Spinning: "Aint No Other Man" - Christina Aguilera
Yo Yo Yo...cute lil Joshua is back again. Haha...I think I ave gone cranky already. I have nothing to do. Been cam whoring the whole day la. Thats what I do when Im bored and havin nothing to keep me occupied.
Same thing as usual. Check mails and do data entry. Haix...So sian man...First half of the day was really really bad. I had to change cubicle since the rightful owner of my cubicle came back. Oh wad the hell! Change to another manager cubicle and end up I cant use the comp. Tot I would b pretty free since without her password I cant use comp means no work to do. I was wrong. Tian Tian got me plentiful of paper work to do. I hate the filing part. I hate it so much. I have to b patient to make sure that stupid string get into the punched hole. Argh...
Luckily after lunch at Holland V, ooohhh had yummy nasi lemak. Haha...It tastes not bad but somehow I still prefer Punggol Nasi Lemak. Yum Yum...I got my original cubicle and Im back to my disturbing mode. So cool eh. Haha...
Decide to really make myself comfortable now. Not takin off earrin, wearin short socks and now I decide to blast my mp3. Haha...beside another manager's cubicle. But was warned by Tian Tian to lower the volume in case she might not like it. Haha....Yea!!!!!
Meetin Small Fart Victor for dinner. More or less like a catch up thingy. I feel so fat now. Hate office work. Practically no life!!!! Everyday eat then sit down immediately. How to digest? My god...Tummy gettin rounder and rounder. Gettin flabbier n flabbier. Nid to exercise. Nid to jog longer distance now again. Argh help. Eugene.......
kkz la...gonna just blog till here la. Its so boring here. No office polictics. No catfights. No sassy girls and guys. Haix...Im still n look so cute even when Im fat. I rule this office. Haha...So *BHB*
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 8/31/2006 04:29:00 PM |
Spinning: "Too Little Too Late" - JoJo
It officially sucks. No office politics. No cute girls or guys. That sucks. I have to be a bit thick skin to admit that I am the cutest of them all. Haha..its true okie...u will be shocked to see no cute guys or girls one. Plus right I the only one in the office wear stripy okie. Dun *Play Play*. I think its good to varies your clothes with stripes and designs and colours but sadly none of the guys here does that. All wear plain boring uncle shirts. Hahaha....So typical office. Haha....Me still talkin bout charming my way in...like bootlick my supervisor but now no nid la. I sit so far away from her plus my cubicle same size as her one kkz...Dun play play. No one can see me inside. No one can wad Im really doing inside too. Coz all so short. Haha...*Evil* me...
Today one whole day also do nothing much. Am able to finish surfing all the webbies that I wanna go. Haha...so now very sian liao. Did the normal routine of checking mails, opening them and decide whether they are PO or DIR. SO boring routine for the next 2 weeks. I think. But then its also kinda good. It makes me quite free for these few past days too. A well deserved break after exams. Muahaha...
First time in my 19yrs of life. A colleague actually asked me do u go clubbing one. I do but not too often and he ACTUALLY says I have that clubber face. Alamak. My face so innocent young and cute (dun puke) haha where can see that I go clubbing one. My god. Need a facelift now. So people will start believein I very guai one dun go clubbing. So scary..someone not so close to u but observe u very well. Eeerrriieeee...
Going to meet Eugene later. Gonna get some present for Weni. It's so overdue already but am really busy wad!!! I even had to succumb to takin short quick nap during the bus ride back to work after lunch. My god. These few days lunch aint that cheap. Must learn to save and eat cheaper food from now onwards. But im growin and the good food r just so tempting!!!! Argh...
I hate u Erica. How come u get to start work late and end work early. Furthermore, early in the morning msg me with such "UNPLEASANT" news. Its so "SHOCKING" to know staffs of ORCHARD HOTEL gets such privillage. I hate you. Moreover, meals is provided free for u and u also earn 50bucks more liao. What more do u wan and still msg me such irritating stuffs. Haha...
Anyway, check out this website
http://www.darwinawards.com/ A colleague of mine told us. Kinda stupid. Alot of stupidity acts. Have a great luff and a great wkend ahead!
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 8/30/2006 11:06:00 AM |
Spinning: "Im Not Missing You" - Stacie Orrico
First day of work officially sucks to the core. Its so mentally drainin. We r some super cheap labour that they r so lucky to hire. What Im learnin has nothing to do with my course at all!!!! Its some Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable thingy. Save me from all the tormenting. I hate my life. 10wks to go before I kiss this place goodbye. The only consolation I have would be being able to use the internet freely, no strict rules impose, can wear short socks, no ties, 830 report to work instead of 8 and of course lookin forward to a 2hrs lunch break (supposed to be 1) at either NUS (can find Alvin), Holland V and Ghim Moh. Haha...Yea...Moreover, I found out I think can listen to mp3 while workin. Thats like dunno how many happiness la. The only sucky thing is journey to and fro is takin the toll on me!!!!
