Blogging At Office - Part 14
Spinning: "Meng Xiang Tian Kong" - Stefanie Sun

Okie pics r super pixelated. Shall go home use Photoshop if I have the energy la. Dunno office one cant run. So had to use Paint instead which produces such "FAB" qualities. Though not nice muz also put up since I put in effort n time to do it. Haha..
Event: Jess's 19th B'day (21st Oct)
Okie as usual, Im pretty well known n reputable for delivering pics late to everybody one la.
Lazy to type. Jus let the pic do all the talking then...
And sorry to those who ask me out, I think I no more slots liao..
Monday: Dinner with CoCo
Tuesday: Dinner with hunnies
Wednesday: Nothing (Rest Day)
Thusday: Dinner with Pris n Shariann
Friday: Dinner with Andrew (Maybe gotta squeeze Dixon in)
Saturday: Clubbing with CoCo n Gang
Sunday: Attica (Probably)
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 10/31/2006 05:44:00 PM |
Clubbin Nites
Spinning: "My Love" - Justin Timberlake feat. TI
Sun: My ears r still buzzing. Went clubbin last nite. Clubbed twice this wk already. Bad boi. Attica is super fantastic. Made my maiden trip. Fulfilled my wish to club at Attica. Bloody great music but drinks wise, it suxs cos u cant taste any of the vodka but cheap though. 2 jugs for 48bucks. Wellas usual like on Mon saw alot of peeps that I know. But of different age groups kinda. Attica u see all rounder. Thanks to my bro who actually got all the way down to Clarke Quay to send me home. So sweet n nice right. Where to find such brother. My god. Next time if he nids me to drive him anywhere at night I will make sure I go. Haha...
Initially Ron "bailed" me out on going Attica (I seriously didnt mind cos if he is tired and feel that he wouldnt enjoy himself no point going wad), but I made the right choice to still go with Dixon. Woo~Hoo...Or else I would haf missed out on such great fun. One bad thing is that its so packed n crowded. And of course well I wouldnt reveal too much. LoLx..I know u know can liao. Lets just say it was dirrty fun. Haha...
Sat: Hari Raya dinner at Ahmad's place. I still couldnt stepped out of my comfort zones. The usual grp not here and alot of new faces I transform immediately to this shy quiet boi. Ahmad was like everyone this is Joshua. Everybody hi and I hi back, immediately hit the kitchen and yes sms(ing). So damn shy la. I guess everyone muz b thinkin wads wrong with me. Haha..The usual grp of friends still sae me never do networking. But wth, Im just shy to talked to ppl I dunno wad. Haha....Nonetheless, was quite fun when we started drinkin a bit. And we jus talked bout the past history of Singapore scene and our own past noti experiences. After that super with Dixon. Nice of him to trottle all the way to HK Cafe to meet me for supper. Yeah...Wonderful meal. Haha
Mon: Clubbin with Ron. Din stayed long. Just when the club was gettin packed and they started playing Handbag or rather Top 40 songs, Ron suggested that we leave. Found out that he actually dun stay out too late one. Will only club until 1-2 plus then leave for home. Well I have no choice wad. Since Im there with him I muz leave with him. Moreover, he sendin me home. Woo~Hoo....
Wellthough I clubbed alot but guessed wad? I never spend much or rather a single dime on clubbin. Cos all expenses were well paid and no cover charge. Just had loads of fun.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 10/30/2006 09:02:00 AM |
Spinning: "My Dream" - Eugene
Argh so fed up. Had 3hrs of sleep only. Had a bolt of argument with my mum over allowance matter. Its so ridiculous. I hate them..Argh...
They r gonna halve my allowance so that means I would only have 200bucks for this month including transportation. Bloody hell. Wad n how am I supposed to survive with like 100 for a month? 100 would go to transportation to bloody far internship place. Arghhh...Fuming
My mum actually dun believe me that I get my pay on the 14th of the next month. How could own mother doubt her own flesh n blood. And to be so calculative cos Im gettin paid for interning thats y I haf to suffer an allowance cut. So ridiculous. And she still dare to cite examples lie wad if one day I earn thousand plus, should I still b gettin allowance from them? This so stupid, if I can get by with 400 a month y would I still ask for allowance on top of wad I earn. Thats another 0 behind mind you. Argh...
This is not the worst thing. My bros and I practices the traditional slammin doors "ritual" whenever an argument broke out. Guess wad my mum actually said? She say y his character like girl. How I wonder is he really guy or girl. Y so petty. Thats like so bloody arse la. When u r engaged ina heated argument you would just take anything in front of u to FA XIE.Really fed up with such a mum I have. And I actually retorted back so what if Im "GAY" to challenge her accusation. This is jus so maddening la. Bloody hell mum I haf....
Well, Im fully energized and prepared for the next argument later today. Im jus so gonna fight for my rights. How I wish I would just crashed the car and died last nite after arguing. But I guessed its so stupid too la. So drama. Make them guilty all life meh. Then wad kind of child am I? I realised its good not to drive out after an argument cos u cant think str8. Few times turn wrong lane and dashing across red lites. Argh....Gonna die and perish and R.I.P today la.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 10/25/2006 03:10:00 PM |
For you guys..
Have a great luff...
Freaky type halfway Mr Boo (LO) appears...
But nonetheless here it is: i dunno how to embed. so anyone knows pls teach me
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 10/19/2006 04:57:00 PM |
Long time never update already but neither do I have the time now...
Loads of pics! I guess and loads to sae. Haha
Just so gonna put down my schedule for the week or else I will forget.
Mon: Meeting Herms for dinner n chit-chat
Tues: Meetin Roz for newspaper clipping
Wed: Meetin Shariann for shoppin spree
Thurs: Shariann for shoppin spree (boring..Haha)
Fri: Nothing (free yeah..)
Sat: Evening BBQ and Midnight movie with Mich...might haf to drive argh...
Sun: Outing with Pris and Shariann
Mon: Nothing..
Tues: Nothing...
Might have to space some time out for my darlings as well as CoCo....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 10/17/2006 02:30:00 PM |
Blogging From Home - Part 4
Spinning: "Mei Ren Yu" - Vivian Hsu
Met up with my 2 darling babes on Wed? Yea should b la. Haha...Also cant remember cos I only got time to do up the pics but no time to update. Haha...

