Blogging At Work Part 10 - No Monday Blues But Bad Hair Day
Spinning: "Wo Hui Hao Hao De" - Cyndi Wang Xing Ling and "Wo Yao Kuai Le" - A*Mei
Argh..I think I got "Feng Wo" again. I think cos drink too much or allergic to certain ingredients in the drinks. After so long start again. Feelin itchy at the common hot spots (palms, fingers as well as sole of my feet.) Argh...Itchy...Scratchy...Itchy....
Dinner went well with Gurseet and Sak. Sorry gotta ditched u guys halfway cos I saw my friend.
Started a police and thief game. More like being a stalker. Was jus so enjoyin myself with my 2 darlings but in the end ended up. I jus dunno wad to do and say. Yes, I will survived. Me ended up goin round n round of Orchard. Nothing to sae la. Shari-Ann knows best.
Okie, Im thankful that I got Alvin to go drinkin with me at Mox since Ms Shari-Ann could not acc me (previous post)...Some unsightful incident happen to me. Ewww..gross out and disgusting. Yikes..aint gonna have it written down here. But Im seriously thankful that Zach n CoCo knows that I nid it real badly. I gave myself these 2 days to get over n move on to a new phase. Bought 3 vcds too. Tot I needed something to acc me when Im bored now. Yes am literally bored now if u know what I mean.
Ended up real high. Didnt expect for it to happen. Guess Long Island that day was too potent. Kena seh soon. Even staged myself as drunk to play a trick on Shari-Ann. So I would have someone to talk to on my way back. As well as crapped when I get home. Haha...
Clubbin at Tabz with Ahmad and gang. Woo~Hoo...Had so much fun. This is really the most enjoyable nite after Yaz party. Clubbed all the way till 4. Feelin damn warm 2. My god. Air-con doesnt seem to b blastin was dancin n groovin whle sweatin like mad. Obviously had some upsets too but not gonna sae wad la. Haha..only Erica n Eugene knows best. Before clubbin got teased badly cos I was out for dinner with CoCo and learnt her bitchiness. Haha...But i got back by teasin Andre. Haha...Am feelin the closeness. Hmmm...wont say extrme closeness but at least there is now a special bond. Imagine havin me a quiet guy like me with so many spontaneous ppl. Give me booze and I will open up I guess. Or maybe cos Im young thats y. Haha...But at least Andre was there dancin with me. Haha...I used to always think no no no aint close with him. Slowly lor..shall give time to myself to grow up, to open up and to b tactful and crazy. Haha..I love this bunch of people. Holy loads....Hugs n Muacks...
Today, colleague suddenly say he thinks I dun have gf but should have a bf instead. Erm like erm. I also dunno wad to sae. *Faint* all started when Chee Siong bought a Tulip at NUS cos for charity. Then Zhi Kun ask him to give to gf. He sae dun haf. Then topic started to move to me. Okie, I might looked gay but at least in the right mind who would think Im attached? I think he felt I was a bit offended or rather I was caught off-guard. He said he thinks Im like Will Smith except Im white and cheena. Y? Cos he thinks I have the Qi Zhi like him. Sorry dunno wads that in english. I guess something like an aura. U know I know can liao. Anyway speechless la. Dunno wad he is driving at so also dropped that topic.
Shoutouts:Erica, Janet, Rach, Cherly n Kelvin: Thurs might b meetin up. As usual. Will be confirmed again since not everybody think they can make it. Haha...
Roy: Sorry already was at Tabz so couldnt make them go Why not. Might meet u up today. Hopefully See how la. Got contact u then meet or else nope
Zach: Hope u r alrite. Lets meet up soon
Eugene: I feel like I have neglected u again. So sorry. Shall make up startin today. Call n gossip
Alvin: All the best for tests
My AgendaMonday: No Plans...But might be meetin Andy or Roy
Tuesday: Gym
Wednesday: Dinner with Auntie (seriously didnt know its on Wed)
Thursday: Tentatively with the 5 darling friends
Friday: Gym
Sat & Sun: Free but I want to make time for Zach and Shariann and Pris and Eugene.
