Fri Nite...
Spinning: "Tattoo" - Jordin Sparks

I muz say I do enjoy myself being out on Fri nites like this. Honestly speakin, I haven been clubbin that much already. Limiting to once per week. But then to make matter worst, the past few wks I haven even moved an inch I was called back due to a damn in distress...I cant bear to just leave that frd alone since he was cryin over the phone...
But anyway, these r some of my few clubbin friends lor. And without them, I dun think there's any n much fun to go clubbin lor. Especially my best friend Sean. Just can bring the fun n entertainment.
But I honestly muz say I didnt particular enjoy the very first part of my night since I was made or rather "forced" to attend someones fashion show. And in a bid to lure me there still dare to tell me my name was listed in the guest list when there was none. It was not even entertainin at all. Some show it was plus its so crowded and blazing warm.
I guess I would still prefer some good music and just dance and hang out with friends who r better than some show....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/30/2007 07:21:00 PM |
Books Galore
Spinning: "Ever Ever After" - Carrie Underwood

I realised I have been a bookworm this yr. Which pretty much is like a good thing. Books r just like my companion now upon discovering authors that I favor alot. Especially Nicholas Sparks for his endearing romance novels. Meg Cabot for some wicked teenage fun. And of cos Constance Briscoe a glimpse of her life. Somehow, I still couldnt bring myself to like Dedication as well as The Starter's Wife (though its Sean's fav).
They have really kept me company during short holidays n most importantly in camp. Sometimes, u cant imagine how boring it could be. Especially during those 2 RT trainings that I have attend. And I couldnt imagine that my sergeants could still give me "snide" remarks like "U still can read. Do you even have time for that?" If only he knows I have been buryin my head before bed too. Okie, Im being a meanie especially since I kinda dislike him after a 360 degrees change of attitude in him.
But most importantly, at least Im grateful that I still could find a hobby in readin especially at times like this since Im rotting shitless at home doing nothing.
. Something I guess my mum cultivated us to b one as she never turn us down whenever I wanted to buy books when I was young n no matter how much my Dad used to scold her for wastin money on that too. Am thankful for that.
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/29/2007 01:41:00 AM |
Grouchy...I Do Bite
Spinning: "Ni Shi Ai Wo De" - A*Mei

Have been grateful for them 2. Seriously. I think I have gone nuts over these past few days. Haven really been myself. But then I couldnt msg anyone but them as well as Sean. So as to regain a bit of sanity...[Quote Gary's Introduction: No Expectation = No Disappointment] {But then he's attached to a good friend of mine so where would the disappointment come from? Haha) And they cave in by accompany me out for the whole day. Just to go shoppin. Indulging or rather splurgin to make me feel better of my foot. Haha...
But then I have been "vexed" over listenin to a particular relationship problem. Maybe I have given all the advice I could have given that I feel would benefit a relationship. But there's a limit to how much I can take too. (To make those in doubt feel at ease, its definitely not those I have been out recently with) Worst is havin someone like monitor my back askin me questions that is pryin over my privacy. Moreover, Im also kinda vexed that Im always stuck at home doin nothing. Except growin fat but am pretty glad for Jasper's help. But I too nid ppl to understand that I haven regain civilian life back and that I cant always be out all the time. So I hafta limit and b selective as whether I wanna head out and with who. Haix...I guess Im just being grouchy lately. I do bite now. Just gotta chill as being told...
So I do apologise for the mood swings...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/29/2007 12:45:00 AM |
Spinning: "Don't Stop The Music" - Rihanna
Im on one month mc. That is like how bad my foot is right now...Haha..
Its swollen and hurts but I can walk perfectly fine.Its just weird...But they say I got a torn ligament...So I hafta rest at home and go back for reviews 2 wks from now...
I might haf to recourse BMT again. I dunno. Just waitin for wad they have to say bout my case. It feels bored to just stay home do nothing. But then gotta b wary of spot-checks on-off which annoys me alot...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/22/2007 01:52:00 AM |
Miserable Day
Spinning: "Wait For You" - Elliot Yamin
Supposed to book in today but I doubt I would be able to do so. Went to see doc again cos of the swellin and the bigger surface area of pain. Its painful when pressed which I think due to the flow of blood.
But anyway, doc suspect something bout ligament bleeding, or fracture bleeding or dunno wad. I have no idea too. So am goin to A&E for checkup soon. Doc kept insistin I go since SAF gonna pay for it. Just gotta wait and see wads the result gonna b like I guess....
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/20/2007 06:15:00 PM |
Random Post
Spinning: "He Said She Said" - Ashley Tisdale