Had dinner at Billy Bombers after much hesistation n the food there really sucks. Had their meal set and y on earth did the fish turn out like this? Argh...I would only recommend the Milkshake. Haha...its so far much better than McDonald's. The only item I enjoyed most would be the Ben's & Jerry's "Cherry Garcia" ice cream I guessed. And of cos, the cam whoring. Haha..

Look so neoprint right? I think I really very nice. Never put up all the ugly pics....
I guessed we went to the xtreme that the table in front of us were lookin at us. But they were also takin pics wad. Maybe they muz b thinkin all so cute together. Awww...Must b cos of me. Haha...Kiddin la...We 3 r cute. Or maybe its because they muz b thinkin Im some flirt. Have 2 gfs. Haha...{Crazy} But there's a reason to take pics one wad. Soon one would b leavin for Germany and we dun meet up too often so we gotta enjoy ourselves as much as we could now.
For god more excuses the next time we meet up yea. Cheryl n Rach muz go. Rach now no more projects on hand right, everyday can play with photoshop. So hopefully everybody can make it.
Met Gene to take the brouchure for the photoshoot thingeeee...Haha...dun really intend to scan now cos the pics r all up in the previous post. Kinda lazy actually. If u guys really wan to see then tag on my board and I shall scan it. Damn, I think I mus b such a biatch or I luv myself too much. Cam-whore again at where he worked at. Muahahaha...

Alrite..Enjoy the pics ba....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 10/06/2006 12:11:00 PM |
Blogging At Work Part 13
Spinning: "I Belong To Me" - Jessica Simpson

This clearly explains y I'm always feeling bored at work. Haix...
Always heading to the toilet to sleep. It's just like my 2nd home. Sitting on the toilet bowl and just sleep....(I know its bad but I really can't helped it)
When I have a bad hair day, I will just wash my hair (there's a shower area) and hide all my hair wax/gel etc in the designated plant area. Haha....There's a super strong good hand dryer that serves as a hair dryer for me. Their paper tissues are also used as towels to dry my wet hair.
Home Sweet Home (Stinko)
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 10/04/2006 03:17:00 PM |
Spinning: "Come Back To Me" - Vannessa Hudgens
Okie, all my dearest darlings namely, Jessica, Kelvin, Cheryl, Erica, Janet and Rachel.
Jess n Kel have been plannin a Bintan trip. Most probably 2D/1N during say before end of Oct. The package would be like 130bucks each. Free 60mins spa session. So how guys? Wanna just go an enjoy ourselves for like only 1 night?
This is the website so pls check it out: out this plan:
BINTAN AGRO RESORT Cheerios...Pls get back to us.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 10/02/2006 02:53:00 PM |
Blogging At Work Part 12
Spinning: "Hip Hop Tonight" - CoCo Lee feat. Vanness Wu

