boring dae. I dunno y but its super boring la...Sometimes I wonder is havin holidays a good thing or a bad thing!!! Hmmm...
But anyway met Marcus for a swim at Bedok pool. Ooohhh...Jus luv the feelin of swimming la. The water splashing n etc. Haha...I think I mus be mad or sth like that...I am too hooked into swimming liao. I must make sure to swim at least twice-thrice a week. Haha....
After movies, caught the movie "Eight Below". Well a pretty nice show but quite draggy lor. Heard from Noah that it was good but then I didnt really quite liked it to the max la. It was not bad but real draggy. ANd worst, Erica mentioned that her sis tot it was a good movie but quite frightening. could a movie rated G be scary. Hmmm...Maybe she is still young ba. Haha..Dunno..
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 4/25/2006 09:43:00 PM |
Foodie Galore
Spinning: "Hands" - Jewel
Yeap...cant believe that I went to church. I didnt think I could even wake up la. I only had like maybe the most 4hrs of sleep. Wad motivate me to wake up is to prove ppl wrong. Haha...I know I can do it if I wan to. I mean maybe its because I dun wanna go church anymore thats y I make myself wake up to go for the first and last time. To support n hear my gd friend sing in the choir team. Haha... Its kinda like great cos its back to the past. Like wad we always used to do. Hang out together. I the wake of gonna lose to biatch friends. Unless they really clean up their frickin madness or else things will neber be the same as it used too. I would have loved that things r back to the same way its used to be but I just couldnt bear to let it b at the moment. All the fucking booze and fagging and wad bunkin at guys place. Fucking madness la. If I were to lose these 2 be it cos Im just gonna put the blame on myself and well continue to move on with life. Aint gonna hear any explainations..Not too much either. But then I have already said and made up my mind that Im gonna washed my hands over these 2 gals..Not like they r young (turning 19 in matter of months) and well they dun nid anymore protection. Wad they wan to do aint my biz..Seriously not my biz...It always happen when Im havin my fun they call me to let me feel trouble and cautious for them. No way this is gonna happen okie. U guys can have ur fun and so can I have my fun too... Anyway back to wad happened today. Haha my first food galore pages. Well always remember people eating something good and look nice food. So yesterday, went to an Italian restaurant with Eugene. Haha...The food is great n wonderfully delicious. Especially theTiramisu dessert. Not to mentioned, the pasta itself was fantastic...loads of scallops...fresh scallops...Wonderfully delicious...So now let the pics do all the talkin ba...Haha... And hell take these though lil fotos..I had to overcome the paisehness okie...So u guys better enjoy these hard-to-get valuable pics....

Happily enjoying my pasta and marvellous Vanilla Fruit Frappe...
Okie! Look at the Scallops..Presentation wise looks ugly cos its half-eaten

Delicious Authentic Tiramisu....Feels So Heaven
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 4/23/2006 02:39:00 PM |
Ding Dong: Welcome
Spinning: "Walk Away" - Kelly Clarkson
Guess wad. Im like super dead bored cos Im sick and its raining whole dae non-stop today. And i decided to come out with an interesting post. I shall bring u guys to my home then. It shall be a homely post. I know some of u have been dyin to come here but never ever got the chance. So just imagine urself with the pics. Haha I dunno la...the boredom gonna kill me soon so I mus continue to come up with interesting post. Maybe I can post up all my childhood pics...Selected Pics...
Ding Dong:

The Garden:

The Enterance: "Home Sweet Home" (Nice Feet) Any TVC offers is welcome. Haha...

The Living Room:

The Dining:

The Pig Sty: My UGLY DIRTY Room

Ok see how the pig sty room makes destroy the uniqueness of the hse. Cant be helped...Haha...or else this would never be called a HOME. Haha...Just to sae, girls n guys no nid to apply for anything...cos Im gonna remain single. And suckers u can just enjoy the view of my hse can liao.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 4/18/2006 08:23:00 PM |
Finally Sick..
Spinning: "One" - Mary J. Blige and U2
Yep went for a morning swim today but then I woke up late. If its not for Erica's call I think I would have missed out on all the swimming fun.
Instead of goin to Yishun we went to YCK. Its so darn fun la. Swimming has never been so fun but with all the talkins and stuffs, it was like super duper fun la i was only Janet, Erica and I. Sorry Rach fr not informin u cos I remembered u said u goin for the op so u couldnt swim. Read ur blog but u go ahead and make plans for the K-Box then u let us know okie. Janet might b n exception.
So we jus swam for real long. Middle pool then to the deep pool. Feel like goin swimmin even on sch days. I mean b4 sch is also quite fun. Can b quite energetic when listenin to sch. I think its gonna b real fun.
After lunch at J8 with Erica, I went to Orchard myself. I wanna get a belt from TopShop. So I had to make my way dere alone. I spent most part of my dae at Kino readin magazines. All those tabloids magazines. Haha...Then went hunting for my belt. It was terrible for me cos I was sick. Havin a real bad bolt of flu and cough. Haix...instead of goin back home early to rest, I went out to meet Noah and Alv after that. Its stupid but its good to know wassup with Noah n his life. Im glad though.
Worst, all those swimmin today didnt helped cos I ate alot. It suxs really. Haix...Had Thai Express then 5* Porridge. It didnt helped with all the sickness. Sick and I hate it alot. My mucus just flow out of my nose itself. Sickenin....Disgustin too...Haix...guess I must rest well...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 4/17/2006 07:59:00 PM |
Church...No Way...
Spinning: "Miss You" - Aaliyah
Was really in a bad state from last nite drinkin...I think I was totally wasted and I go a real bad hang over la. I didnt know wad kinda remedy could cure hangover except puking and drinkin loads of H2O.
Head was spinning real badly and I was liked super hungry la cans...But no matter how much I tried to make myself puke it just wouldnt. So i had to resort to puke by force. Wriggling my fingers inside my mouth and puke. Haha...Sorry disgustin but it really did helped when I woke up. I was feeling good....
At night...accompanied Eugene to this church near our hse to view a choir and dance performance which I think was specially organized for Easter???? I haf no frickin idea too. Not a great fan of going to church but I just acc for the fun of it. Its like my first after dunno how many yrs. Haha....Did not really enjoy myself though but I saw this choir boi who looks a bit like Ian though...Interestin....Also I felt a bit stupid for wearin something smart casual when most of them turned up so casually...Haha
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 4/16/2006 07:50:00 PM |
Fun n Wasted
Spinning: "Yi Shou Jian Dan De Ge" - Wang Li Hong
Okie, yesterday was a real darn wasted day for me. For consecutive weeks, I have been going drinkin and clubbin. Argh this is real bad but I liked it. Haha...I mean for a long time since I have stepped into Happy. least I now got friends to go with. And its so cool. Haha....
Not to mention, the first half of the day was real bad. I dunno y. Did I create a tension among my own friends? I dunno. I think I was the cause of all trouble. I hate it but then I mean maybe I remembered wrongly la. I seriously have no idea. i just tot of it being contradicting thats all. Its so irritating. I dunno but I just hope that everything is alrite now. And worst of all. That day was really a headache for me. My fone kept buzzing with msges pouring in askin for dates and stuffs. Fucked. I couldnt even watched my movie in peace. I literally just off my fone. I hate this kind of life. And guessed wad I blew one date off too just to haf fun. Haha...In my mind i dun really care either...Im Jus Beginning To Have My Fun........
Okie, so met up with Shari-Ann for movies. Bloody weather. Keep raining cats and dogs. Wad the hell. I mean it really spoils the day. Supposingly 2 weeks of fun (haha like I have that many plans) is all being ruined by the rain. when I got over to Orchard. Guess wad...all movie tickets to ICE AGE 2 was sold out. Oh bloody thats so bloody. I mean its approaching its 3rd week n its still sold out. Must be the holidays. Argh....hate preteens kids...Haha..j/k...So we tot of catching Reincarnation. A gory horror J movie but guess wad too. Its sold out. Oh man...and that really left us with no choice so we could only settle for tea break at CoffeeBean. Haha...anyway we were like cravin for cheesey stuffs. Cheesecakes thats our biggest indulgence. Haha...So in love with cheesecakes la. Love Hilton's one. Yummylicious. We had our all time fav Chicago Cheesecake and another Mixed Berry Cheesecake with Vanilla beverages. Yucks the Mixed berry tasted awful. No tinge of cheese but rather more creamy. Its like spread with whipped cream or rather marshmellow kinda looks thats all. Yikes....Well dun fret shall show u a pic of the "disgustin" half eaten cake haha...
The "Bloody Awful" Cake

Oh man...Pics looks so alike..We had better do something with it soon.. So met up with lovely Pris. Oooohhhh luv this babe alot. Realised 2 of my gal friends r havin their own probs. I chose not to bother too much bout it. I mean I dun wanna get involved in this turmoil anymore. Its like u know being pretty and attractive is a crime. Boy Troubles and ended up feeling confused. It suxs. Im glad Im not cute n not gd-lookin. Save me from all these kinda stupid troubles. Really.

