Spinning: "Ren Yi Men" - Yang Cheng Ling

This week is all bout catchin up....After all, the guys r all enlisting already
This is the final time we r meetin till we booked out again. Sian...Nothing to look forward to, not to mention nothing to think bout...Parents r so much worried than I am...kept pressin me to packed my bags...But its still pretty long aint it?
Anyway, it was really nice to catch up with all of them...Afterall, when was the last time I really saw them all. Everytime we make plans, it would be cancelled at the very last min. Sian ah...All the swimmings that we were supposed to do. Sian...I wan to swim.
But anyway, dear gals, do take care la while Im gone...But dun worry if u misses me, can always text me one right but no guarantee that I would text back la..See how sincere u gals r first then we shall talk bout msgin back. Haha....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 9/13/2007 03:27:00 PM |
Spinning: "Shut Up And Drive" - Rihanna

It has been ages since all of us really last met up. Its the first time ever since we last graduated. And now I really do miss them. Like I said thats because Im enlistin.
It has been ages since I last heard them laughs, heard their familiar voices not to mention all the jokes we used to share back at school. No longer I would be hearin my names shoutin on the hallways of school. So missed that...
Not to mention, I really missed the bladings, the swimmings and hangin out in the pool for ages while tannin and talkin. I missed everything.
Most importantly I missed all of u guys...
We should really do meet up soon. Be it a quick dinner or anything before the guys enlist. It has been ages too since we have last seen Jessica n Kelvin. Miss them loads too....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 9/09/2007 08:12:00 PM |
Spinning: "4 In The Morning" - Gwen Stefani

My Gucci days have ended. To b honest, 3 months of retail workin life has been pretty fulfilling. I so totally believe that there's no job u could ever find that allows staffs to have fun, joke and bitch ard...
Moreover, it was a blessing that all the part-timers were just ard my age. And we really hit off quite well. I mean we embrace one another and there's really nothing to hide at all. And the part timers r all a fun group to b with. Hangin out at Karaoke outlets, St James on a gay nite, And goin wild like gettin ourselves drunk, kissin n huggings and faggin too...
We r all in our WILD stage which makes it even more fulfillin to b workin with such team.....

I muz say, even the full time staffs r fun to be with...I muz say they transform me from a shy n introvert boy to someone very "vile" and wild. Never once neglected us and always askin us to join in wadeva fun they r organizing.
And there's always nothing to hide from them. I felt very taken care and felt very spoilt. And always felt being pampered by them but of cos paiseh too.
It has been really memorable workin there. Plus I gotta know alot of friends who r workin at Paragon itself. This has been the most fulfilling thing workin at Gucci itself.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 9/09/2007 07:29:00 PM |
Spinning: "Wake Up Call" - Maroon 5

Its really been some time since I last posted something. I just have tons of pics but no time for bloggin. Maybe because I lost interest in it. I have no idea...Or maybe thats because I used to work so "hard" that I just neglect blogging. Haha...
Was readin Julien's blog last nite. One particular entry..."I Want To Grow Old With You"...Kinda felt pretty deja vu since I have been talkin bout this particular issues quite recently with a few of my friends too. And its really kinda like awwww, a friend so far wanna spend his entire time growin old with his friends here at some tiny red dot island.
Now Im goin to enlist, I kinda miss him (and of cos everybody who are my friends). It has been like almost 1.5months since I last seen him. And now he is like back at Nantes. But Im glad, we did put our differences behind and spent some time together the day before he left. Its really nice to haf him ard when he was here. And I missed the times we had when he was here too...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 9/09/2007 07:12:00 PM |