Bloggin as I sit inside my big big cubicle. Got privacy somemore. No one knows wad Im doing except Tian Tian the one teachin me n giving me some work to do. Evil. Wad to do cos we r cheap labours. Gonna maximize our 450pay per month ma. Haha. Well its true after chancing and talkin to Valerie who works only MOE. We r cheap labours. Pay so little yet work so much n hard. Haha...Work until wan to fall asleep. Next time cannot find office job man. Or else wan to sleep. Haha
Glad to meet up with Erica, Rach n Janet yesterday. Though it was only for dinner at Spaggedies but at least Im glad to say we could actually unwind ourselves for that very brief moment though all of us were super tired n sleepy. Erica, dun worry and dun give up. I still have faith in u that u will one day regain your girly self. Your feminine side. Haha...Work hard guys...
SO much happened and I wanna let go dun even wanna think bout anything anymore. Haf or dun haf I dun care. As long as I have great friends. Haha...I wanna stop thinkin and just deal with wadeva is present in front of me. Work really sucks right now..I am kinda like slackin after doin a small heap pile of paper work plus data entry. Aint gonna call Tian Tian back or else there will b more work. Haha...Im born to b a slacker. 1.5hrs more to lunch at Holland V today!!! Muahahaha....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 8/29/2006 10:33:00 AM |
Spinning: "Get Up" - Ciara feat. Chamillionaire
Okie wad a rollercoaster it was. I had my share of fun, gain and lost. I wun sae I grew up so much but its nonetheless fun to see transformation. Had a lot of brawls with friends and thats not the way I wanna end my yr with.
Part of me dun wanna sae sorry for all the shoutings I did for Entrepreneurship but part of me feels bad too. But in the end I guess we all did our best to forget bout this incident. We gave in our hard work but guess everybody couldnt see the credits and work that each individual have put in. The ignoring of Pris n Shari-ann. Hmmm...certain things cannot be forgotten but we can always start anew. Had real fun last night with Shariann. Had loads to reminisce bout. All the fun time and well alot of pvt conversations. Tryin to make up for lost time I guess. Pris if u r anywhere here, lets make up and STOP thinkin I would like to find fault though something will never be unforgettable one. That one is a fact and will always be a fact. But thats just a chapter in our life.
Work for The Link was pretty much not bad I could say. Something I have never tried and did before. But it does tell me how important and valuable that one piece of PAPER (cert) could be. For sure I know I will never find and like any job that is easy money. Doin nothing standing up and mingling with the other promoters. No way...Pay a 1000bucks and I will also never accept it. It just makes me wanna pursue my dream on wad I wanna do but I would make certain amendments and circumstances to it though.
Feelin rather reluctant to start attachment. Attached to PSB Corporation. Not something that I would expect cos its far. Haha...Have to b up early. *Slap* wake up. This is reality. Thats normal workin hrs. But y me? Y somewhere at Science Park? Haix...hopefully its gonna be anjoyable 11wks experience I hope. Must make sure I do get to know Chee Siong my only peer attached to the same company. Forget bout the quiet silent treatment at CC stopover. I dun wanna end up havin lunch alone kkz....
Exams sucks too. I think Im really a slow learner. Nothing gets into my brain when I started studyin like so much earlier. This is real bad. I just pray n hope for the best. Didnt do well this sem but I hope to just scrape thru at least. Prayin. If all things fail someone could just get me some things to cheer me up then. Muahaha....
Old one goes and new ones comes: Nah...I still wan old ones. Glad to have known Zach, Yaz, CoCo etc (a certain grp). Though I never meet u guys up so much or call u guys as much as I should but then Im glad that I was always part of ur life. Concern bout me. Wad's up with my life n etc. Thank you. And of cos to all my other friends Gene (thank god all the crappy trials ended), Erica (acc me when we were workin) etc. U guys colour up my life. Though never spent as much time as we ought and should but we'll just make do with wadeva time we haf yea. After attachment work will drop by visit the one workin or meet up for dinner at least once a week. Hey at least we r $450 richer per month from all the work we r doin yeah. Miss u guys loads...
Zach when r we goin out? When will we gonna drink?
Gene, Kevin n Wk I still demand to go to my Attica u know!!!!!
Shari-Ann, I shall await the best Mambo night I have ever been to kkz..
Yaz n gang: U promise to go out with me after exams..Empty promises again!!!! And actually leavin me out when go bladin???
Erica: Sorry ah for not goin bladin with u today with Heli.
Weni: LoveWrecked how?????
Julie: Thanks for all the clothes u got for me from US!!!!
Emmett: we shall learn to compromise
Myself: stop procrastinating and get my butt to work
Shih Ru: I just updated! Haha....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 8/26/2006 04:37:00 PM |