Love Her to Bits n Pieces...Be Optimistic Bout Urself Okay...
Met up Gab @ Suntec and caught this Indian Movie which was part of The Singapore Film Festival. Never caught a movie during this kind festival but thanks to Gab. "Nine Emotions" depicting the story of the thrid gender in the Hindi Community. Pretty good B class movie. U cant expect much but it really does depicts the story well but a bt draggy though. Pics of the clips though...couldnt get the movie poster like I always did....
Proceeded to Mox after that for a drink. Great way to spend my dae. I nid my freedom and liberty. I dun wanna feel that Im being caged again. The feeling of just enjoyin oneself is great. I know I was a bit pretty tipsy and high and a bit wasted but then I really did had fun. Hanging out with Gab, Zach n Darryl is fun. And gettin to know Ethan is one good thing too. Haha..The support he gave me when I was like high n wasted is appreciated too. Haha...And I heard some great stuffs from Zach too but it still didnt help to boost my ego. Haha..I still wanna remain the same old "brand new" me. Haha....But seriously, I dun have any idea y they said that bout me la. I take it as a compliments but then Im like so totally the opposite of wad they said la.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 4/14/2006 06:15:00 PM |
Goodbye TEP...Welcome Classical
Spinning: "Say Goodbye" - S Club 7
Last day of sch for me. Yipppeeee....Finally I mean..its no kidding havin to b @ sch from 0830am-1800pm. Hell no way considerin the fact that I stay in the East la. Wad the mother fucking hell. 6 months of torture is rather like kinda enuff. Haha...
So like I have said...going back to sch was pretty much meaningless since there aint anything we could do since we are gonna do handover to the next batch. Anyway, my stopover (iBid) is going down down down along with SMRT, TTC, TPRD and KM. Kinda ridiculous I feel. Though the Prime Minister mentioned bout TEP that Nanyang Polytechnic had provided but looked at it now. Its so pathetic. So many just *kaboom* within split seconds. I mean I have no regrets seeing them gone given the fact that we did not do and learn much from there. Haha...
So last day bonded much with the 3girls. Haix...Pretty much sad to leave them. Seriously and honestly. I mean, we got along super well during the last 6 months. If only if only I had known them earlier then we would really be havin much fun and joy. Haix...Went Orchard to window shop since we got nothing to do either. In the last 6 months, I learnt alot from them. Dunno wad I learnt la but I think I did. Haha..I remember "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire". I learnt alot from that. I learnt alot bout one another and life. Alot being said and share with me. Haha..I miss u guys already. Seems like ages since I last seen u guys. The road down would be tougher I guess but then there's always this technologies: MSN, CellPhone and EMAIL + BLOG. hope to see u guys more often in sch now since classical starts already.
Okie, my blog seem so bare so I decided to whipped out my camera and start snappin fotos of myself again haha: "Last Day of TEP pics"