Gathering with Secondary sch mates. long never seen them liao. I know Im the busy one cos I always cant make it. Haha...I guess I might be too lazy. These are the bunch of crazy people I hang out with in my sec days. They r the ons who were there for me when Im down and cheer me up like mad. We hd our fair share of fun, anger, sad n etc.
Now u see why Im closed to gals. Cos since young, most of my friends are gals. Haha...Soon this group would diminish cos 2 might just leave for USA for good n the other maybe Medan. Sad...And we r tryin to catch up on the good times.
Novie is always he big sis. Always n forever chiding us. I got my fair shar eof scolding cos I was late. Reason being I was stuck in the gym. Haha...Ended up 1 hr late but I did told Roz that I cannot make it at 7. Okie I felt bad but then it doesnt seem to be any birthday celebration for Yao Wai when 2 when to eat at Lucky Plaza n the other 2 at Far East. Me Burger King. Sad cos I was late but no choice. Cant blame anyone.
It has been quite some time since we last met up. Reminising bout the past. Had fun laughing at our O Level art pieces. Haha...yea I do have some passion for art but then I always tot its pretty tough to add in colours. In the end my topic was "Rags and Riches". Haha..I drew modern toys n teddy bears and olden toys n bears to depict the difference. Thats the easiest. Cos I only know how to copy from drawings thats all. I cant think of anything new. Woo~Hoo. If possible I see whether my art piece still at my secondary sch. Shall bring it back and take a photo of it and show u guys. Haha...
Im glad once again that we 5 r tryin to b close again. Next week movie. And then my hse for vcd and ice-cream feast. Haha...Ben's n Jerry cos we have never tried that before. Muahahaha.

On a lighter note: I just got news that the brochure is out for some brochure advertisement or registration form that I did with Eugene for hs sis. Gonna get it on Wed and show u guys. Haha...
My schedule for this wk:
Mon & Tues: Gym
Wed: Dinner with 5 darlings
Thurs: Dumplings dinner with Eugene. Pls remind me to call and make pre-orders. Woo~Hoo nice cheap Jiao Zi. Been frequenting there for over 10yrs liao...
Fri: Shopping with Shariann or Dinner with Novie at HK cafe.
Wkends: Free
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 10/02/2006 01:42:00 PM |
Blogging At Work Part 11
Spinning: "Yu Tian" - Stefanie Sun Yan Zi

Yipppeee...I'm updating my blog now cos of u guys. Or else I dun think iw oul cos Im lazy but I got pics to share so y not too? Haha. But they r just cam-whoring pics. The worst one I have yet to put up actually. The cam-whoring with Eugene. Oh my gawd they r erm..I think can only view it in some artistic manner or else u wont understand wad the 2 crazy guys r doin. Maybe tonight shall upload.
Okie...This is pretty Shariann in some fugly and ugly NATAS uniform. Its so disgusting lookin. My gawd but she still could actually bragged to me that there r still guys who wan to know her when she look ugly yesterday. Yes Yes Shariann, I know u r my pretty friend. Hunk magnet. Haha.. Thats not the worst my ear had to endure but the sweet talkins when I was driving us ard for supper. Ewwww....she and her soon-to-be bf. Yikes..Disgusting just makes me wanna puke. I swear I aint like that. Calling someone "Dumbo" means an affectionate term to them. Argh they jus drived me crazy.
See hw Shariann is beaming cos I drove her ard. She is my first passenger friend leh. All my friends r so afraid of my drivin skills but she so brave. Thank god we survived. We had some closed shave too. And we nearly just died. These are the list of scenarios:
- Tyre screeched and nearly hit the the hump at the bus stop
- Nearly came shaving with the bus cos the road was too narrow
- Was the only car that stopped in the middle of the road not moving when its green light cos was busily talkin to her
- Never on the headlights
- Nearly bang to a truck when parking but gave up in the end cos cant park (haha)
Yes and her soon-to-be bf asked her not to sit my car anymore. Hello, I did warned that I aint a good driver wad. Im still beginner. Never practiced. Wad do u expect. At least we did survived. And I sent her home in one piece. gonna drived out again to practice more.
Anybody up for a ride or spin? Subject to road knowledge. Haha...
Oh Jessica and Kelvin you both adorable and cute too.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 10/02/2006 12:26:00 PM |