PS: Still waiting for replies on the previous post!!!!!!!!
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 9/18/2006 03:23:00 PM |
Blogging At Work Part 9
Spinning: "Waiting For The World To Change" - John Mayer
Dear Lovable Friends:
Hmmm I remember back then when I decided to go on a short hiatus cos I was havin some probs with blogger, I remembered this incident very badly.
Some anonymous tag on my board sayin that Im gay or something like that. I think was a bit nasty and immediately I went to cbox to delete it. In any case, I dun think any of u seen it before yet la. It happened when my P-Flag is still hanging proud at the side of my blog. Now its taken down la...
I dun see any harm of who being gay or wadeva. I dun see a point criticizing them either. I mean I could b quite annoyed when being cruised or wadeva and they comin and askin for sex. Ermmm yeah yeah da da doo doo da. Some of u guys must have still remembered me talkin bout it after a swim n stuffs.
I guess wad I wanna sae is I dun see wads wrong with being one la. Hello..kinda rude of someone to be readin my blog. I guess he/she must be some fucker passerby to leave such tag la. Dunno me and sae this kind of stupid thingy.
So the question Im gonna post is: what if one day u find out that ur cute lil friend here is gay would u ostracize (wa use such bombastic word, tot my intelligence is really shallow) him. Ok, I know some of u guys here looked at me like some sister. Like we formed some Divine Secrets of The Ya Ya Sisterhood. And some of u also question my sexuality. So wad if one dae I found out I "hate" girls and "love" the boys, what would u guys do. Hands up if still wanna remain friends and hands down if wanna break the friendship. Just tag at tagboard ba. This is a form of assurance for the near future. We have been battling bout this issue for quite some time last yr till now right....And after today this issue will stopped once and for all.
Well to all, this is jus a question. So dont ponder too much n too long. But pls ponder on the friendship. Haha...
Shout Out:Erica: I wan to go swimmin so badly. I think all my fats are congregating u know where. Argh...Quick we better do some form of exercise. Haha....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 9/15/2006 02:27:00 PM |
Blogging At Work Part 8
Spinning: "Give It Up To Me" - Sean Paul feat. Keyshia Cole
So busy this wk. Okie la..More like been goin out neglectin my exercises. Yikes...I promised myself that next wk onwards I will stop procrastinatin and go gym even if I have to go alone. Bedok gym here I come again.
Guess wad. Waited endlessly and patiently with Shari-Ann for our results. And I passed. God damn it. It beats the joy even if I was crowned "Mr Universe" or wadeva title kkz. At least no nid take supp paper no nid to worry bout havin to repeat modules and tons n tons...
Argh...darn it...Stooooppiiddddd Shari-Ann (not totally referrin to u as stooopiiddd) but y suddenly spoil all our plans of goin out to have fun and get ourselves silly(ly) drunk. Argh...Im so lookin forward leh..but my dreams all dashed liao.....Haix...guess gonna jus sit at home n drink to my sorrow. Haha...Y got "matchmaking" session. How old only la. WTH!! Haha
Anyway, nvm tmr gonna party like mad. Heard goin Tabz with CoCo n gang. Think drunk. Think not either. Cos I dun think I will end up drunk. I can drink kkz. Lookin forward. So long never go drink n club liao...Woo~Hooo...
Actually, I think Im alrite liao leh...I aint thinkin, I aint missing and best of all I have loads of friends that cares for me. Thanks babes. This week it was a pretty hectic week for me. I have been goin home lesser n lesser for dinner now. This is bad. I cant imagine how its gonna b like when I stepped out into the workin world. Everyday after work is off to Orchard or some piror commitments. Those who wanna go out next wk. Better tell me earlier cos I still gotta meet cutedwodgy and my aunt.
