Spinning: "Soulmate" - Natasha Bedingfield

Celebrated Cheryl's Bday on the 11th June. Not quite a bang but it was definitely full of excitement I guess. With Janet's presence gracing the event as well as Jess n Kel whom we all have not seen for ages....
As usual Im full of nonsense. Always tricking/lying to others. This time to the birthday gal. Well but at least she was still shocked by my "unusual appearence" hor...
Had dinner at Fish & Co with the gang. Celebrating one's bday at this kind of diner outlet has his cons too. Their weird embarassing Happy Birthday song n stuffs. Even as friends of the bday gal, I guess we too feel embarassed judging by the fact that all of us congregated to one corner. Haha...Leavin her fending for her own defense...

Well at least it was a good reunion since after graduation. It seems like everyone of us r just busy with our own life that its so tough to meet up. But the next time we meet up lets do a dressing up party la. Like dressed up smartly for fun and go for dinner. Or maybe lets do some Halloween party. Its time for us to haf a lil fun already. Maybe like a Blazer theme party...Haha...Sounds good too since its so Fashionably IN now...Haha...Talkin bout that, Cheryl hope u like the White Blazer Bday present we got u.
And dun forget to send us the neoprints yeah....
Oh and I had the photo file compressed already...but I just dun seem to remember any of u guys' email...So pls do drop me a msg here or anywhere so I cans end them to u....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 6/14/2007 08:49:00 PM |
Spinning: "Real Girls" - Mutya
It has been fun working at Gucci. Seriously as my colleagues r pretty much a fun bunch and the part-timers bond so well too. Its just my pleasure workin with them. But its exhausting really. There's practically no life working in retail line. But they made up for my loss. They know me inside out and joking ard is practically essential for working at such high end boutiques. Without it, I guess I dunno wad life is to begin with.
At least, I have no encounters with stuck-up customers. All my customers that I had were nice. Even offered to buy me something to eat. I had someone wanting to tip me 50bucks. Had someone called me Mr. Nice Guy cos I gave her my honest opinions on how the shoes looked on her. And of cos, customers who chose not to speak Mandarin to me cos they tot I was Korean and dun understand until I broke out in "fluent" Mandarin that caught them offguard.
But I know I have changed. Upon workin there and of cos the extra income, makes me so Branded savvy. Or maybe due to the existence of Staff's Purchase. I so wanna get wallets from Prada n Gucci. Its so tempting when u know u can get them cheap with Staff's Purchase. I so wanna get my hands on them too....
PS: I know upon working, I kinda have neglected alot of friends...Especially my dear friend Shariann. I know u have been thru alot of obstacles. Alot of accidents and alot of Problems. But u know, Im always gonna be there for u. Even when Im in the armies. I love u loads. And always take care of u loads too. U know Im always on the lookout for u. I jus hope u know wads right and wads wrong. And to choose ur options wisely.
And of cos to Yaz n Sean...I know I have not spent as much time as I used to with u guys. But I will try to do so whenever I haf time.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 6/14/2007 08:36:00 PM |