Spinning: "Fergalicious" - Fergie feat. Will.i.Am
Yeah...over n done with IPP. Am pretty excited bout it actually. I managed to skive on Thurs and worked half-day on Fri last wk. Well I was actually sick. I didnt wan to pass the virus(es) n germs to the staffs. Well, come to think of it, I feel pretty relieve with the absence of work. No more 6am!!!!! Woo~Hoo....Well till today Im still sick. Still havin cough n sore throat n flu. Boo Hoo~~
Got a box of chocolates from supervisor but dunno edible or not. It seems like it was taken from some trashy gift hampers. The plastic wrapper still have brown stains and some stickers...Have not touched it yet though cos am really afraid. Haha....
Well made my maiden visit to VivoCity on Fri. Its HUGE I muz sae but fascinating too. Didnt managed to shop much since mood was dampened by my aunt. She called to scold me GOSSIPER jus bcos I was on the fone with Erica and Shariann. Argh...But come on, what do u wan me to do waiting for u for 1hr. Walkin aimlessly. So the best way is chattin therapy, updates bout life n stuffs that we have been missing out. But in the end we did made up during dinner. Love my aunt alot...and reminisce bout our past when we were young. Found out alot bout myself when I was stayin at my gram's place when my parents ditched me there. No choice since there were my older bro n my twin bro. Wad 2 do. No time n hands to look after another cute baby boi like me.
First day of sch! As usual the excitement is there but to only a certain level. Am glad to see all my friends. The usual hellos to the jrs and friends along the hallway. Miss that kinda feelings where u jus stop halfway n chat with someone u know. Woo~And the nice food in campus. Woo~Hoo
Went out with Shariann. Been sooo long since we last caught a movie. Was rather like pouting n lamenting to her that we have not caught a movie for ages. In the end settled for "Final Call". Had my reservations when it comes to Jap n Korean horror movies cos lately these genre of movies are trashy with bizared storyline and endings. But this movie really caught me by surprised. The story is concise and the ending well lets sae u do get their point. Yep not such a bad movie afterall.

Got Pris her present from Perlini. Well as usual the dilemma on wad 2 get someone for their b'day. Decided on a musical note pendant and chain. Hope she liked it cos well I hoped to trigger the moments and times we shared together back in Sec sch days. The times when she enjoyed herself at Band n etc.

Today went out with Imman. Updated me bout how's life n stuffs. Found out that alot happened during his 1 week trip back to Jakarta. Well great stuffs happened there but alot unexpected things happened here. He's feelin the stress from wad I heard. Oh well at least Im glad I was there to acc him today. He went on a shoppin therapy. I think his total damaged was like 500plus. One D&G t-shirt for his b'day party on Sat. 2 Guess long sleeved t-shirts and 1 erm t shirt from BlackJack. OMG la...but well at least he enjoyed himself today.Got him his b'day present. Okie this is the first time I spent so much on a b'day present. A whoopin 118bucks on a sterling silver ring for him. Well, since he liked it I decided to get it for him too. Since he has been takin great care of me, very concern of me n my buzzin life. I think its all worth it. Anyway, money is just material stuffs that u cant take it all with u when u died. Might as well take some and spent it to make someone's day.
A Lil Shoutout to the Nov Babies:
1) Pris: Happy 19th B'day...Sorry to haf yet to celebrate it with u. Next wk I promise.
2) Nov (11th Nov): Happy erm 21st B'day. Sorry though din attend ur Sat East Coast gatherin but I hope the make up on Thurs was sufficient.
3) Imman (19th Nov): Happy Birthday (Age sensitive). Gonna enjoy prankin u on Sat for ur b'day party.
4) Eugene (20th Nov): Happy 19th b'day. Woo~Hoo..
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/16/2006 12:35:00 PM |
Spinning: "Ju Hua Tai" - Jay Chou