Had a hair cut last nite. Think gonna leave long now after this short hair cut. Shall visit Keith one month later to do some trimmin. He suggest I should leave long then straighten it. Okie something I never tried before. So am gonna do wad he suggest and see n try. If straighten liao then can do highlight. OOOhhhhhh I like...Haha....
Got my first pay cheaque of only 78bucks. 1 wk work only ma. But better than nothin. Considerin the fact I might go broke soon by tmr. If im gonna drink n drink n drink!!! Hahaha...
Meetin Sak n Gurseet later. Pics will be up later at night since not drinkin anymore. Haix...
Shout Outs:Erica, Rach, Janet, Cheryl n Kelvin: Which day free better tell me now. We r supposed to meet up since this week we have not met up for any one single day. So unfair la. Wad u guys busy with. Busy dating and shaked leg in the office is it!!!! Must be. So chor lor...U guys except Kelvin. Where have ur feminity gone to? My god...Be more lady like. Maybe must retract a bit. I think Janet qualified to b in the lady-like category. The rest...hmmm aint gonna sae much. Haha *Im Evil* jus like to suan and tease more...So me...
Erica: Never reply me still dare to talked so much....Mei Da Mei Xiao
Cheryl: Ur wish is my command. Looked above. I have already posted the shout outs to them.
Eugene: Congrats on your passing of exams too. Thank god we both passed with extreme "FLYING COLOURS". U know wad I mean. And quotation pls. Always forget one leh u.
CoCo: My colouring book bout to complete liao...U will see big transformation like sae a few yrs more. Haha...Thanks for dinner at Thai Express last nite. And all the very good advice. Plus narration of how u gotta know Ahmad n ur life. Haha...Appreciate that. And for ur care n support for me.
The "irritatin" guy who called me tweet: Thanks for ur Spinelli drink but dinner on me next wk. Also thank u for introducing me ur hairstylist, Keith. Muahahaha....
Alvin: Thanks for lunchie at NUS. Gonna go down there nxt wk on Tues n Wed. B prepare for me treat for lunchie next wk. Ooooohhhh...cant wait. Hope everything is fine now and all the best for ur exams. Today is Fri so u must move on n forget. Yeah...Hugsssss
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 9/15/2006 10:30:00 AM |
Blogging At Work - Monday Blues (Part 7)
Spinning: "Hurt" - Christina Aguilera
Well like the sayin goes "One Door Closes and The Next Open". Aint sad. I think more like numbed liao...So cliche and so deja vu. CoCo advise me to just live life with a positive attitude. Be confident of how I look like n my presentation. be courages and aggressive n brave to certain outtakes. Gonna try to revamp for the best. Haha....
Erica: Thanks for the concern msg. Im dun worry. Nothing to be so worried bout. Nothing so serious. Not the end of the world yet. Hahaha....Muacks thanks darlin for that msg again. Though u never replied I dunno y! Haha...

Feeling the Monday blues. Attachin to Florence is not as bad as I tot its so gonna be. Cos she just dumped me with work and not checked on wad Im doin. Cool eh. Haha...Im just doin it at a very slow pace. Now restin typin my blog. Haha. Im evil. But Monday blues wad. So lethargic no mood to work so hard. Maybe tmr I will put in double effort in my work. Cos no such thing as Tuesday Blues right. Moreover, meetin my auntie tmr. Wooo~Hoooo gonna have dinner with her again at Spaggedies. She never had before so gonna treat her. Yup Yup...I feel so rich suddenly to give a treat. Muahahaha...

Close-Up Look: This Week's Design
Dunno wad to write. I also dun wanna dwell to much on that issue. Hopefully Alvin dun feel sad anymore though our plights r about the same. But I guess at least u got an answer but I still cant fig out the answers of my prob. Haha...but mine cant be searched but haf to b told. I dun care already. I dun wan to care already.
Must make initiative to ask CoCo and Ahmad the gang to go drinkin n club for the one last time before fastin. Since CoCo will not go out anymore after that. Wooo~Hooo.....
