Argh...I hope I aint superstitious or wadeva...But for this particular month I have been losing things. I hope Im the forgetful blur one and not the other way round.
I have initially lost my ring given to me by Sean but managed to find it back. Sitting happily inside my jacket pocket!!!!...
Then I lost my mechanical pencil. How suay!!!!!! Same dae some more!!!!
Stupid pay cheque was deposit to Standard Chartered Bank instead of UOB!
Now my thumbdrive is lost. I left it in one of the comp after my lesson. And that really sucks. All my important datas and reports and projects r inside la. Wad the hell!!!! Now I have to redo everything again. Appealing to anyone who founds it pls return to me. I think inside got my pics. I hope la...U see me walk past sch pls return or the class after my class one pls return. Thank you!!!!
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 7/28/2006 02:35:00 PM |
Spinning: "Ain't No Other Man" - Christina Aguilera
Here's more about me...
*Current Facewash = Clinique Face Wash n Lab Series Face Scrub
*Current Skincare = Erm Loreal???
* Current smell = Erm Sweet Smelling!!! Haha
*Current body soap = Lux
*Current bag = Olive Crumpler Bag
*Current Fave brand = Alot to name
* Current Phone = Panasonic X70
*Current read = Meg Cabot Book
*Latest Movie = She's The Man
*Latest DVD = No
*Latest Album = Nope
*Last holiday = Bangkok (Feb 06)
*Next holiday = Bangkok
*Current mood = Happy, Sleepy, Tired
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 7/01/2006 01:48:00 AM |