Just random post now...
I never had the intention of postin this at all. Not that Im ashamed of it cos seriously trust me I think this is something new and the experience is really fresh. I think this is a chance that not everyone would b able to attain. So Im thankful for it. Though I really digress alot on the idea of doin it cos I was still workin at Gucci back then. Jugglin with the schedules n stuffs like that. Plus the Creative Director of FourSkin has no intention of switchin models upon fittings and insisted on usin me for some lame reason he told Jess that he likes me. Or else I would have gladly pushed it to Sean since he know most of the models too...
But anyway, though the experience is new n great. But I think I did a bad job la. I seriously felt like an idiot walkin on the platform. Haha..I doubt I would ever wanna do it again. Do not wan to feel like a duck walkin on some platform anymore. No coordination of my movements n body. Felt so numb up there. And of cos frightful since there were so many stares below as well as lights goin off and on, pics taken not knowin how it looks like n stuffs. LoLx...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/19/2007 03:27:00 PM |
For Jess
Spinning: "Hold It Don't Drop" - Jennifer Lopez

Long awaited pics. I was always being told that Im slow in sendin pics but I found out Jess was even worst. She didnt even send lor. Instead I have to kapok everything from her Friendster. How lazy. Haha...
U r not entitle to b lazy even if that was ur bday party. Haha..Though I was like late there but I presume u enjoyed urself very much ba. It has been ages since we last met up. And it was a good time to catch up though it was a short one since I was kinda in a hurry to leave for another appointment. So sorry. But we do muz meet up again soon since u and Kel missed the last one...
Side note: From the pics...u could see the contrastin differences compared to the previous post. So much darker and there are white patches formin around the eyes area. How disgusting...Haha...Someone pls just photoshop it for me can....I beg u...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/18/2007 03:12:00 PM |
Spinning: "Headlines (Friendship Never Ends)" - Spice Girls
Damn...feelin so god damn miserable...
Im already feelin miserable in camp but now its worst cos I sprain my ankle during SOC. Something that I really hate alot. Maybe cos the fear of height. Especially jacob ladder n low ramp.
At least I got 4 days MC, so am gonna recuperate at home. Hopefully, I would b fine and ready for my 16km route march...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/17/2007 11:43:00 PM |
Men In Black
Spinning: "Clumsy" - Fergie

Met up with them after more than 2 months. Feels like a reunion from the good old CRM days. Though we dun meet quite often due to our own hectic schedules but I was glad to see them once again. All the laughters we shared on that table...takin silly candid shots...Just like who takes pics with shades at night with a glass of magarita on hand. Just like "Men in Black"...Haha only the shades though...

Though Kel, Jess and Rach weren't able to join us but at least I would say we have a fulfillin day. And it has been ages since we last caught movie together. And I muz say it was pretty much a good choice to catch "The Gameplan". At least it is funny and family oriented enjoyable. Haha

It has been a real long time since I last enjoyed myself real much. Dunno when would b the next time we r gonna meet. But I do know one thing for sure, that I do miss u guys and of cos that nite. Cos the followin day was really miserable for me. Love u gals. Hugs...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/16/2007 10:49:00 PM |
Confession Of A Teenage Boy
Spinning: "No One" - Alicia Keys

Met this lovely babes upon bookin out. Had a very siong wk as I have just completed 6 days of field camp. It practically just drain all my energy away. But I really do cherish my bookin out nights. As it is already miserable to be stuck in camp thus, I really appreciate all the companionship I could get.
Moreover, we bonded better after gettin to know one another better? Wad rubbish when we have known each other since Sec sch days. But then as time pass I guessed its just gettin to know them better n deeper. Haha..
It was really fun to hang out them. Considerin the fact that they always keep me in company when Im real bored shitless. And I could also share my deep dark secrets with them. Haha...Thats the most important thing. Its just like I also found another friend to play a part in my life too.
I do hope that they enjoy themselves on their trip with their friends. And hope to see u guys again soon. Like say next wk if Im able to book out...
| N a m e C r u i s e d A t 11/09/2007 09:19:00 PM |
*thinks im fat all e time
*strictly luv Meiji or Daisy Milk only!!
*can only tolerate short hair!!!!
*i'll shut up when im stressed up
*very klutzy
*very bitchy
*i always say things i shouldnt say and at the wrong time
*i love even number only
*i think alot..really..{and its scary}