Shari-Ann pls confirm with me drinkin dae okie. If Im gonna end up dead drunk muz sent me home okie. I promise myself this week would b the last week Im gonna dwell on this prob. I wanna drink to my sorrow. Haha...!!! Im so gonna b in a drunkard state. But u aint gonna see cute cute pics of this lil boi. I cant expose my ugly self to public. Humilate myself with drunkard pics. Haha...I aint Noah kkzzz.....
I feel my mum and I have become best friends. Haha...she can dun go n close the shop and go jog with me one leh (Twice Liao). OMG la...wad a "Bad Ass" mum I have. Haha...she also wan to stay healthy and trim I guess. But heard from her that her tyroid is back again. I guess she's under too much stress. With my dad, uncle and grandpa. Haix...And I did nothing. Worst I also dunno anything until yesterday. Wad kind of son am I???? Argh....But my mum is also crazy. Had tepanyaki last nite and my mum actually bought back hundreds plus of pork and beef. She's crazy. Go Isetan to buy. And each packet of meat is like 30plus. OMFG!!!! Its practically real crazy. Not that she only buy one packet but she buys like tons of packets. That is absolutely crazy but citing that we only eat once in dunno how many trillion years so its okie to buy expensive. OMG!!!!!! But I have to admit it was good. The meat are super soft. Its like they practically melt in ur mouth. Haha....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 9/11/2006 10:57:00 AM |
Blogging From Home Part 3
Spinning: Somewhere Over The Rainbow" - Katherine McPhee
Okie, yesterday met up with my 2 darlings. Workin still considered sucks cos alot of things to do and hafta move on to help the next person. Haix...Dun really quite liked it but no choice. Gotta endure another 9 more weeks. Yes thats right! 9 wks left! Argh....
Its been such a long time since I last seen them cos we argued over certain thingy. No point to recap cos if those who possess photogenic memory would know wad happened. Haha...Glad we r back together again. So much have happened. And so much have changed too. But our friendship still remains the same. Okie guilty of smokin one cigg. Its bad I know but I promise not to be hooked to it. I am still clean. We haf so much probs revolvin ard us. Im still happy. Im still me. Im glad to haf u 2 to fall on when that sudden sms reached me. Thanks. Appreciate it very much.
Shari-Ann: Thanks for the sweet msg at 2am plus. No worries glad u still remember me n that sms.
Pris: Thanks for the call. Though it was short but it did helped. We would try our best to be close again yeah...
Both: Thanks babe for listening to me. Cos only u 2 know bout me. Hahaha...
Zach: Thank you too. Im strong and I know how to hadle it. Though its really cliche and deja vu.
CoCo: Thanks for all the constant smging and calls to check on me. Appreciate that. Still couldnt fig out y u said "What do you think I always call u". Will try my best to step out of my comfort zone. Be aggressive and have u guys acknowledged my presence.
Kevin n Weng Keong: Im super amazed by the outcome of the treatment. Charles msged me to tell me bout it. It really clears up alot. U guys just make me wanna visit him soon. Wanna go for the new face treatment too. Argh....
Lastly to u 3 peeps who know what went wrong. Im okie, Im feeling fine. Have yet to go drinkin. Drinkin dun solve all problems but Im just itchy for some. I know u 2 gals wun n hardly would wan to go Mox with me but pls one day at least try okie. Im just feelin a bit down thats all. I think Im gonna have my Vodka Redbull @ home. Ciao now...

