Spinning: "Sheng Dan Jie" - Celest Zhang Yu Hua
Spent so much during the sales period. I swear Im gettin broke soon. And I think I have spent close to $452. Im so mad. So crazy...
2 Diesel T-Shirts - $95
1 Guess Short Sleeve - $73.15
1 Zara Shirt - $64.90
1 Asics Shoes - $119
1 Calvin Klein Wallet - $100
Got 2 xmas presents..
Thanks Sean for that cute Uglydoll Wedgehead. I do muz say Im proud to haf one now considerin the fact, I have seen this appearin on other ljers blog. Haha..
*Case Close*
Thanks Muush for the CK coin pouch. But I think its too weird to accept this xmas present. There are certain reasons y I dun feel like accepting it. Though CK is havin sales but I feel like Im practically more like erm dunno la at this point of stage. I dun think I wanna keep this present unless he let me pay half or else he's so gonna take this back. I dunno whether is it right to give someone back a xmas present nor pay half of wad was intend for u. But I feel obligated at my part. I didnt get him anything plus this is one of the most expensive thing I ever got after my crumpler bag.

Anyone know how much is this after discount? Dun seem to see this anymore at Isetan Scotts...
*Case Close*
I decided to get an Agnes B keychain for him liao la. Save all troubles. I think its not so bad. But better consult him on whether he uses such big gecko keychain.
Labels: Broke, Presents, Sales
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 12/29/2006 10:45:00 PM |
Spinning: "I Am Who I Am Wo Hai Shi Wo" - Guang Liang
Caught 5 movies within the 2weeks thus suddenly it seems like for no particular reason nothing is showin on the theatres now.

Charlotte's Web: Wif Shariann and her gang of galfriends. Apparently, I have started to "fall in love" bickerin with PeiFen. No one can top her and I when we argue and start all the nonsense. Stop Shariann, I know wad u r thinkin. U bugger. Kinda love this kiddy movie. Pretty much like a family oriented movie. The wholesome childlike story. Full of warmth and love.

The Queen: Amazing movie piece up together. Seriously, who can remember Princess Diana's death? Not me though. I can only remember bits n pieces thats all. So its pretty amazing to relate how a stoic Queen actually hides all her emotion and how she deals with the tremendous public issue. But wad actually amaze me alot is, why does Michael Sheen looks so much alike to Tony Blair? More or less, Im kinda mesmerize by the resemblence. Thanks Ron for accompanyin me to catch this movie.

Night At The Musuem: First time of this yr that the whole family actually caught a movie together. Pretty glad something like this happen. As u can see we aint such a sticky kind of family at all. Haha...To me, this movie just brings out the child in me. Like a gleeful boy hopin such stuffs do happen in real life u know. All those childless fantasies. Haha...But this movie thus remind me a bit of "Tutenstein" showin on Disney Channel.

Borat: Sneak in to catch this movie. Kinda liked it. It seems brainless and stupid. For once doin n watchin something stupid. Woo~Hoo, managed to sneak in to the theatres for this movie. Its R21. Initially, was not allowed and I gave the same lame old sch reason, I did not bring my ID with me. The lady upon lookin at my matured partner, Jason, let me in. Haha..it pays to haf older matured friends.

The Holiday: I think Im a sucker for romance movie la...Even chick flicks related kind would make me go gaga...Such movies always end with such happy ending? But it never happen in real life? So cliche...Story plot kinda so predictable u know. After watchin the trailer, it spoils the whole intense surprised of the movie on the whole. But, well if I can like AquaMarine, I would definitely luv this movie too. Haha...Oh well, at least Seanie didnt enjoyed this movie. Haha..I guess kinda too long n sappy.
Labels: Movies
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 12/28/2006 11:24:00 PM |
Spinning: "Listen" - Beyonce Knowles
Okie, been very lazy. A big slacker. A party boi. Gotta clean up my act. Yes too much drinkin is bad. Dear Yaz have already advised me. So Im skippin all partyin this week. Im gonna b a good boi.
Sorry Ron, Sean, Kenny n Alvin. Dun think Im goin cos I feel a bit sick. Muz b cos of the Army Medical Checkup where I was topless and well hungry. Skipped lunch since I couldnt find the necessary materials to bring. Plus went swimmin yesterday, the water was practically cold. Even the shower area n water feels cold. Argh...
Am not havin fever but it seems like I contracted some bug, feel cold and havin a bit of sore throat. Dunno wads wrong. Gonna pop 2 more panadol soon after this.
Feel bad cos am supposed to read thru n edit IB outline. Sorry Sak that I didnt..was initially on way home but had to meet up a friend. Sorry. Thousand apologies.
I cant remember wad haf I done lately, but I know I have partied way too much. I enjoy being with my grp of regular friends. As time pass, I dunno wad will happen when everyone are tied up with their commitments. Right now, I do appreciate what I haf with them.
Attended my first Malay weddin. Okie. Something diff something new. Coco's bro's wedding. After that caught the James Bond movie with Ahmad, Andre n Yaz. Okie, I dunno but they mentioned that I looked gloomy the whole day. Maybe something is wrong. I dunno but maybe I was jus plain tired. Am sorry. This movie is full of suspense and well shot. I personally feel that way. A genre that is so much diff from the previous Bond movies.

Caught "Step Up" with Eugene. Pretty entertaining movie but I tot "Honey" choreography was pretty much entertaining. But nonetheless this is not that bad. How many music n dance movie are there lately? 5 the most. And things between him n I? Hmmm dunno how to explain. Might head back to the same way we were again for that short period of stint. Is that wad best friends r? I seriously think I also dun wanna try liao. Not that I had but no point since he's always tellin me he's busy with sch but on the other hand u hear him comin back home past midnite. Abit contradicting. He's busier than I am. Jogging, Choir, FYP and Tracy n Kev. I give up. If things gonna end up like that again I not gonna sae much. If he forgot we were supposed to dine on Thurs, its fine with me. Im tired....

Met Roz up a day after Attica Strawberry. Had a fun time of my life. And well Im labelled a frog. Nope I aint. I seriously aint okie. Jus happened that I was too high already. Too much booze too much alcohol. And a major hangover. I still made my way home safe n sound. Dunno whether my younger cuz witness me comin home high. Hopefully he din n dun sae a word to my aunt n uncle. Its so gonna ruin my reputation. My quiet n low profile reputation. Stink all the way to sch since I puke at the train station with weird glances hovering me. Not glam...But a guy gotta do what a guy does best right. N puking is the best way to nurse a hangover.

Yea n here is ur long awaited pics Shariann. Met up after some time. All of us were jus practically busy. One with boyfriend. One with work. And me. I think Im always the free one. So just punch my number into ur mobile fone n ask me out. Haha...Had major fun hanging out together. Its been so long. God, and I cant believe we were supposed to go Tabz but all a sudden Pris' mum pulled the plug on us. No Tabz but home sweet home. Sad. This is life. Girls r girls afterall. Their safety precedes anything. But oh well at least we did get to hangout. And I turned extremely crazy n bitchy on this very day. Thats jus me. If those that haf no idea, cos u haf not seen me unleashed my true self.

Upcoming Events for December:
1) Party with Kenny before he goes army next wk.
2) Party with Erica n her galfriends next wk.
3) Loads of ICAs as well as projects.
4) Yaz's House-Warming.
5) Shariann's B'day.
6) Janet's B'day.
7) Haf to ask Victor out (Been complaining)
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 12/02/2006 09:08:00 PM |