15th February 2006 ---> Turned 20
Spinning: "Glamorous" - Fergie feat. Ludacris

Okie, I know I shouldnt be bloggin bout this issue anymore since there have been countless of post bout my B'Day. Haha
But I shouldnt miss out on this. Cos this marks the 2nd time Shari-Ann celebrated my b'day with me..Haha...Hope to do this on the same day and month every yr.
Thanks darling for that well unexpected cake. Though its still left untouched and unfinished. But I appreciate it.
And that infamous video of Shariann. Haha...I shall one day post them up on YouTube. Haha...Im gonna make everybody all so jealous...Haha
Thanks darling for the short celebration....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 2/15/2007 11:33:00 PM |
Happy Bday
Spinning: "Happy Birthday" - Liu Ruo Ying
Met up with a crazy bunch of sec sch friends for an early bday celebration..
This is my Secondary Family Tree....
Think of it, they really brightened up my days back at Sec sch...
All the verbal abuse I got, which I dun really give a toot...
The "arguments" I have with them serves as great memories to all of us...
The kiddy drawings and promises we made to one another...
God it just felt like yesterday...
I still have this note where Novie wrote to all of us...
Sayin how much she treasure us...
Oh how sweet can that be...And its lying somewhere on one of my boxes...
Soon, this group would start to disappear leaving no traces of their history again...
But i appreciate ther existence.....

| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 2/14/2007 12:27:00 AM |
Spinning: "Girlfriend" - Avril Lavigne
I sprained my left wrist yesterday while blading...
Wad a fantastic way to celebrate V'Day, B'Day as well as Chi New Yr...
Sob Sob Sob....
But I will b back sch tmr...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 2/12/2007 04:22:00 PM |
Something Up Our Sleeves
Spinning: "I Wanna Love You" - Akon feat. Snoop Dogg
Spent most of my afternoon/evening with my bestie in my kitchen...
We r up to something up our sleeves...
For a moment, I really do feel that people might think we r a couple @ my place...
But hell no...thats a common mistake everyone have on us...
Had a fun time "sniggerin" on her bf's apprehensive take to understand things...
But oh well, I guess guys are just guys...
Either we r stupid or else we choose not decipher and analyse the hidden meanings further..
We choose to go for the easier way out by asking directly wad they wan...
That goes all the element of surprising the other party I guess...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 2/10/2007 04:11:00 PM |
Poly Family Tree
Spinning: "Friends Forever (Graduation)" - Vitamin C
I present my poly family tree...Haha...
I know u guys must be wonderin y some r excluded but I have to explain...
These r the people that stood by me from the start of school
Same class all the way...
These r the people that made my entire poly life colourful...
Contrast my life with colours...
Made my life crazy and upside down but at the same time filled it with laughter...
Stood by one another when times r down, giving shitty reasons we can come up with to avoid trouble...
And most of all guiding me through difficulties with my studies...
I thank you guys -
Mas, Sak n Gurseet...
Work hard for this final sem and lets pass with flying colours...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 2/06/2007 03:53:00 PM |
My Besties
Spinning: "With Love" - Hilary Duff

Am pretty touch with wad my bestie wrote n said. Haha...
I think I have overly publicize bout my "displeasure". If not for Erica I think I would have continued to write my inner tots and emotions. So much happened over the last wkend. I happened to say something which was meant as a joke to Keith which he took it seriously. Argh...
Finally met up during one of the days, we joked and chatted like old times. I guessed both of us r just probably under due stress from all the projects and shitty grp members. Haha..But I cant think of any shitty grp members that I have for this final sem. Haha...
Well we would b baking tlc cookies together, so if its a success everyone will get a bit from me..Haha...during V'Day...

My good friend in sch. Accompanied me throughout the whole 3 yrs of studies. Sharing all the stupid workloads, all the untolerable quarrels, the fun n laughters that we had and toleratin this noisy hyper boy who can be quite lazy too. Haha...Thank you. U made my life colourful Sak. And always partnering me for projects and helpin me with my share in projects alot. Life gonna be different without Mas, Gurseet and U when we graduate.
Lets better work hard for the exams and hope to pass with flying colours...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 2/03/2007 02:40:00 PM |
*thinks im fat all e time
*strictly luv Meiji or Daisy Milk only!!
*can only tolerate short hair!!!!
*i'll shut up when im stressed up
*very klutzy
*very bitchy
*i always say things i shouldnt say and at the wrong time
*i love even number only
*i think alot..really..{and its scary}