Us: The Trio Is Once Again Back In Action. Terrorizing The City
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 9/10/2006 01:01:00 AM |
Blogging From Home - USA, Taiwan & Indonesia (Part 2)
Spinning: "Everytime We Touch" - Cascada

Think you are seeing double? Think again!!! Super twin good friends came back from US after 2 freakin long yrs. Miss them so much. Always, they always have the same reactions. Y am I so thin now!!! Y am I no longer FAT!!!! Yikes...Say I look ugly since Im thin now. But nope I like myself right now. Except really a bit thin only la. Haha....Still as beautiful as always but somehow, anyone who goes there does come back different. Haha the butt. Wahaha...nid more explaination???? U can do the math or think for urself!!!!! Anyway thanks Julie for helpin me get some polos though they 1 is too small in size and the T-Shirt aint beautiful. *Im Evil* complaining but I do appreciate your totfulness kkz....Muz get some other pics from her.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 9/07/2006 09:12:00 PM |
Blogging From Home
Spinning: "Show Stopper" - Danity Kane
Looking back at all the tons n stash of photos that I had in my collection I just had to pushed them out somehow. I gotta sell myself to everyone dun I. See this is me. The happy quirky cute lil boi studyin for exams. I was like so happy even when its exam time but now Im like sulkin cos of work. It really sucks. I could still afford to cam-whore even when I know that I wouldnt do well for my exams. How I wish those lucky ones could be in my shoes for once. Haha....Not only that I feel so fat la. Everyday eat work and sit. Sucks to the maximum...Okie off to go jogging already. Shall continue with all the photos thingy and upload them when I have the time.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 9/07/2006 08:47:00 PM |
Blogging At Work Part 6
Spinning: "Ring The Alarm" - Beyonce
Okie, these past few days have been busy. Real busy. Work keep me so busy that I feel so mentally drained again. However, I dunno y, I have all the energy to go out everyday after work. This is terrible man.
Yesterday, I found it to be the worst day of my life. Once Tian Tian is not ard, all hell break loose and I guess it also hafta do with me changing position sittin at her "lousy" place. Haha...I hate my life man. But anyway, I guess u guys mus b sick n tired of hearin me hatin this workin life. gonna stop for the moment. Well today is jus as horrible too...she is so bloody "lazy" la. I mean come on la. Today already have so much datas to key in. Cant u just go and photocopy all the bloody stuffs urself. Everything Joshua this Joshua that. KNN sia. Bloody arse. Cant stand internship. Low bloody cheap labours.
I think it was Tues, stupid Rach prank me la. Something bout McDonald one. Kinda a bit no patience and I nearly wanted to jus hang the phone up for good until I heard some girl laughin at the background. Moreover the guy said my friend Rachael. So stupid right. But anyway thats over. Had dinner with Emmett at Holland V. Yummy Crystal Jade. Been eatin alot of good n expensive food liao..Must start savin money and not eat too ex. Though I still owe Em a Peach Cheesecake. Gonna ged it on either Fri or Sat. N well something great happen on that day so it kinda like offset that evil prank. Haha...
Met up with the 2 darlings yesterday. Erica n Cheryl. Had Thai Express. Yes something I have long wanted to eat for ages already. Both were into spicy yesterday so I can savour my soft shell crab in peace. Yummy. Thanks Erica for helpin me get the book. Shockin to see people that looks familiar inside the book. Didnt know that the book even had a few pages that is like so dedicated to me. I shall prepare a whole list of questions for my own interview for my part. Haha..I even got my photos ready. Topless one to complement the book. U watch out Erica. That spot rightfully belongs to me like wad u said. Haha...
Ok, so lets back track a lil bit. Last Sunday, had to drag myself off from bed to help Eileen (Eugene's sis) to do some photoshoot thingy for some poster or registration form for their church. publicity. This cute face will appear in dunno how sheets of registartion forms. Muahaha...Dun puke...Not yet. U will get to see more of me soon n often cos we r goin out almost every week. Haha...Shall scan n post the registration form when I got it. But tentatively, these r the pics we took la haha....Suppose to portray a scene where like we r havin fun, know one another and just talkin happily but the fact is I only know Eugene and after the shoot I still only know him n not the rest. Muahahaha....

These are the groupie pics...
This only pic here is supposed to be well say an "audition" for a NAVY poster or print ads. Dunno wad is it for actually. But well its just for Eileen's boss to choose from the arrays of hopeful candidates. Haha...But pls take a good look. Its so super fugly. NVM. There's always a next time. I can always shave my hair too u know (like Jessica's Bro: That Inmate Print Ad). Anyway I shall leave u guys to take a good look at how fugly I am. Preparin to go home soon!!! Yippeeee.....