Finally Ended *Peace Out*
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 4/12/2006 03:49:00 PM |
Insufficient Rest
Spinning: "Red Dress" - Sugababes
Okie, yesterday was a real tiring day. Had an argument with stoopid parents on Fri. Led to many things happening la. But seriously am so tired of it that I dun really wanna care and bother too much. My brother and I have drafted out our own plans. Be it gonna humilate our parents or wad, Im just not gonna care either.
Break ended but then soon, shall be on 2wks break again. God..this is interesting. 2more days of sch and I will be blasting to classical. Sad..shall miss them...
So I dunno y but got so interested with Noah. Just felt that I wanted to know more of how he is I guess. So spent most of my break chattin with him. Talkin to him, listening to his probs. Kinda sounds so interesting since I have nothing to do either I guess. Haha....I hope things between him and D works out.
So yeah...I was like so pissed off with wad my mum did la. I feel that she treats me as something transparent. I fucking dun give a damn then. So i decided to go clubbing with a friend to Happy. I didnt bother to tell my parents either. Anyway, now my responsibilities is not a matter to them anymore. So I dun nid them to fucking care where Im goin or when will I be back. They just freakin piss me off that I dun wanna tok to them eva. So on that day I only came back like ard 7. Was so tired but at least found a place to hang out and rest with Yao Qi la. God man. I never had so much fun there la. Minus too of fun la. I mean gotta know this Xiaxue look-a-like girl who I think might be worst than her. Dancing was so exaggerating la. God. Mini-skirt and not image conscious. Skirt flying and no shoes. She is str8 and she actually ask my friend to b her bf cos her bf dun seem to last on bed long too. Haha....Stooopid..But anyway thanks for the drinks Yao Qi. Haven paid u back but will do so when I meet u up again.
Slept for only like 4hrs plus and then had to go helped out at the carnival. Felt really shitty la. I mean slept for lil hrs only lor. But then a promise is a promise so I appeared there. LATE but still there to meet Eugene and Shariann. Haha...And to be honest, I am upset to work there la. I mean its so tiring and I tell myself that I will never work in such place again. Stand whole day nevermiond leh...Then dinner was so sucky...Nasi Lemak with a v v small egg and ikan bilis. Haix...Sadded man. Then ended up going home late. Where I missed all my last bus and had to take cab. Sucks man. Plus insufficient rest. Haix...But i did had fun workin with my friends. It felt so FRIEND(LY) paradise la. But sorry to neglect those that felt neglected. Seriously sorry bout it...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 4/10/2006 03:07:00 PM |
Spinning: "If It's Lovin That You Want" - Rihanna
Wee...I think I have exercise too damn much this week. Thurs went for a short swim with Eugene and guess wad I did yesterday. Haha...went bladin with Erica. Haha...And guess wad. I only fell once. Fell like a puppy thats all. On all fours...But no cuts. I am improving. Haha...I hoped.
It was so fun la. Imagine la...the whole East Coast is like so damn quiet okie. Feels like a dead city. Imagine "Dawn Of The Dead" minus all those zombies. Haha...It was fun lor...Cos so long never blade liao...Feels great and furthermore we blade till the end lor. Haha...But its not bad blading with another friend. We just talked and talked alot and chilled at McDonald. Haha....
Go back sch collect stupid personal selling stuffs. I only wear like flip flops, cap and berms and tank top la. Ppl look at Erica and I like we r 2 poor kids like that. Fucked sia. Dunno is because they tot we r togehter? Or they think we r not sporty enough? Or we really are poor kids. Haha...but wadeva...we jus feel that we looked alrite lor. Nothing wrong with us lor...But all those ppl muz be a bit siao liao.
Cos of all th exercise, I have become real dark lor. Argh...Cannot I dun wan to look so extremely dark la. Jus look bronzy can liao...Haha...And worst I jus realized my butt cheeks and my pvt area is extremely white la can. Super white and everywhere is so tann. My god uneven la the tann...feel like goin to a nudist beach to get my tann even. Haha...
Met up with Pris and Shari-ann. I think going to break up soon liao la. Dun wanna always be like keepin an eye on them. I also wanna have my won fun. We will always be good friends. The 3 of us. But then time to go liao also. Haha..we should start venturing liao. Haha u 2 muz know what Im talkin bout ba. Enjoy urself with the new friends u guys made yesterday. And im gonna have fun myself...Yippeee...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 4/08/2006 05:02:00 PM |
Movie Marathone
Spinning: "Save The Last Dance For Me" - Michael Buble
Met Winson for movies today. God...I got a pair of tixs to "Inside Man". Okie fine wadeva. So met him up at Marina Sq and grabbed a bite at BK.
The movie was not bad but what the mother fucking shit. All the fucked and asshole was being bleeped out la. Wad the hell. Its suppose to be a good movie but what the hell did they do to that movie. I seriously have no idea. Been quite some time since I last watch a great movie. Not too bad..A perfect robbery heist movie. Its like so perfect lor..that u cant spot any mistake one. Haha...

