Spinning: "Come Rain Come Shine" - Tata Young
Check tis DHL ad:
Pretty interesting to begin with...Maybe can send something like that to Janet yea...Haha...U feelin it Janet?
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 1/31/2007 12:25:00 PM |
Fantastic 4
Spinning: "All Good Things (Come To An End)" - Nelly Furtado

The fantastic 4. Pics taken like way before Xmas when we went to buy Rach bday present. As usual took a long time to upload it. Just because tot Janet should have it that I decide to upload. Haha...Or else u gals, u aint gettin ur hands on these pics...LoLx...
Remember takin all these pics in front of Heeren. So paiseh cos ppl walkin up n down. And us tryin to capture precious memories. LoLx...
Though I didnt do a good job, at least I still managed to get us 4 inside. So I still deserve a lil' applause for that okie...Haha...
Hope to see more of us together soon again...I miz the great times...
Labels: Fab 4
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 1/31/2007 01:56:00 AM |
My Dear Friend Janet
Spinning: "Other Side Of the World" - KT Tunstall
Caught up with Erica, Rach, Janet, Cheryl and Kelvin on Fri. Okie more or less its for a "teary" one last few reunion before dear Janet goes to Germany for her exchange programme. It has been ages since we last all met up and if not for Janet's request, I think I would have been procrastinating to arrange one. Coz I have been waiting for Kelvin to do so. Haha...

Got news that Erica enjoyed herself that day. Or maybe she was under some disillusion since both of us were pretty much knock out with projects n not havin any sleep yesterday. Kelvin also commented to me that he pretty much enjoyed himself hanging with us. But well glad all of us enjoyed ourselves. I supposed there's more to come before 8Feb. Make time guys...Lets really just soak up the sun. Do what we have not done before yet. Like who knows drinkin? Cafe Iguana...Snap tons n tons of photos...
And Janet pls start a blog so we will know wad u r up to at Germany. Whether u have met any cute guys to start off with. Or is ur dorm "haunted". And wad surprises lies for us when we visit your blog. Wad attractive places u have been to. And wad stuffs u wanna awe to us. LoLx...
Will miss u my dear friend. Wad started simple ended up weaving beautiful memories to each and every single one of us. I cherish this friendship alot and u guys made my TEP days enjoyable. Thank you. Most importantly will miss ur laughters thats always with us and your "Tai-Tai Shu Nu" presence.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 1/30/2007 04:31:00 PM |
Movies n Napta Test Wk
Spinning: "Liang Shan Bo Yu Zhu Ying Tai" - Cao Ge and Zuo Wen Xuan
Caught 2 foreign language movies over the past wks...

Pans Labyrinth: Impromptu movie after a crazy hse warming turn clubbin hse. Was pretty much high and drunk. So much happened in that 4 room flat and I guess it shouldnt be gone into details except that I was pretty much gross out bout some infos that I heard. Yikes...Back to the movie, i tot the concept was pretty good. Mashing reality with fantasy. At least the story weaves well and not too complicated to understand. I did enjoy this movie though