I seriously hate that look that pic but the sky is sooooo beeaaauuttifulllll...I think I shall photoshop n cropped it. Haha....*Evil Grin*
*PS (look how deep that eye bag is. Seriously nid a makeover construction or wadeva. Maybe liposuction for the eyes.) Hate It!!!! Just show how hardworkin I am at work! No Play But WORK!!!!!
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 9/07/2006 11:06:00 AM |
Blogging At Work Part 5
Spinning: "Crazy" - Alanis Morissette
Im seriously pissed off with blogger. I cant even upload my pics la. Wad the mother fuckin hell. Just really make me feel like givin up blogging or switch to another blog provider. Haix...
But wad would all my loyal "fans" think? Me not updatin bout how cute I am. Not being able to have their regular puking session. heard it does good for their bowels as well as their fatty tummy. Haha...No nid Xando, Tummytrim or Extrim. Jus read my blog can liao. Haha...
Sucha busy day yesterday. Never in my life had I had the need to open up over 50mails. Its countless I tell u. All the data entry too. There's just too much work thats y your loyal Brother Joshua was not on air last evening. Dun worry. Today will start off with morning, afternoon and evening session. To the few lucky ones like Erica, Eugene n Cheryl. Count yourself lucky to receive sms from me. Haha....
Looking forward to tmr's outing with the guys...Our routine 1 wk once meet up session. lookin forward to chill out with u guys. So make sure those who must stay healthy stay healthy. Those that broke think of ways to earn money. Those that nid a makeover (me) have a make over. Those cannot make it also must try to make it. Haha..Im evil!!!!
On the lighter note: Caught "The Devil Wears Prada" with both Erica and Emmett. Sorry Em, didnt tell u I actually caught it. Since I didnt really had anything to do on Fri and I wanted to go out. So pulled Erica along to watch this amazing show. Superb performance put up by Meryl Streep. Its good. Real good. But then sadly, there is this couple who was so interested in makin out that really was so gross. We couldnt concentrate much since sex scene was spice up in real. God damn it. Get yourself a room.
Heard frm Erica Pebble caught me and Em together "behavin intimately". I guess thats the right word to use since she say we look like bf. But then after that said we look like brothers. Like my twin brother. Weird, either that I must be careful of public image or I must b careful of paparazzi. This is scary!!!!!! Thus presenting:

Thanks Erica for helpin me get the book SQ21. Appreciate it very much. Couldnt get my hands on that darn YELLOW book since it was all sold out after its initial launch. Thank you very much.

Colleague say that I look a bit wild or ah beng. Wad the hell. I said I have a very innocent face plus I gave the innocence look. And he said to me "Ren Bu Ke Mao Xiang". WTH!!! But then he said after noticing me for the week, my mannerism as well as my dressings (I know I dress to KILL) that I am not like that. He's also the one who said I have that clubber face. Maybe its that bling bling on my ear ba. Argh..Nid to maintain my cute boyish look.
Met my auntie up for lunch yesterday. Woooo...So long never see her liao...Kinda miss her. Pick me up from work then had spaghetti n pizza. *Sigh* so fattening can!!!! But she's so nice la. Keep saying I very thin and even claim that my grandma says that y I thin until like that. Face also look so sharp until I have to tell her the swimmin trunk story. Sad man. But then it was so wonderfully delicious la. Had dessert after that. So sinful. SINFUL.....I wan to cry and die. Will start regularly joggin instead of one to twice a wk. Will hit the gym this wk. Woooo~Hoooo...
Meetin Em later, my day is not gonna fall short of being BORING again. Yeaaaaa....Went to do some light shoppin over the wkends and burnt my pocket.