The latest movie I have caught on Mon with Dixon. To sum it all, this movie is pretty decent and funny in its own way. Love the accapella sung by the slugs. Though they aint the main characters but they r the funniest of all. They appear unexpectedly and just broke up singing. Love their rendition of "Lonely" by Akon.
I believe that there's a child in every one so catch this movie. This family oriented light warming movie. Haf a good luff...
This is a heartwarming movie. Pretty impressed with this movie actually. I dunno probably because its so real. Everything just looks so real and the motivation of saving one's life is...U know..Catch it when u still can. And well I mus say Im pretty impressed that for once Ashton doesnt look dorky and he can act. A pretty tough n serious movie for a dorky guy like him. Impressive.
Ooohhh..caught this with my beloved aunt at JB. Okie this I muz admit was a pretty chim movie to me. Moreover, the theatres was so darn cold it just affected my nerves to understand the whole movie. Haha...There are many twists and turn to this movie. I didnt know that Christian Bale has a twin bro so for most of part of the movie till it ends then I realized wad it was all about. But I still dun understand wad n why they showed Hugh Jackman character in that cage like thingy? Y..Someone care to explain? But I did enjoyed this movie cos I felt it was artisitcally n beautifully shot.
This movie sucks to the core. When I mention bout this movie, I always compared this to "The Day After Tomorrow". Okie yes its true the latter was a huge blockbuster funded movie but they r somehow almost similar. Its pretty much like everything is well expected/predicted. U know wads gonna happen and stuffs. Moreover, the dialogues between the main casts were like so little. Didnt really well enjoyed his though. I would have gladly ranked this as one of the worst movie I have watched for this yr. Wads worst is that I caught this aduring midnite after work and my eyes were practically closing. Not that it has anything to do with how I felt bout the movie. But i realized that u should never catch a foreign movie that is not dubbed in English cos I was like half sleepin and had to be jolted up cos I realized I didnt understand a single thing bout wad they were yakkin. LoLx...
Okie...to sum it all these r the movies that I have caught for the last past 3weeks...Gonna catch a chick flick next wk. "Material Girls" by Hilary n Haylie Duff...Haha...
Lookin forward to a fun-filled wkends with my babes n Kel. Hopefully we will enjoy ourselves and not do stupid stuffs to embarassed ourselves. LoLx...
2 MORE DAYS....to
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/08/2006 11:18:00 AM |
Spinning: "Change Me" Ruben

Okie, long overdued pics (well as usual). Pon work to go out shoppin with Shariann. Well but this was taken a day after I fell sick. Still look chirpy though..Haha...
But well even though I pon, I took time off to go n had a haircut. Well as usual I always like short neat hair thats y its always short short short for me. Haha...
Okie anyway thats beside the point.
Babes of the world pls do not worry too much for me. Dunno was it a right thing to say I went Attica on last Sun. Cos seems like the "gaying" issues comes up too often liao. LoLx...
But Im also glad la cos Rach n Erica sae they will still love n adore me as much as they do even if I turned out gay. Plus, wad to do..Janet's sis thinks I have the gayeeeee look. Woo~Hoo..So I can qualify to be one of the elite gay field peeps. Haha...
Okie...lets move on...I feel "worried" stayin in this office one more sec. I think this particular gal has something for me. Woo~Hoo....Finally something straight ah....
Ya maybe Im just being too overly sensitive but I just think its weird. I was attached to her for 2 weeks for work. Then last day at AP section she is the only one who bought me Chocolates leh. I muz check with Chee Siong if he got one after we end our attachment. At first I tot she offerin me some choco, but, as usual I always reject one la out of my politeness. Haha...But she say no its for me. *Touched*
Then these past few weeks, been walkin past my area and smile at me. *Eeerrieeee*
And today she came askin me why am I not eating? Erm...I dunno wad to sae dots dots dots cos I always buy Subway back one ma. I definitely will eat since Im also tryin to put on weight but well I dunno la.
Lets just observed for the next 1 wk. My last wk. Woo~Hoo..first day after sch I wan to go swimmin. Nid to keep in shape liao...Anyone wanna go? Yio Chu Kang Pool okie. And its onlyYCK! Cos just walk out of sch its YCK liao....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/03/2006 12:19:00 PM |
Spinning: "Chocolate" - Kylie Minogue
Introducing to die for dumplings at Queenstown area:
Okie...dun drool. I muz tell you guys that this is the best fried and steam dumplings I have ever had for the last erm say 12yrs or maybe more!!!! Intro it to my good friend, Eugene (after complaining that I keep pocrastinating to bring him to this place) and he fell in love with it immediately. Heard he went there 2 consecutive days n one of those week.
My mum had it when she was young. Or well y dun I put it this way. My grandpa was the one who brought my mum and my aunt to this wonderful place when they were young. So u can imagine how dated the history is and y this particular stall is still surviving.
I guess cos it was also being popularized by the early days when MediaCorp intro this stall for one of its Chinese New Year specials.
Hell yeah its a muz eat item for me before I die. And its so freakin cheap alrite. 10pieces for 4bucks. Which makes it 40cent per piece. Moreover, their chilli is one of the shiokest. U cannot eat these without the chilli. Their Spicy n Sour Soup is good too. Which u can actually see.
Just a word of advice. U hafta pre-booked their dumplings a day before u head down cos its always sold out by 7-8pm.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/03/2006 11:58:00 AM |