Apocalypto: This is so gruesome n grizzly. Worst is, I dun even understand what this mvoie was all about and I didnt bother to check out the sypnosis prior to watching. This movie packs all the punches and intensity. It doesnt help when I have Sean sitting beside me tryin to scare me too. Couldnt remember when was the last time I caught such gross movie. But nonetheless, I tot it was alright la. Not say so bad. It was fun catching up with Seanie, New Yr being the last time I last seen him. It was also nice to share our secrets with one another. Haha...Us being notti...LoLx...
I did my napta tests over the past 2 wks. As usual I failed to get bronze but at least I got a gauge on what I nid to improve on. I failed my standin broad jump (I still dun get the theory on, y is it that tall guys muz be able to pass it. Just like there is no scientific proves that tall guys have long and big penis) and I have to try to make sure I can do 5 pull-ups. I can only like do 3. Infact Im not even upset bout my performance, cause to me, I improved alot. I used to not be able to run but I got a silver score for that. Comin in at 11:22mins. I was even amazed that I came in first for running in my class. Woo~Hoo....Might consider to retake it and hopefully I will be able to put ineffort to train for it.
Labels: Movies, Napta
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 1/25/2007 03:26:00 PM |
To My Best Friend
Spinning: "3-7-20-1" - Cao Ge
Things have changed
Ur life has totally changed for the better, since you got him
Ur life revolves ard him now
I choose to "ignore" you my dear best friend
I try not to be too dependent on u when Im bored
Its Winter still, leaves have all fallen, trees are bare
Glimpse of life will revive upon Spring
Hope that life will take a 360 degree nosedive change when the sun rises again
Labels: Best Friend
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 1/22/2007 09:25:00 AM |
Have You Ever Wonder
Spinning: "So Simple" - Stacie Orrico
Have you ever wonder?
Why things happen for a reason
No one was there to stop you from doing silly mistakes
Only to tell you that it was wrong when things have happened
And you cant turn back time
Have you ever wonder?
Why excuses are given, when things don't work out
Silly reasons that makes u feel silly
When things have already started
Have you ever wonder?
Why you cant practice things the way you want
And have to be manipulated by others
Obliged to others
When what you just wanna do is to be alone
Have you ever wonder?
Why you feel inferior to others
When they are just no better off than you
But they get all the luck
This is how bleak reality is
It is a dark sinister world
With the blistering wind slappin on ur face
Wake up and smell the coffee
This is all jus a dream
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 1/19/2007 03:35:00 PM |
Spinning: "Hao Peng You" - Luo Zhi Xiang
Wad more to treat myself to a movie after all the "efforts" I put into my tests. All the sleepless nite I spent studyin. Never been so hardworkin in my life before. But it seems like effort could be all washed right down to the drain. Y did I choose to study something related to Bankin when I know nuts bout stocks, indices, forward exchange etc. Its jus jeopardizing my GPA.

Caught "Spirt of The Victim" with CoCo but it turns out to be a crappy rubbish movie. N to think the trailer on tv was so much better and enticing. I couldnt fig. out much wad the movie was all about. It was pretty good at the start but end up crappy on the next hr. How could a proper horror movie turn out to be a re-enactment of a crime scene and in the next hr, the movie is tryin to convince u that it was actually all made-up and strange things started happenin to the actors n directors of were shooting this movie. A bit weird. A trashy movie. But on the bright side: Initial plans of droppin Calculus since it was an optional module but my lecturer was so lenient in his markings that from a failure paper I got a revival D. Its like tell-tale sign for me to continue to work hard and take the paper for my exams. So if I managed to pass the whole module I could actually be exempted from this module in Uni. So most likely Im jus gonna perserve n work hard.
2007 has been I guess so far not that bad. Gotta know a few friends that r really worth-knowing. Enriched my life as well as add colours to it. And plus who knows, good stuffs might keep comin my way...
But the bad thing is, studies has not been that endeavouring. Haha..We shall see how la...
At least I have some stuffs line up during the wkend to keep me busy with.
1) Hse-warming at Khatib. Im expected to helped cooked or prepare food. Erm yikes, I remember helpin the previous round for another grp of his friend's for the hse-warmin, I got cut badly by the prawns..Can I say no???
2) Watch Disney Channel on Sunday...WooHoo...Haha
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 1/12/2007 02:38:00 AM |
My Bestie
Spinning: "Do You Wanna Dance" - The Bitch Hotel
Okie, had troubles loggin into loggin into blogger. Argh..dunno wads wrong..So haywired la...
I cant believe it. I didnt spent Xmas with my bestie and neither did I spent New Yr with her. And where was she? With her bf on the eve of both days. Argh...Now her life is so revolving ard her bf. Wassup with that man? She sees him whenever he books out and not me. Imagine. Maybe like once in 2 weeks? So unfair. Thats so unfair. Felt something missing not celebrating with her. I even offered to drop by at St James lookin geeky. Can u imagine checkered shirt, berms, flip flop and specs. Yikes...but she didnt wanna wait for me!!!!!!!!
Ask her to go club with me on New Yr's day, she spent her time with her ex-bf. Erm...u can picture it cant u. Do u see anything wrong with that pic? Y aint she with me. So bloody hell. I think I have lost my bestie to another guy. Argh..
And end up I had to spent my nites with my two other TC sisters Andre n Yaz. Happily chattin away at their place. Bitching and watchin movies on tv. It was such a bang on 2005 but so bleak on 2006. This is the quietest 2006 celebration I ever had but nonetheless a very warm one since I have been inducted to the big family. Haha...
Do u nid me to remind u who my bestie is? I hope to see some improvements in the new yr. Thats my new yr resolution for 2007. For her to spend more time with me and talk less bout Wai Tat!!!!!
Thats my BESTIE
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 1/04/2007 12:42:00 PM |