Adidas Trucker Cap - 29bucks
G2 Pants - 30bucks
Bods Dirty Green "Hot" Swimmin Trunks - 13bucks
SQ21 - 23bucks
Total Damage: 95bucks (mum's gonna pay for the pants wooo~hoooooo)
Argh so broke. I guess one of the rules above also applies to me besides makeover. Haha... There's more to come man...Haix...Not to mention still have 3 birthday gifts haven bought and paid yet. Haix...sad plus I have been munching on snacks. Expensive snacks. Haha...
Ankle Socks - 15bucks
Nike Trucker Cap - 21bucks
Topshop Zippy Wallet - 29bucks
2 Nike T-Shirts - 74bucks
To Come damage: 139bucks (mum's gonna pay for the ankle socks woooo~hooo again)
Oh did I forgot to mention. Dunno y the ang moh CEO everyday come work. Will look n stare at me one man. Hate it man. U cant blame someone for being so cute. Blame someone who dress to kill. Blame it on ur senseless fashion sense. Wear some stripes la. Like Me. So cute. If not Im gonna gorge out ur freakin eyeballs. So stop lookin at me. Old ah pek. I know Im cute but Im not here to show myself off to u. Im not just normal lookin vase that u can get from some cheap pasar malam. Im an high exquiste antique one of a kind art piece. So dun dirty me with ur dirty looks. Haha...
O to Eugene sorry gotta cancel today gym session. My fault! Sincerely sorry.
O sorry to Zach too for ditchin u halfway to meet Emmett. Sorry. My sincere apologies.
To Erica: Sorry slept real early last nite. Couldnt chat online with u. Sorry. And Erica, I know u know no sin when it comes to eatin so one day we must try the fried mars bar at Raffles City kkz...So sinful but looks so sedap la. We mus try one day okie. Haha...its from Chippy btw. Haha...Then I also wan to eat Shih Lin. Haha...Yummylicious!!!!!! off to slackin again. Nothin to do. Waitin for lunch break. Gonna eat something soupy and not so FATTENING!!! Haha...Bye mates till tmr then
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 9/05/2006 09:12:00 AM |
Blogging At Work Part 4- I-Tune
1. How does the world see me? "Baby Boy" - Beyonce feat. Sean Paul This is totally true, given the fact that Im blessed with such angelic cute face. Obviously Im like a boy boy to anyone. Haha...(*I jus puke myself too)
2. Will I have a happy life?"Since You've Been Gone" - Kelly Clarkson Who Who Who....?????
3. What do my friends really think of me?"I Am Not My Hair" - India Arie Ok, I gettit... I look better than my hair
4. Do people secretly lust after me?"Who Do You Think You Are" - Spice Girls U oughtta b kiddin me. I should b the one choosing who to lust over me and not them
5. How can I make myself happy?"Cry“ - Mandy Moore Best feeling you would get after a big cry
6. What should I do with my life?"Spice Up Your Life“- Spice Girls ...Spice it up baby. I nid more attention. Attention grabber!!!!
7. Will I ever have children?"Like A Virgin" - Madonna Hahahaa.....need me to say more?
8. What is some good advice for me?"Stand Up For Love" - Destiny's Child I nid more lovin baby. I nid more....
9. How will I be remembered?“SexyBack”-Justin Timberlake You know my back is sexy when u have seen it. (I’m bringing sexy backThem motherf***ers watch how I attack...lalalalala)
10. What is my signature dancing song?"Turn Me On" - Kevin Lyttle Eeerrrrr..... I will attempt to dance if u know which is the right button.
11. What do I think is my current theme song?"I'm Not Missing You" - Stacie Orrico Big Shoutout...Yea Get This Right...I Aint Missing You
12. What does everyone else think is my current theme song?"Dance Dance”-Fall Out Boy...
13. What song will play at my funeral?"Say My Name" - Destiny's Child!!! "Say my name, say my name If no one is around you Say baby I love you"
14. What type of men/women do you like?“Promiscuous”-Nelly Furtado....Promiscuous Boy n Promiscuous Girl
15. What is my day going to be like?“Deja Vu" - Beyonce feat. Jay-Z...So cliche!!!
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 9/01/2006 11:27:00 AM |