Mistaken Identity 2
Spinning: "4 In The Morning" - Gwen Stefani

Remember my look-a-like post? And remember wad I said bout who I would resemble next after Jay?
Wad I said came true la can...Was helpin my aunt at her comic shop and this ex part time girl of hers actually came up to her and told her I look like Rain can.
This time of course is a slimmer version of Rain. Since Im like no more bulkier than he is. Somehow its weird...
I dun think Rain is gorgeous. I would rather look like some other person rather than him.
See this time, its broad daylight and I no one can accuse my adorin "fans" that they must be sayin the wrong person la etc. And worst is no one to tell me that they hire them to say this kind of stuffs to me. And y would my aunt bluff me too lor...Haha...
Now now, I suppose u guys can pay 888bucks per tix to see me upclose n personal if u miz rain the other time. Haha...
And to add, I have made up my mind. Am gonna work at Gucci. From June 1st onwards..I will be part of their family. But muz help aunt look out for part-timers too. Oh well...pls help...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 5/19/2007 11:05:00 PM |
Job Interview Despair
Im caught in a dilemma...
I responded to Bottega Veneta's classified out of pure fun.
My mum also encouraged me to go for it just to try out and see wad kinda questions I would b thrown to me so I could have a better grasp to wad I could expect in future...
So i went for my interview without any expectations.
And I did badly for the interview can...
I was only thrown with one question "What Do I Know Bout Fashion"
I practically am dumbfolded, talkin bout some dead actor Steve McQueen then realised I was wrong n changed to Alexander McQueen.
N who doesnt know Gucci Group is a luxury Atas brand...
So i walked out of the interview room with no expectations at all knowin I might hafta continue helpin my aunt with her Comic Shop....
While waitin for the lift, I was called back by the guy who interviewed me.
This time, its the brand manager that wanna interview me.
And everything was pretty smooth with her...
She calmed my nerves and said stuffs that were really pleasant to my ears...
Told a frd bout it and he said nothing is lost since interview was better with her than the first one..
And guessed wad saved me and got me an interview with her?
Its after I swung my Agnes B bag and caught the attention of the 2 ppl who interviewed me first that I was called back.
I cant think of anything else that could score me another round of interview as I did badly for the first.
And I wore only long sleeve, jeans and sneakers which I feel is just causal formal presentable...
Now, Im in a dilemma...
I so wanna work there if given the chance but I cant abandon my aunt
She nids me and I dun think she can find replacement.
She's still servin her notice of resignation. And she has freelancin offers from her company and other publishing companies.
And how am I supposed to tell her that when she's like a second mother to me.
But what I wan is the retail experience and like my frd say, puttin Gucci Group on ur resume sounds n look glamorous...haha
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 5/17/2007 01:29:00 AM |
Goofy K-Day
Spinning: "Meng You" - Stefanie Sun

These are the usual suspects who went K last Fri. Initially was so piss with Shari-Ann for not gettin her piorities right. Its the first time she's like that can when ah~hem....
Both Pris n I r just so farkin pissed off..But then nonetheless, she and I got along fine. I muz say, I am pretty amazed that we could still b that close after drifting apart for so long. I guess I have to say We all had our fair share of fun with one another. Look the goofin pics we took while K-ing...How many people do u know would actually take such unglam shots and have fun in such a small room? US only right...haha

I do muz admit that Im glad to have met them up. I had fun n really enjoyed myself that nite. Probably given the fact that I had no life for the whole entire wk till that day. Bummin ard at home doin nothing. Its really boring my god. I so love them can. Though I wonder how long would the 3 of us actually decide to meet up again. And here is the infamous bunnies pics that Shari-Ann insist on takin. Cos she thinks they looked good and the shades fit her perfectly fine. But well guess wad H-O-N-E-Y? Its mine. And u r not gonna get ur hands on them!!! Muahahaha

Bloggin this entry reminds me of the past us. How we were so close n stuffs. But well friends will always b friends. We have gone thru backstabbin, talkin behind one another backs, gossippn and everything. I believe we could stand thru time and walk down wadeva is assign to us. BFF!!!! Haha
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 5/10/2007 02:23:00 PM |
Lovable Darlings
Spinning: "Say Ok" - Vanessa Hudgens

How time passed..
Haven seen these darlings for quite some time...
And the last time we met...
One of them was so free until she actually queued 7hrs just for Donuts from Donut Factory can...
And we 2 managed to have our first bite of it just all because of her...
And she bought like 2 dozens for the bf family can...
I wonder wad they really think when she announced to them that she queued 7hrs for them..
And how they find the donuts to be...
And my friends, really "enjoyed" it. Even did their own stupid laughable advertisement joke.
Well, its really time for us to meet up soon. Kinda miss the old times...
And moreover, now Im practically just bummin ard...
I think we should meet up soon. I feel like Im jus rottin at home doin nothing..
Nothing to keep me occupied...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 5/02/2007 04:54:00 PM |
Spinning: "Wo Huai Nian De" - Stefanie Sun

Okie..Its so back dated this foto.
Its taken on 07 April...
It chronicles another episode of me cuttin a no fringe hairstyle...
I must say I do like it...
Now, Erica..u have a glimpse of how it looks like now...Dun u?
I think Im like so lazy now that to me the best is no nid to do anything to the hair is a good thing...
How lazy can I be...
And in fact I still find this hair very long...
N wad I have in mind now is to cut it even shorter...
Maybe like an army crew cut. Something new..
Or maybe the same thing but a whole lot shorter...
This way dun even nid to shampoo the hair...My god...How lazy can I be...
And aside from that, darling Janet say I am gettin lamer and she's now supposed to even inject some sanity into me and guide me to the right path.
Im so lost w/o her can..thats the only thing I can think of that attribute to such lameness...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 5/02/2007 04:33:00 PM |
Mistaken Identity
Spinning: "Maria" - Kim Ah Joong

Wanna hear something funny n weird?
Haha...Betcha muz be excited to know wad it is...
Lets date back to 30th April..
Decided to go clubbin with Sean at Play at the very last min...
I was so dead bored at home, bummin ard doin nothing...
And Sean was "motivated" to club for 4 days str8 by certain reasons...
Aside from the fact that we got questions askin r we together which is pretty much silly..Cos NOT...
Just that we r quite close as firends..watchin movies together most of the time. Just like my movie kaki thats all...
N its only the 2nd time we went clubbin together only...
I had fun dancin to Top 40 hits...and not hse music...
And this lady who was dancin beside me suddenly..Suddenly told me that I looked like Jay Chou...
I was pretty much stunned...My expression was definitely weird..And I just stammered and say NO..
I think she got a bit shocked too...Then I decided to save the uneasy atmosphere by tellin her "Thanks for the compliment, but I dun think I looked like him at all"...And she just said "Nvm" haha....
In anyway, how could I looked like him? A scrawny version of Jay? Even Sean luff when I told him wad she said bout me...
Maybe 10yrs down the road I might looked like him if Im able to put on weight but defintiely not now.
WHo knows...10yrs I might be a Rain look-alike. Haha
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 5/02/2007 04:17:00 PM |