Then to our surprised. We got to watch another show for free. Well wad can I sae. Good luck? Haha...Caught the latest Bruce Willis movie "16 Blocks". This is a real great movie. But no movies are alays perfect. What the mother fuckin hell is wrong with these 2 movies la. This one the black guy just talks so darn fast and u dun get wad the hell is he tryin to sae. Fucked. Bad accent. Oh well...that just ruins the movie but the plot is good though. Haha...
But nonetheless, u get to watch these 2 movies for free so I shouldnt be complaining bout it. Had a great time though...sitting on the bus lookin at the lightings. Haha..I think I abit siao liao..
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 4/05/2006 04:44:00 PM |
Swimming Escapade
Spinning: "Say I" - Christina Milian feat. Young Jeezy
Met up Janet and Natalie to go swimming. Whoopie...Well sad that Erica can't join us cos of erm. Haha...I just realised I can actually forsake anything just to exercise. Haha...I met them at like 940am la. Can u imagine almost like sch timing like that. Argh....
Had a great swim at Yishun. Swam at the middle pool. Had so much fun cans. Haha..I mean I never in my life swam so much and so long. I swam like 25 laps la. This is the first time i swam so much. Back then, I could never managed a single lap at all. But looked at the changed TatWee. Haha...changed so much just because of the word "FIT". But cos of all the stupid cholrine water...My hair like become so damn dry and damaged la can. Dun like it. All the more I wan to do treatment liao...And i wan to swim...Haix miss them la...It seems like my one week break is dull without the 3 girls. Haha...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 4/04/2006 04:16:00 PM |
Exercise Freak
Spinning: "Cry Baby Cry" - Santana feat. Sean Paul and Joss Stone is the first day of my long one week break. Nothing to do at home...also feelin darn sian. Sian sian sian...but then dunno y these few days cannot sleep longer even though I slept real late at night. In the wee morning la.
So ard 11plus..Eddie called and was like askin me to wake up. Haha...I asked him wanna go out for a swim not so he can also teach me swimming. And yippee...We did went to learn swimming. Haha...and guess wad within an hr..I managed to learn breast stroke. I feel great cos its a good start for swimming liao. Am a exercise freak now...Soon to start all the exercise regime.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 4/03/2006 04:08:00 PM |
Spinning: "Hips Don't Lie" - Shakira feat. Wyclef Jean
Okie, today went to meet grandmother...Okie erm its like 3 yrs since I last seen her la. Didnt know she is like still young la. 60plus liao but still look like 50 only. jealous la. I wan to age gracefully also. I seriously was at first reluctant to go. I mean come on la. 3 yrs liao never meet then suddenly sae wan to meet.
Cos of certain happens to this fuckin family 3 yrs ago thats y it ended up like that. But then anyway once met up, everything seems alrite. Was also alrite with my piercing and stuffs lor. Was concerned bout how Im doing in sch thats all. I mean she's a nice lady but with that foul character of hers no wonder my mum and her will argue until dun even wanna acknowledge each other like that. I dunno was pretty glad to see her la. Maybe its because 3 yrs liao. Wanna know how she is also. Afterall was brought up by her since young. So I believe somehow there's still the maternal care left within me.
Also met up with my auntie. So love her to death la. So long never see her liao also after the Bangkok trip. Adore her so much. I mean she hears alot of my prob. Also always ask me to study hard, dun waste money buy clothes and etc. She even gave me 50bucks which is like weird la. I mean she didnt have to consider the fact she also have to save for the future ma. Haix....dunno la but appreciate it when I tot of savin my money for rainy seasons...haha....
Started a workout regime suddenly. After meetin Eugene yesterday, we started to go running. Argh...feel so fat la...So we went running ard the connector at our place. Haha...A great run though...Now is jus the start of a fit me...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 4/02/2006 03:43:00 PM |
Best Buds Again
Spinning: "S.O.S" - Rihanna
Okie today, went out with Eugene. It has been ages since I have like went out with him. We decided to rekindle our friendship. Sought of got haywired since last april. Haha...
Morning, msg Mich to tell her that I didnt wanna go dragonboat. I was fakin it obviously. Told her I was sick. Evil me but I just couldnt wake up. Needed alot of rest n sleep. Haha...But never know that I was like so suay(unlucky) la. Saw her and her gang at Suntec. But lucky I quickly avoid. Haha...So I know she did not spot me. Kinda feel so demoralize la cos she tell me got fit guys in the dragonboat team one. goal is to also b fit la but its tough lor...I dun wanna see all those good bod when I dun have one myself...Argh....
Met Eugene at Marina Sq but as usual, was late la. Haha...But we had fun like reminiscing bout the past and updatin each other bout our lives. Didnt know we had so much to talked bout. I guess u can imagine not talkin for like almost 1 yr. Can actually bring us back closer. Haha...We walk from Marina to Suntec then to clarke quay there to settle down. Kinda tired so needed a rest. Drank mango magarita. God...I have never drank so much magarita in my life la. Its so big can. The glass is so damn fucking big. Man u guys will b shocked when I bring u there to drink. Haha...Dun worry not much of alcoholic content but more of the flavors. Haha...
After that, headed back to Eugene's place. Talk somemore la. Then joined him for Korean dinner. Oh man, never tasted such great food before. Prepared by his aunt's Korean friend. Its just so super delicious. It was also nice of the aunt to invite me to the grandma's place for dinner but end up takeaway to his place. Haha...
But am super glad for the fact is that we 2 are like close buddys again.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 4/01/2006 01:20:00 AM |